package Brownie; use 5.008001; use strict; use warnings; use Carp (); our $VERSION = '0.06'; sub not_implemented { Carp::croak('Not implemented') } 1; =head1 NAME Brownie - Browser integration framework inspired by Capybara =head1 SYNOPSIS =head2 OO-Style use Test::More; use Brownie::Session; # external server my $session = Brownie::Session->new( driver => 'Mechanize', app_host => '', ); # PSGI app my $session = Brownie::Session->new( driver => 'Mechanize', app => sub { ...(PSGI app)... }, ); # PSGI file my $session = Brownie::Session->new( driver => 'Mechanize', app => 'app.psgi', ); $session->visit('/'); is $session->title => 'Some Title'; $session->fill_in('User Name' => 'brownie'); $session->fill_in('Email Address' => ''); $session->click_button('Login'); like $session->source => qr/Welcome (.+)/; $session->fill_in(q => 'Brownie'); $session->click_link_or_button('Search'); like $session->title => qr/Search result of Brownie/i; done_testing; =head2 DSL-Style NOT IMPLEMENTED YET =head1 DESCRIPTION Brownie is browser integrtion framework. It is inspired by Capybara (Ruby). =head1 VOCABULARY =over 4 =item * C =item * C =item * C =item * C =item * C<source> =item * C<screenshot($filename)> =item * C<click_link($locator)> =item * C<click_button($locator)> =item * C<click_on($locator)> =item * C<fill_in($locator, $value)> =item * C<choose($locator)> =item * C<check($locator)> =item * C<uncheck($locator)> =item * C<select($locator)> =item * C<unselect($locator)> =item * C<attach_file($locator, $filename)> =item * C<execute_script($javascript)> =item * C<evaluate_script($javascript)> =item * C<find($locator)> =item * C<all($locator)> =back =head1 AUTHOR NAKAGAWA Masaki E<lt>masaki@cpan.orgE<gt> =head1 LICENSE This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =head1 SEE ALSO L<Brownie::Session> L<Capybara|> =cut