NAME Panda::NSS - Perl bindings to NSS Mozilla security library VERSION version 0.001 SYNOPSIS # verify certificate use Panda::NSS; Panda::NSS::init($nssdb_path); Panda::NSS::add_builtins(); my $cert = Panda::NSS::Cert->new($cert_data_in_der_format); if ($cert->simple_verify(Panda::NSS::CERTIFICATE_USAGE_OBJECT_SIGNER)) { print "Certificate OK\n"; } else { print "Certificate NOT VALID\n"; } DESCRIPTION This library is in very early stage of development. Any API can change. Currently you can verify certificates with AIA extension (when not all chain exists locally). FUNCTIONS "Panda::NSS::init( [ $certdb_path ] )" This function initialize NSS library. It calls "NSS_InitReadWrite(dbpath)". However you may not specify $certdb_path, in that case "NSS_NoDB_Init()" called, that mode not very useful for certificate checks. "Panda::NSS::reinit()" This function should be called after fork to reinitialize NSS library. Any outstanding handles will become invalid, but new will work. Actually this function compare current PID with saved in previous "init" or "reinit" one and calls "SECMOD_RestartModules(false)" if needed. Example: use Panda::NSS; Panda::NSS::init($nssdb_path); my $pid = fork(); if ($pid == 0) { # child Panda::NSS::reinit(); # ... other code in child } "Panda::NSS::add_builtins()" This function load nssckbi module, that contains default root certificates in NSS. May croaks if library initialized without certdb. CONSTANTS Certificate usage "Panda::NSS::CERTIFICATE_USAGE_CHECK_ALL_USAGES" "Panda::NSS::CERTIFICATE_USAGE_SSL_CLIENT" "Panda::NSS::CERTIFICATE_USAGE_SSL_SERVER" "Panda::NSS::CERTIFICATE_USAGE_SSL_SERVER_WITH_STEP_UP" "Panda::NSS::CERTIFICATE_USAGE_SSL_CA" "Panda::NSS::CERTIFICATE_USAGE_EMAIL_SIGNER" "Panda::NSS::CERTIFICATE_USAGE_EMAIL_RECIPIENT" "Panda::NSS::CERTIFICATE_USAGE_OBJECT_SIGNER" "Panda::NSS::CERTIFICATE_USAGE_USER_CERT_IMPORT" "Panda::NSS::CERTIFICATE_USAGE_VERIFY_CA" "Panda::NSS::CERTIFICATE_USAGE_PROTECTED_OBJECT_SIGNER" "Panda::NSS::CERTIFICATE_USAGE_STATUS_RESPONDER" "Panda::NSS::CERTIFICATE_USAGE_ANY_CA" CLASSES "Panda::NSS::Cert" CONSTRUCTOR "$cert = Panda::NSS::Cert->new( $data )" Constructs certificate object. $data can be certificate in DER binary format or in PEM format (Base64 encoded DER certificate, enclosed between *"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----"* and *"-----END CERTIFICATE-----"*). Format is auto-detected. PROPERTIES "$cert->version" Returns certificate version. 1, 2 or 3. "$cert->serial_number" Returns certificate serial number as a binary string. "$cert->serial_number_hex" Returns certificate serial number as a hex encoded string. "$cert->subject" Returns certificate subject as a string. "$cert->issuer" Returns certificate issuer as a string. "$cert->common_name" Returns common name extracted from subject. "$cert->country_name" Returns country name extracted from subject. "$cert->locality_name" Returns locality name extracted from subject. "$cert->state_name" Returns state field extracted from subject. "$cert->org_name" Returns organization name extracted from subject. "$cert->org_unit_name" Returns organization unit extracted from subject. "$cert->domain_component_name" Returns domain component extracted from subject. METHODS "$rv = $cert->simple_verify( [ $usage ], [ $time ])" Arguments: $usage (Default: "CERTIFICATE_USAGE_CHECK_ALL_USAGES") Certificate usage. One of "CERTIFICATE_USAGE_*" constants. $time (Default: current time) Time at which the certificate should be valid. Method do verification process (it uses "CERT_PKIXVerifyCert" from *NSS*). Returns "true" if certificate valid. "$rv = $cert->verify_signed_data( $data, $signature, [ $time ])" Verify the signature of a signed data with the given certificate. Returns "true" if signature match. SEE ALSO Crypt::NSS::X509 Another try to bind NSS to Perl. Crypt::OpenSSL::X509 Allow to work with certificates, but can't validate with AIA. LICENSE This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. SUPPORT Bugs / Feature Requests Please report any bugs or feature requests through the issue tracker at . You will be notified automatically of any progress on your issue. Source Code This is open source software. The code repository is available for public review and contribution under the terms of the license. git clone AUTHOR Vladimir Timofeev COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2014 by Vladimir Timofeev. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.