=head1 NAME MojoX::Redis - asynchronous Redis client for L. =head1 SYNOPSIS use MojoX::Redis; my $redis = MojoX::Redis->new(server => ''); # Execute some commands $redis->ping( sub { my ($redis, $res) = @_; if ($res) { print "Got result: ", $res->[0], "\n"; } else { print "Error: ", $redis->error, "\n"; } } ); # Work with keys $redis->set(key => 'value'); $redis->get( key => sub { my ($redis, $res) = @_; print "Value of 'key' is $res->[0]\n"; } ); # Cleanup connection $redis->quit(sub { shift->stop }); # Start IOLoop (in case it is not started yet) $redis->start; Create new Mojo::IOLoop instance if you need to get blocked in a Mojolicious application. use Mojolicious::Lite; use MojoX::Redis; get '/' => sub { my $self = shift; my $redis = MojoX::Redis->new(ioloop => Mojo::IOLoop->new); my $value; $redis->set(foo => 'bar')->get( foo => sub { my ($redis, $result) = @_; $redis->quit->stop; return app->log->error($redis->error) unless $result; $value = $result->[0]; } )->start; $self->render(text => qq(Foo value is "$value")); }; app->start; =head1 DESCRIPTION L is an asynchronous client to Redis for Mojo. =head1 ATTRIBUTES L implements the following attributes. =head2 C my $server = $redis->server; $redis = $redis->server(''); C server connection string, defaults to ''. =head2 C my $ioloop = $redis->ioloop; $redis = $redis->ioloop(Mojo::IOLoop->new); Loop object to use for io operations, by default a L singleton object will be used. =head2 C my $timeout = $redis->timeout; $redis = $redis->timeout(100); Maximum amount of time in seconds a connection can be inactive before being dropped, defaults to C<300>. =head2 C my $encoding = $redis->encoding; $redis = $redis->encoding('UTF-8'); Encoding used for stored data, defaults to C. =head2 C use Protocol::Redis::XS; $redis->protocol_redis("Protocol::Redis::XS"); L implementation' constructor for parsing. By default L will be used. Parser library must support L. Using L instead of default choice can speedup parsing. =head1 METHODS L supports Redis' methods. $redis->set(key => 'value); $redis->get(key => sub { ... }); For more details take a look at C method. Also L implements the following ones. =head2 C $redis = $redis->connect; Connect to C server. =head2 C $redis = $redis->execute("ping" => sub{ my ($redis, $result) = @_; # Process result }); $redis->execute(lrange => ["test", 0, -1] => sub {...}); $redis->execute(set => [test => "test_ok"]); Execute specified command on C server. If error occured during request $result will be set to undef, error string can be obtained with $redis->error. =head2 C $redis->execute("ping" => sub { my ($redis, $result) = @_; die $redis->error unless defined $result; }); Returns error occured during command execution. Note that this method returns error code just from current command and can be used just in callback. =head2 C $redis->on_error(sub{ my $redis = shift; warn 'Redis error ', $redis->error, "\n"; }); Executes if error occured. Called before commands callbacks. =head2 C $redis->start; Starts IOLoop. Shortcut for $redis->ioloop->start; =head1 SEE ALSO L, L, L =head1 SUPPORT =head2 IRC #ru.pm on irc.perl.org =head1 DEVELOPMENT =head2 Repository https://github.com/und3f/mojox-redis =head1 AUTHOR Sergey Zasenko, C. =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2010-2011, Sergey Zasenko This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Artistic License version 2.0.