Columbia University Center for Computing Activities INFO-KERMIT DIGEST VOLUME 8 Christine Gianone, Editor July - December 1988 Table of Contents Volume 8, Number 1 1 Announcing MS-DOS Kermit 2.31 1 Volume 8, Number 2 5 Announcing CTOS/BTOS Kermit 1.07 5 Proposal for a New Command 13 Volume 8, Number 3 15 KERMIT-MS: Please Make Special Keys Available! 19 Volume 8, Number 4 26 Announcing C-Kermit for OS/2 27 Volume 8, Number 5 36 Kermit Files Available via UUCP at Oklahoma State U 37 Announcing Apple II Kermit Version 3.84 37 Volume 8, Number 6 48 Announcing the End of CU20B 48 Announcing a Maintenance Update for MS-Kermit 2.31 49 Announcing MS-Kermit 2.31 for NEC-PC9801 with Kana-Kanji 50 Announcing MS-DOS Kermit 2.31 for the Wang PC 51 Volume 8, Number 7 58 Volume 8, Number 8 69 Submission of new version of Kermit-UCSD (UCPECAN) 69 Volume 8, Number 9 79 Announcing MS-DOS Kermit 2.31/A, Beta Test 80 Announcing a Beta Test Kermit for MS-Windows 81 Announcing EASYK, a Menu-Driven Shell for MS-DOS Kermit 81 Announcing Hebrew Kermit, a Test Version for the IBM PC 81 MSDOS Kermit Script Files Available from SIMTEL20 82 Volume 8, Number 10 93 Announcing a Partial Re-release of TSO Kermit 93 Announcing a new version of Kermit for the Z100 94 New OS/2 Kermit Files 95 Volume 8, Number 11 105 Announcing a New Kermit for Microsoft Windows 105 Announcing Version 3.1 of Turbo Pascal Kermit 107 New xxu.c Utility Program 107 INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #1 Page 1 Info-Kermit Digest Fri, 8 Jul 1988 Volume 8 : Number 1 SPECIAL ISSUE: Announcing MS-DOS Kermit 2.31 Send digest submissions to Info-Kermit@CU20B, requests for addition to or deletion from the Info-Kermit subscriber list to Info-Kermit-Request@CU20B. Kermit files may be obtained over networks and by mail order. On the Internetwork, use FTP to log in to host CU20B, CU20B.COLUMBIA.EDU, or CU20B.CC.COLUMBIA.EDU (a DECSYSTEM-20), as user ANONYMOUS, using any password, and GET the desired files from logical device KER:. You can also get Kermit files over BITNET/EARN; to get started send a message with text HELP to KERMSRV, the Kermit file server, at host CUVMA. For detailed instructions, read the file KER:AANETW.HLP (AANETW HLP on KERMSRV). To order by mail, request a complete list of Kermit versions and an order form from Kermit Distribution, Columbia University Center for Computing Activities, 612 West 115th Street, New York, NY 10025 USA. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri 8 Jul 88 13:39:29-EDT From: Christine Gianone Subject: Announcing MS-DOS Kermit 2.31 Keywords: MS-DOS Kermit 2.31 This is to announce version 2.31 of MS-DOS Kermit for the IBM PC and PS/2 families and compatibles, the DEC Rainbow, the HP-150 and 110, the Grid Compass II, and for "generic DOS". This release replaces version 2.30 of January 1988. The majority of the work was done by Professor Joe R. Doupnik of Utah State University, who also prepared the 2.29 and 2.30 releases. The program requires DOS 2.0 or later, and 100K+ of memory. The major new features include an expanded script language, new communication options, Kermit File Attribute support, improved user and system interfaces, additional terminal emulation features, and many internal fixes and enhancements, plus a new manual and other documentation. The new features are described more fully at the end of this message. The executable files are stored in a special printable format, called "BOO files", suitable for BITNET file transfer, electronic mail, etc. These are decoded into .EXE files using a "BOO-file decoder" program. The documentation is available online in plain ASCII text format, and in Scribe text formatter source format. Following is a synopsis of the files. The KERMSRV name is the same as the CU20B name, except the "KER:" should be omitted, and the period between the filename and filetype should be a space, e.g. KER:MSAAAA.HLP on CU20B is MSAAAA HLP on CUVMA. CU20B Name Size Description KER:MSAAAA.HLP 7K Explanation of file naming conventions KER:MSB*.* 185K total BOO-file encoding/decoding programs (many) KER:MSVIBM.BOO 113K IBM PC Kermit, BOO-encoded executable KER:MSVRB1.BOO 82K DEC Rainbow Kermit BOO file KER:MSVGEN.BOO 77K Generic MS-DOS Kermit BOO file Page 2 INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #1 KER:MSVHP1.BOO 77K HP-150 (untested) KER:MSVHPX.BOO 77K HP-110 and Portable PC (untested) KER:MSVGRI.BOO 77K Grid Compass II (untested) KER:MSKERM.DOC 312K MS-DOS Kermit manual, plain ASCII text KER:MSKERM.MSS 302K Scribe text formatter source for manual KER:MSKERM.HLP 16K A summary of MS-Kermit commands KER:MSKERM.BWR 16K List of known restrictions, bugs, etc. KER:MSS*.* 760K total System-independent MASM Source files (12 files) KER:MSG*.* 120K each System-dependent source (graphics, IBM only) KER:MSU*.* 72-87K each Sys-depn source (keyboard support, all systems) KER:MSX*.* 40-168K each Sys-depn source (port i/o, etc, all systems) KER:MSY*.* 106K each Sys-depn source (terminal emulation, IBM only) KER:MSZ*.* 181K each Sys-depn source (term emul, cont'd, IBM only) KER:MSV*.MAK 2K each Microsoft MAKE files for each version KER:MSV*.BAT 2K each Batch files to build each version KER:MSV*.LNK 1K each LINK command files for each version The utility program MSUCHK.C (and .BOO), contributed by Phil Benchoff, allows convenient determination of MS-Kermit's keyboard codes on the IBM PC family. And the files MSIXSE.* are the XSEND program, contributed by Mark Zinzow, for constructing MS-Kermit command files that send entire directory trees from one DOS system to another. Be sure to read the MSKERM.BWR file before trying to use the new version, or reporting any problems with it. Here are the minimum files needed for the new release ("xxx" stands for the specific version, IBM, RB1, HP1, HPX, or GEN): 1. For everybody: The documentation -- MSKERM.DOC, MSKERM.HLP, MSKERM.BWR. 2. For those who already have Kermit on their PC: MSVxxx.BOO. 3. If you don't have an MSBPCT "BOO-file decoder", also get at least MSBPCT.BAS (the slow BASIC version) and MSBPCT.BOO (an .EXE version from C, which you can decode with MSBPCT.BAS). 4. For those who want to make modifications to the sources: MSS*.*, MSGxxx.* (if any), MSXxxx.*, MSYxxx.* (if any), MSZxxx.* (if any), MSVxxx.MAK (or .BAT if you don't have MAKE), and MSVxxx.LNK. The systems for which we don't yet have the new version ready are still in the Kermit distribution as before, under the MSV, MSX, and MSY prefixes. These will be replaced as the new ones appear. The IBM PC, DEC Rainbow, and HP-150 versions may also be ordered on diskette from Columbia, along with typeset, printed copies of the manual. The IBM version is available on 5.25-inch 360K DS DD diskettes, and on 3.5-inch 720K DS diskettes for the PS/2 family. The Rainbow version is on RX50. The HP-150 version is on 3.5" diskette. New features for release 2.31 include... SCRIPT LANGUAGE: INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #1 Page 3 Kermit's script language has been significantly expanded. It has become a regular little programming language, similar to what's found in the commercial packages: - Substitutable parameters in macro invocations, similar to DOS Batch. - Variables can be defined, referenced, and undefined. - GOTO and labels for transfer of control within a TAKE file or macro - An IF statement for testing conditions including SUCCESS or FAILURE of the preceding command (like SEND, GET, RECEIVE, INPUT, etc), or the time of day, or whether a file exists, or whether a variable is defined, etc. - A loop counting mechanism. - A way to reexamine text that has already been INPUT. - A way to test for the modem signals CD, CTS, and DSR. - Limited interaction with user ("Type any key when ready...") A WIDER RANGE OF COMMUNICATION OPTIONS: - SET PORT COMn (n = 1 to 4). Support for COM1 through COM4 on the IBM PC/AT and PS/2 series. - SET PORT BIOSn (n = 1 to 4). Support for communication ports 1 to 4, using Bios-level drivers, like those supplied with certain local area networks. - SET PORT NET [] as in 2.30, for NetBios-based local area networks. - SET PORT UB-NET1 for Ungermann-Bass Net/One. Ungermann-Bass code contributed by Henrick Levkowetz (Philips Kista AG, Stockholm) and Renne Rehmann (Switzerland) FILE ATTRIBUTES: Kermit File Attributes packets are now exchanged with other Kermit programs that know about them. This lets MS-DOS Kermit know the size of incoming files in advance, lets it reject them if there's not enough disk space, and lets MS-Kermit display the percent done for incoming as well as outbound files. Attribute packets also allow arriving files be stored with their original creation dates and times. This mechanism has been tested successfully with Kermit-370 on IBM mainframes, PDP-11 Kermit, and with MS-DOS Kermit itself. A new MAIL command, that lets MS-Kermit send a file to a Kermit server with instructions (in an Attribute packet) to deliver it as mail to a specified user (as yet, no Kermit servers can do this). USER AND SYSTEM INTERFACE: - A new HELP command was added (a concise screenful of text, nothing fancy). - A new transaction logging feature was added. - CD is now a synomym for CWD. - Macros can be invoked by name, without DO. - Improved operation under MS-Windows (PgUp/PgDn now work). - Error messages redesigned to be more helpful. - Long Kermit commands in TAKE files can be continued onto subsequent lines. - Many new SHOW commands, for different groupings of paramaters. - Macro definitions can be shown individually. - The Kermit command line interface now permits full 8-bit character inputs. - "kermit < todo.lst > todo.log" works. Page 4 INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #1 - "sort < todo.lst | kermit" works. - Kermit's return status code is now user-settable, via SET ERRORLEVEL. - ERRORLEVEL now set correctly after SEND. TERMINAL EMULATION: - Tektronix emulation improvements. - User can identify graphics adapter explicitly. - VGA 640x480 graphics now supported. - VT102 scrolling within region speeded up. - A new \Kholdscrn verb has been added (VT100 "hold screen"). - The VT102 emulator now supports escape sequences to control local echoing. - Reply to ESC Z "what are you?" query changed from "ESC[?6;2c" to "ESC[?6c". - VT52 printer-control escape sequences ESC W and ESC X now work. - Ctrl-@ now sends ASCII NUL (0) by default. OTHER CHANGES: The SERVER command now accepts an optional time limit, to make the server shut down after a certain amount of elapsed time or at a given time of day. The SPACE command no longer requires presence of CHKDSK.COM, and therefore no longer hangs the MS-Kermit server if it finds something wrong with the disk. Some internal forward references were juggled so that MS-Kermit 2.31 can be assembled with Microsoft MASM 5.1 (2.30 could not be...) Echoed XOFFs are now detected and no longer cause a deadlock. Under network operation, files opened read-only now have the DOS DENY-NONE bit set so that competing tasks may access them simultaneously, such as when they are run by Pushing or RUN within Kermit. The inevitable bug fixes. FINAL WORDS: Like any Kermit program, MS-DOS Kermit is for everyone to use and share. Please take or order the files you need. If you're getting files over a network, please be judicious -- don't ask for KER:MS*.*, or the networks will be choked for months! Once you get a working copy at your site, share it with others, rather than having them make further network requests. Send complaints, bug reports, suggestions, comments, or even praise and testimonials (where they're deserved) to Info-Kermit@CU20B (.CC.COLUMBIA.EDU). And thanks once again on behalf of the world's thousands or millions of MS-DOS Kermit users to Joe Doupnik for his skill, generosity, and patience. And thanks also to the beta testers. ------------------------------ End of Info-Kermit Digest INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #2 Page 5 Info-Kermit Digest Thu, 14 Jul 1988 Volume 8 : Number 2 Departments: ANNOUNCEMENTS - Announcing CTOS/BTOS Kermit 1.07 PORTABLE 370 KERMIT - Re: Kermit-370 Report MACINTOSH KERMIT - MacKermit 0.9(40 -Transfer of Mac Applications, How? MacKermit Flaw MAC <> UNIX Mainframe File Transfer Trouble de-BinHexing MacKermit 0.9(40) MAC II Session Logging MacKermit 0.9(40) Suggested Enhancement for MacKermit RE: Basic MacKermit Help MacKermit Functionality Bug in MacKermit? Problems with MacKermit 0.9(40) MISCELLANY - C64 kermit Download Problem (2 messages) C-Kermit for Intel 310 Xenix 3.0? Proposal for a New Command Send digest submissions to Info-Kermit@CU20B, requests for addition to or deletion from the Info-Kermit subscriber list to Info-Kermit-Request@CU20B. Kermit files may be obtained over networks and by mail order. On the Internetwork, use FTP to log in to host CU20B, CU20B.COLUMBIA.EDU, or CU20B.CC.COLUMBIA.EDU (a DECSYSTEM-20), as user ANONYMOUS, using any password, and GET the desired files from logical device KER:. You can also get Kermit files over BITNET/EARN; to get started send a message with text HELP to KERMSRV, the Kermit file server, at host CUVMA. For detailed instructions, read the file KER:AANETW.HLP (AANETW HLP on KERMSRV). To order by mail, request a complete list of Kermit versions and an order form from Kermit Distribution, Columbia University Center for Computing Activities, 612 West 115th Street, New York, NY 10025 USA. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 6 Jul 88 16:27:20 edt From: Joel Dunn Subject: Announcing CTOS/BTOS Kermit 1.07 Keywords: CTOS, BTOS, Convergent NGEN, Burroughs B20 Last fall I sent you a copy of Kermit that I had ported to CTOS on Convergent NGEN systems and BTOS on the Burroughs B20. I just dropped another version in the mail that adds a few features and fixes a few bugs. This version I call CTOS-Kermit 1.07, and the most significant feature is probably its VT100 emulation in terminal mode. It isn't a perfect VT100, but it works for most things without blowing up. I have had this version in distribution since January, and have have heard positive feedback, and I have not heard from Page 6 INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #2 anyone that was having problems. --Joel Dunn, UNC-Chapel Hill Administrative Data Processing [Ed. - Thanks, Joel! The new version has replaced the old one as KER:CT*.* in the Kermit Distribution. The files and naming conventions are listed in KER:CTAAAA.DOC. The program is based on an old release of C-Kermit, but Joel says that when he gets C-Kermit 4E(070) he will try to add the CTOS/BTOS support to it, so it will be yet another of the regular C-Kermits.] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 1988 Jul 1 22:21 EDT From: (John F. Chandler) PEPMNT@CFAAMP.BITNET Subject: Re: Kermit-370 Report Keywords: Kermit-370 > Subject: IBM 370 Kermit 4.0 bugs (?), questions > Keywords: IBM 370 Kermit 4.0 > > I'm using TSO-Kermit 4.0 on a COMPAREX 7/88 with MVS/XA with VTAM and > IBM7171 controller. After downloading some files in server mode, I give a > REMOTE KERMIT TDUMP NAMES command to see the amount of files transferred. > After that i give a REMOTE KERMIT STATUS command. Now again a REMOTE KERMIT > TDUMP NAMES command and here the size of the last file is changed to 0K. > This happens only in server mode, but also with CMS-Kermit 4.0. Yes, the last file in the list is vulnerable -- this can also happen if you interrupt a multi-file transfer via ^X/^Z. Someday, I'll see about fixing this. > The REMOTE TYPE command works, but the TYPE command at the prompt level > doesn't work. I got a "MODULE 'LIST' NOT FOUND" error. The COPY command > doesn't work either. TYPE assumes you have a LIST command available on your system -- if you don't, it should be easy enough to get one. The same is true of COPY (IBM and other vendors offer packages including LIST, COPY, MERGE, and others). > The DIRECTORY command doesn't work with a parameter or with wildcards as > DIR *.FOR Yes, DIR just uses the LISTCAT facility under TSO. If you want more sophisticated options than "LISTC" or "LISTC LEVEL(...)", you'll have to issue the command directly. > When I'm using long packets, the packet size is at about 995 for a long time > (many Kbytes) and then suddenly shrinks to about 500 or less. There are only > 2 or 3 repeat packet for 200K data. So this feature does not satisfy me. By my calculation, 3 repeat packets at 100K of data will reduce the size to about 700, but the size will then gradually recover. The size shouldn't drop to 500 without at least 7 transmission errors. All this aside, the throughput with 1000-byte packets is not a great deal more than that with 500-byte packets, even with a noise-free line, unless the INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #2 Page 7 the line turn-around time is large. See the Kermit Newsletter (summer 1988) for a discussion of throughput. > How does the kermit HELP command work? I only get "HELP NOT AVAILABLE+", > while the TSO HELP KERMIT command works well. It seems I left detailed descriptions of the HELP command out of both the CMS and TSO Kermit documentation! The syntax is very simple: for TSO, type either HELP or HELP for information about Kermit as a whole or about a particular subcommand. For CMS, type just HELP. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 10 Jun 88 23:29:11 EDT From: Subject: MacKermit 0.9(40 -Transfer of Mac Applications, How? Keywords: MacKermit 0.9(40) I had been experimenting with MacKermit 0.9(40) without documentation and having no success in transferring a binary file to my Mac. Upon perusal of the newly released documentation, I confirmed a suspicion that my problems were due to MacKermit's inability to perform MacBinary conversion. However, it is not obvious to me how to compensate and obtain a binary file. Is there some arcane process involving ResEdit required to reassemble data and resource forks transmitted as two separate files? (I assume that is how the pieces must be sent.) Any help with this problem would be appreciated. - Maretta Holden [From Paul Placeway - Since Kermit (and hence MacKermit) is designed to send only single fork files, the best way to transfer applications is to use something like BinHex or StuffIt to put the data and resource forks and the finder info into the data fork of a single file, send that to the other Mac, and unpack it again.] ------------------------------ From: dlt@csuna.UUCP (Dave Thompson) Subject: MacKermit Flaw Date: 9 Jun 88 16:57:04 GMT Keywords: MacKermit 0.9(40) I just finished a cursory evaluation of Kermit 0.9(40) and found one rather fatal flaw. There is no option to make the delete key send a backspace rather than a delete character. While many of our mainframes (if not most) accept, or can be made to accept the delete key, we have a few that require use of the backspace character. While I guess you *can* use control-h, that's sort-of tedious. For those of you who wrote this program, how about an option to change this (rather as VersaTerm of MacTerminal does)? Dave Thompson uucp: {ihnp4|hplabs|psivax}!csun!csuna!dlt CSUN Computer Center phone: (818) 885-2790 18111 Nordhoff Street, Northridge, CA 91330 [From Paul - Bind a macro of a Control-H to the delete key; the easist way to Page 8 INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #2 type in the macro is either "\^h" or "\010" (don't include the double quotes).] ------------------------------ Date: 16 Jun 88 14:24:25 GMT From: ut-sally!ut-emx! (The Mad Hatter) Subject: MAC <> UNIX Mainframe File Transfer Keywords: MacKermit, C-Kermit I have a seemingly simple question: Whenever I do a file transfer from the unix mainframes to the Mac II, the text file gets all messaed up. Line sequences are disrupted, square boxes (what does that character mean?) are inserted at the beginning of lines). I use kermit via a Red Ryder program. Any suggestions/solutions for this problem ? Is there any way I can transfer a file EXACTLY the way it is ? Also, I use Macwrite to open the file on the MAC II. Jim The Mad Hatter [From Paul - The main problem with transfering files between Unix and a Mac is the newline character. On Unix, a newline is a Linefeed (Control-J), but on a Mac it is a Return (Control-M). If a text file is transfered to a Mac in binary mode, everything will look fine except that wherever there should be a newline, there is a little box character instead (indicating a Linefeed character). So the real question is do you want the file transfered exactly as-is, in which case you would use binary mode, or do you want the newlines converted, in which case you want to use text mode.] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 18 Jun 88 15:49:26 PDT From: (Sean Patrick Burke) Subject: Trouble de-BinHexing MacKermit 0.9(40) Keywords: MacKermit 0.9(40) I have downloaded MacKermit 0.9(40) to my Mac, but have had trouble with the BinHex step: BinHex version 5.0 says "no checksum error". The MacKermit file is stated to be encoded in BinHex version 4 format. Do my troubles arise from incompatible versions of BinHex? Are there other possibilities I may have overlooked? Any advice will be appreciated. Thanx much, Sean Burke [From Paul - Make sure the first line of the file says "(This file must be converted with BinHex 4.0)" ckmker.hqx should be 100781 bytes long on a Mac or a Unix box; if it's too short, re-ftp it.] ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 23 Jun 88 08:34:33 PDT From: GDCWOOD%CALSTATE.BITNET@CUVMA.CC.COLUMBIA.EDU INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #2 Page 9 Subject: MAC II Session Logging Keywords: MacKermit 0.9(36)b4 I am having problems with writing a session log when using MacKermit .9(36)B4 on a MAC II. When choosing write session log from the settings menu, Kermit goes through the motions of writing a log; however, after discontinuing the log, the file Kermit session is nowhere to be found! Any pointers on where i'm going astray would be greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance for your time on this one. Dan Calderwood Humboldt State University Academic Computing BITNET:GDCWOOD@CALSTATE [From Paul - There seems to be some problems with the log files being created invisible on some Macs. I haven't had it happen to me, and the code that creates the log file looks fine, so I really don't know what is going on. The only thing I can say off hand is make sure you have version 0.9(40).] ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 05 Jul 88 14:56:27 EDT From: Subject: MacKermit 0.9(40) Keywords: MacKermit 0.9(40) I am running MacKermit 0.9(40) on a Mac II. I am getting older. My eyes are getting poorer. And MacKermit uses the top left 1/4 or the screen on my Mac II! Is there a possibility of MacKermit using the full screen on a Mac II? Before my eyes give out completely? Larry Bradley Communications Manager National Research Council of Canada Networks Branch Ottawa, Canada (613) 993-0240 [From Paul - The non-changable MacKermit terminal emulator window is a problem, but it will take quite a bit of work, because MacKermit knows deep in its heart that the terminal window is a fixed size and each character is also a fixed size. If anyone else does it first, I'll be more than happy to include it (actually, I'll probably jump up and down 8-) MacKermit 0.9(40) already does background file transfers under MultiFinder (although it doesn't unhighlite the top window correctly yet). Typeing into the file dialog box will take a bit of work; I'll take a look at it.] ------------------------------ Date: Tuesday, 19 January 1988 19:59 edt Page 10 INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #2 From: David M. Rosenberg Subject: Suggested Enhancement for MacKermit Keywords: MacKermit The Macintosh normally uses the OPTION key in combination with certain other keys (E, I, U, N, & `) as dead key accents. These dead keys produce no character themselves. However, when they are followed by certain (alphabetic) characters, the dead keys apply the specified accent to the specified alphabetic character. This behavior is normally desirable. However, within Kermit's terminal emulator, you may want to use the OPTION key as a general modifier (as set in the "Set modifiers ..." dialog). In that case, you would probably like all "OPTION-letter" combinations to act in a uniform mannor, not have a few of them be dead keys. The VersaTerm terminal emulator provides a switch (to be set with ResEdit) that controls whether "OPTION dead keys" are enabled or disabled while VersaTerm is running. If they are disabled, OPTION-E generates a keydown event with only one keystroke. I request that you consider adding a similar switch to Macintosh Kermit (probably in the "Set modifiers ..." dialog) to control whether dead keys are enabled or disabled while the terminal emulator is running. /David M. Rosenberg (Rosenberg@BCO-MULTICS.ARPA) [From Paul - As soon as OSU gets a hold of a real MPW 2.0 (we are running MPW 2.0 a4, w/o the script manager stuff), I will add exactly this, except that it will be (yet another) dialog settable option. Actually, the code is allready there, but not tested. I have had a number of different requests for additions to the key mapping scheme. I personally would like to use the Option key as a Meta key (sets the 8th bit, for Emacs), but I also know of people who would like to use Option as a control key, as a way of addressing extended characters (vowels with accents, for example). There are probably also thing that no one is interested in doing, so I am taking a survey: what do you want Kermit to do with the keyboard? Please send responses to me ( I will summarize the results to Info-Kermit, and work on implementing whatever isn't but needs to be.] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 11 Apr 88 11:55:49 EDT From: "Robert E. Zaret" Subject: RE: Basic MacKermit Help Keywords: MacKermit, RedRyder I just downloaded and then uploaded a text file from CMS-Kermit 3.1 to RedRyder 10.3 Kermit with no problems. On the mainframe end, I used the SEND and RECEIVE commands. The required settings depend on the type of connection: TTY lines: Kermit handshake set to ^Q (ASCII decimal 17) general (terminal emulation) flow-control none Full-screen lines (via protocol converters such as 7171 or Series/1): INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #2 Page 11 Kermit handshake set to none general (terminal emulation) flow-control XON/XOFF I generally avoid server mode (my first impression suggested it can be flakey and error-recovery can be more difficult). ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 11 Jul 88 15:46:06 edt From: caldara@alliant.Alliant.COM (Steve Caldara) Subject: MacKermit Functionality Keywords: MacKermit 0.9(40) Hi, I would find the following functionality very useful if it was added to MacKermit. 1. Resizable window with zoom box. (I've requested this previously) 2. Background file transfer under MF ( Ditto above ) [Ed. - 0.9(40) has this.] 3. The ability to 'type' the name of the file in the file dialog box when uploading files to a remote host. I do a lot of uploading of postscript files to our unix hosts and then print them to a laser writer. I am trying to semi-automate the process with 'Quick Keys' After I've created the postscript file using Clover-F I use the 'Find File' DA to locate the folder it is in. When I select the MacKermit Send command under the File menu it pops up with the corrent folder selected. At this point tI would like to be able to enter the file name from the keyboard and click open. Thanx, Steve Caldara P.S. As is, MacKermit is great. Thanx to all those who have worked on it. These suggestions are requests to make it even betterr ( at least for me :-) ) ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 13 Jul 88 15:24:38 PDT From: jak@violet.Berkeley.EDU (John A. Kunze) Subject: Bug in MacKermit? Keywords: MacKermit 0.9(40) I've noticed a fairly annoying bug in MacKermit when connected to Unix through several versions. The terminal emulation (with vt100 or vt102 termcap) has a glitch around column 72 that I suspect has something to do with internal margin bell handling. If you edit this message and try moving the cursor back and forth near the ends of the lines in "vi" (using the commands w, e, l, etc.), you'll notice that "vi" gets confused about the state of the screen: characters get overwritten with the wrong information and the line seems to lose a character. John Kunze Page 12 INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #2 ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 14 Jul 88 10:15:19 EDT From: (Atul Kacker) Subject: Problems with MacKermit 0.9(40) Keywords: MacKermit 0.9(40) I have been using MacKermit 0.9(40) for some time now. I like the way keyboard remapping is done. The keyboard shortcuts (in place of using the mouse) are nice, but some of them do not work ! In particular, Command-Q for quitting and Command-S for sending files don't do anything. Command-Q just makes my modem beep... Is it only me or is there really a bug here ? My Mac is a Mac+. Atul Kacker ( ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 30 Jun 88 11:35:48 PDT From: GRAFFMAN%VAP@ames-io.ARPA Subject: C64 kermit Download Problem - Digest V7 #15 Keywords: C64 Kermit Another solution to the C64 download problem short of fixing the hex file is to run C64DXL.BAS to create the C64DXL.C000 and NOT reset the 64. Then RUN C64DXL.C000 on the kermit hex file. The end address will appear but the system will hang. Write the address down, reset the 64 (power off 'n' on) and run C64DXL.C0000 again to create the executable. Ira Graffman NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center [Ed. - See message below...] ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 30 Jun 88 22:27:12 EST From: (Ray Moody) Subject: C64 Kermit Downloading Problem Keywords: C64 Kermit RE: Info-Kermit Digest V7 #15 > Many people have a problem with dowloading and converting C-64 Kermit. The part about the RTS vs. BRK instruction is really a matter of taste. Most monitors will catch the "BRK" instruction, and exit to BASIC if you use an RTS instruction. As to the checksum problem, C64DXL doesn't use the checksum in the last line anyway. As soon as it sees the ";00" at the start of the line, it stops. (Perhaps it should use the checksum....) Anyway, I am looking for a better way of distributing Kermit over the INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #2 Page 13 networks. As anybody who has tried the current method knows knows, it is gross and ugly. There will be a new version of Kermit before too much longer. Ray ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 7 Jul 88 22:04:22 GMT From: Subject: C-Kermit for Intel 310 Xenix 3.0? Keywords: C-Kermit How do I get a copy of Kermit for an Intel 310 running Xenix v3.0? The computer does not have a C compiler on it. Which make file parameters ckuker.mak? Rodney B. Roeber [Ed. - C-Kermit for Unix, Xenix, etc, only comes in source form. Is it true that people have Xenix with no C compiler? If so, is there anyone out there who would like to volunteer to distribute Kermit on diskette for these systems?] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 6 Jun 88 15:04:34 PDT From: (Farhad Arbab) Subject: Proposal for a New Command Keywords: Kermit Protocol I would like to suggest adding a new command to kermit to make it possible for an arbitrary program to talk to a remote host. I think this is easy to do for kermits running under Unix, but it may not be so easy to do for some other systems, e.g. DOS. My comments, therefore, really refer to C-Kermit under Unix. What I need to do is this: I want to connect to a remote host that is running a program P, and carry out a conversation with P. Since the behavior of P is very predictable, the conversation on my part is mostly mechanical. I would like to replace me on my end with a local program, L, essentially a sh script. I know about script in kermit but script is too restrictive for my purpose. (With script, you can specify only a sequence of expect/send strings. The optional sends within an expect string basically allow you to get the remote to a state where the next send would be appropriate. I need to send different things depending on the string I receive, and I need to do some "computation" to figure out what I'm going to send.) What I need is a new command, say "pipe", which works just as connect, but instead of connecting the line to /dev/tty, it connects the line to the standard input and output of a given process: "pipe L" will then do what I want. When L terminates, I want to return to the command mode of kermit. L can be an arbitrary program (anything that can be executed via the ! escape). Page 14 INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #2 How easy or difficult is it to add this feature to kermit? Do you know of other easy ways to accomplish the same effect? Is there another communications program that provides such a feature? Farhad Arbab [Ed. - There are several possible methods that could be added to C-Kermit. One of them could be a fully elaborated Kermit-style script language, complete with variables, IF's, and GOTOs, similar to MS-DOS Kermit 2.31. This is one of the many, many, many items on the "to-do" list for C-Kermit.] ------------------------------ End of Info-Kermit Digest INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #3 Page 15 Info-Kermit Digest Wed, 20 Jul 1988 Volume 8 : Number 3 MS-DOS KERMIT ISSUE: MS-Kermit v2.29d for HZ100 Scan codes for Kermit 2.30 More DG/1 Success Kermit for the DG/1 and Archimedes? Problems with Generic MS-Kermit Tek4027 or color calls in MSKERM or QKKERM KERMIT-MS: Please Make Special Keys Available! MS-Kermit 2.31-test5 Take File Bug MS-Kermit 2.31-test5 Screen Rollback MS-Kermit and VT100 Printers Kermit Key Redefinition of Esc-chr: To Show on Mode Line. MS-Kermit (and others) Screen Rollback Selecting MS-Kermit .INI Files Bug in MS-Kermit V2.31-test6 ? MS-Kermit vs Smartcom MS-Kermit Tek-4010 Emulation Colors Bug in Kermit-MS on Tandy 3000HD? Kermit 2.31 Did AT&T 6300 Graphics Get Canned in 2.31? Send digest submissions to Info-Kermit@CU20B, requests for addition to or deletion from the Info-Kermit subscriber list to Info-Kermit-Request@CU20B. Kermit files may be obtained over networks and by mail order. On the Internetwork, use FTP to log in to host CU20B, CU20B.COLUMBIA.EDU, or CU20B.CC.COLUMBIA.EDU (a DECSYSTEM-20), as user ANONYMOUS, using any password, and GET the desired files from logical device KER:. You can also get Kermit files over BITNET/EARN; to get started send a message with text HELP to KERMSRV, the Kermit file server, at host CUVMA. For detailed instructions, read the file KER:AANETW.HLP (AANETW HLP on KERMSRV). To order by mail, request a complete list of Kermit versions and an order form from Kermit Distribution, Columbia University Center for Computing Activities, 612 West 115th Street, New York, NY 10025 USA. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 9 Jun 1988 22:13-PDT From: SAC.DYESGPF@E.ISI.EDU Subject: MS-Kermit v2.29d for HZ100 Keywords: MS-DOS Kermit 2.29d, Heath-Zenith/100 Now for the main reason for contacting you: I have been using v2.29d MS-Kermit for Z100s since early april but have been unable to toggle the printer on/off. F12 does nothing and SF12 prints the letter L on the screen. The documentation I have is for v2.30 for IBMs but I have not found anything for 2.29d HZ100 Kermit. Additionally, can we expect to see v2.30 with vt102 emulation for the Z100 sometime or has this project/idea been dropped? Thank you for any and all assistance. Al Holecek Page 16 INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #3 [From jrd - The Z100 code for 2.29 is rather ancient. Drew Derbyshire has done extensive modifications and updating of the Z100 specific files and will shortly have a much improved Kermit. He has toyed with the idea of porting the VT102 emulator but that requires a fair amount of personal time. A test version of Z100 MS Kermit at the 2.31 level will be available sometime soon this summer.] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 1 Jun 88 11:04:34 edt From: Mike Watson Subject: Scan codes for Kermit 2.30 Keywords: MS-DOS Kermit 2.30, Scan Codes Does anyone have a listing of all the scan codes for PC-AT compatibles? Or a program to produce such a listing? Specifically the scan code I am looking for at the moment is Control-Space on a Zenith 248. Show key doesn't even recognize this as being any different than Alt-Space or Just-Plain-Space. Is this a legal keystroke under 2.30? It worked under 2.29B. Please send all responses directly to me and I will summarize for the net. Arpa: Usenet: uunet!!mwatson _ _ _ _ __ _ ' ) ) ) / /) ' ) ) ' ) / _/_ / / / o _. /_ __. _ // /--' / / / __. / _ ______ / ' (_(_(__/ /_(_(_(<_(/_ / \ o (_(_/ (_(_(__/_)_(_) /) )_ [From jrd - the system Bios reports space bar as a plain ascii space, no matter what other keys are held down. Since there are plenty of other legal key combinations available, such as the standard Control-@ for NULL, I'd recommend using one of them.] [Ed. - Cute signature! You can use the program MSUCHK to conveniently determine scan codes for use with Kermit 2.30 and later (MSUCHK is the Kermit Distribution name, the real name is SCANCHEK).] ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 31 May 88 22:17:32 EDT From: "Robert E. Zaret" Subject: More DG/1 Success Keywords: MS-DOS Kermit 2.30, DG/1 I have figured out how to use Kermit with COM1 (internal or external modem). Specifically, I can use MS-Kermit 2.30 extended development (my copy is dated 23 April 1988) on my DG/1 Model 1 with the version of DOS 2.11 that came with it. Issuing the following command before starting Kermit activates COM1 for use with an external modem: mode com1:on Issuing the following commands before starting Kermit activates the internal modem: INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #3 Page 17 mode com1:off mode com1:on,int Either way, Kermit will start up using BIOS1 (the BIOS version of COM1) and will be able to control the speed of the port. I tried these commands with earlier versions of MS-Kermit, but failed. Problems: I have had trouble using the MPDA (Monitor, Printer, Display Adaptor) and external monitor at 1200 bps. I think the main problem is that performance when Kermit uses BIOS is borderline at 1200 bps, and adding the adaptor and monitor slows the DG just enough. I would probably be willing to put up with missing characters, but cannot tolerate the problems I have had with cursor keys. I will try some experiments, but my current guess is as follows: The cursor keys do not work when I am connected to an IBM mainframe via a Series/1 protocol converter. I believe this particular Series/1 is set up to switch the mode of the cursor keys when the user says the terminal type is VT100. I suspect my DG/Kermit combination never "sees" the command to switch modes. Simple problem with agravating results. I was unable to use MS-Kermit 2.31 - test 4 (25 April 1988). I sent details to Joe D., but thought I should let others know. [From jrd - there is not much we can do if the machine is polling the serial port via the Bios and its speed is just a hair too slow sometimes. Normally the solution is to request the host to pad material, but here the problem arises at login time. Could padding be setup as part of the login command file (if any) or at least have the system repeat the setup soon thereafter?] [Ed. - Of course, the ideal solution for the DG/1 is for someone to provide system-specific code to take advantage of its features, bypassing the slow Bios polling, etc. Since the DG/1 is apparently IBM-compatible in all respects but the serial port, probably all that is needed is an MSXDG1.ASM module, based on the MSXIBM.ASM version, modified for the DG/1's UART & internal modem. Volunteers?] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 6 Jun 88 21:00:34 EST From: munnari!!ccmk@uunet.UU.NET Subject: Kermit for the DG/1 and Archimedes? Keywords: MS-DOS Kermit 2.30, DG/1, Archimedes I have a Kermit user who is trying to get MS Kermit 2.30 working with his DG/1 model 2 with IBM compatible serial port. He says he has tried various combinations of set port, baud, etc with no luck. Apparently 2.29 did work! Is there anyone else with this problem? If so, are there any solutions? I noticed a message in Info-Kermit Digest V7 #12 stating version 2.30 extended development (is that one of the new test releases?) sort of worked. Also, is there a port of Kermit for the Acorn Archimedes? If it is only on the very latest distribution tape then can I get a .boo file and unboo source for the Archimedes? Page 18 INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #3 Thanks Mark Kosten ACSNET: Computer Centre ARPA: La Trobe University BITNET: Bundoora 3083 or via return address on mail header Australia phone: +61 3 479 2766 [From jrd - On the DG/1, see the note from Robert Zaret above. On the Acorn, I am unaware of such a port but Alan Phillips in the UK knows if anyone does.] ------------------------------ Date: Tue 28 Jun 88 21:25:43-EDT From: Charles Lasner Subject: Problems with Generic MS-Kermit Keywords: MS-DOS Kermit 2.30, Generic Kermit, Victor 9000 Xref: Sirius, see Victor MS-Kermit Generic V2.30 8 Jan 88 does not work on a Victor 9000. I tried using SET PORT FILE-HANDLE Handle: 3 and only got a screen full of "3" characters! (and it crashed) using handles 1-4 yield unusable results, but at least I could escape back from them Using 4 caused "device error" to appear infinitely. using 1 and 2 causes console echoing (obviously talking to CON:). BTW, this never worked before, but at least this generic version warns you when you put in fantasy values; former versions crashed with higher values of file-handle value. Can anyone guess at what's not so "generic" about Victor 9000. We do have the Victor-specific modules, so in theory, the generic version should be fixed. cjl (OC.LASNER@CU20B) [From jrd - Bryan Peterson is the resident Victor 9000 guru. Was ANSI.SYS installed to read that backspace escape sequence? On Generic Kermit and file handle 3: goodness knows, that's a "normal" DOS handle but the value is not enforced by any standard. Since Generic Kermit polls the serial port device via DOS it will operate at only low speeds. Thus, work on Generic Kermit to cater for the Victor 9000 becomes an academic (sic) exercise.] [Ed. - Also, if SET PORT FILE-HANDLE doesn't work, you can also try SET PORT DEVICE .] ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 May 88 12:42:12 pdt From: Alex Woo INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #3 Page 19 Subject: Tek4027 or color calls in MSKERM or QKKERM Keywords: MS-Kermit, Tektronix Emulation Has anyone considered putting color calls into either of these programs? I'm not sure which tekxxxx after 4014 has color, but it would be nice to display color on an EGA screen. Alex Woo [From jrd - MS Kermit 2.31 uses the ANSI coloring commands ESC [ 3x ; 4x m (x = 1 - 7) to control coloring of individual dots in Tek graphics mode. SET TERMINAL COLOR also works when the terminal type is TEK4010.] ------------------------------ Date: 31-May-88 at 16:52 MEZ From: Eckart Meyer Subject: KERMIT-MS: Please Make Special Keys Available! Keywords: MS-DOS Kermit, VT100 PF Keys I use kermit connect mode to have a VT100 terminal on a VAX. It's a great thing but one is missing: Please, please find a way to make the upper four keys of the keypad available in connect mode since they are very frequently used by DEC software (Keys PF1...PF4) especially by the editor EDT. I know it's not a trival thing but it should work. I have a program (without sources) which uses these keys just like any other key - the program is an EDT for MS-DOS. Eckart Meyer Address: Schleinitzstr. 23 Inst. f. Nachrichtentechnik 3300 Braunschweig Technical University of Braunschweig West Germany Phone: +49 531 391 2454 BITNET: I7100501@DBSTU1 Internet: I7100501%DBSTU1.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU [From jrd - the four top keys vary considerably from keyboard to keyboard, but normally involve Scroll Lock, Num Lock, etc. The system Bios does not regard these keys as being suitable for reporting individually to Bios callers (such as MS-Kermit). The only ways of seeing them individually are to drop down below the Bios and fight with any other programs grabbing raw keyboard info. MS-Kermit declines to enter those jousting lists. (I have PC-EDT here too.) MS Kermit/IBM is shipped with DEC's PF1-4 keys residing on IBM's F1-4 keys.] ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 7 Jun 88 17:53 CET From: Helmut Waelder Subject: MS-Kermit 2.31-test5 Take File Bug Keywords: MS-DOS Kermit 2.31, Take Files Have you ever tried the new MS-Kermit 2.31-test5 release with MS-DOS 2.11 ? I have discovered that kermit doesn't find any TAKE file, not even the MSKERMIT.INI file. Here is an example session: C>kermit Page 20 INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #3 .. Kermit-MS>take mskermit.ini ?Can't find take-file: ake mskermit.ini Kermit-MS> This happend on a Olivetti M24 with MS-DOS 2.11 and on a Sperry XT with MS-DOS 2.11. There are no such problems with MS-DOS 3.x. Helmut Acknowledge-To: Helmut Waelder [From jrd - Thanks, the problem has been widely reported, and it's fixed in the released version of 2.31. Just in case there is an interest, the problem related to tagging files opened read-only with access Deny-None so they could be shared, e.g. on LAN file servers. Kermit now skips the access condition if the DOS version is earlier than 3.0.] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 1 Jun 1988 17:30:50 EDT From: Subject: MS-Kermit 2.31-test5 Screen Rollback Keywords: MS-DOS Kermit 2.31, Screen Rollback, CGA The latest test Kermit is acting differently in the way that it handles stored screens. Instead of scrolling smoothly through the lines, it blanks the screen and puts up the new screen whereever page up or page down is hit. /k [From jrd - "test5" had revisions to screen initialization which skipped sampling the kind of display adapter until the info was needed later. Consequently, it used the CGA snow removal screen blanking. The current material tests the kind of display adapter right away and omits snow removal for all except CGAs. MS Kermit 2.30 might produce a disappearing cursor with some of the new VGA boards for the same reason; works ok in 2.31. Later conversations with Kenneth indicates his CGA board has pecularities when asked to scroll a group of lines. Version 2.30 scrolled one line at a time, but 2.31 does it in large groups, for speed.] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 15 Jun 88 14:49:28 CDT From: moore@ncsc.ARPA (Moore) Subject: MS-Kermit and VT100 Printers Keywords: Ms-Kermit 2.31, Transparent Printing Is this a known bug in 2.31-test?, or a bug at all? With older versions of Kermit (2.29) and all our Wyse terminals here, we can (with a UNIX alias) issue the command p to print a file: p is aliased to echo ^[[5i cat the file then echo ^[[4i. Ever since 2.30 came out (and maybe a little earlier) we've had to replace those commands with echo ^[[?5i and ^[[?4i; an unfortunate side effect is that output also goes to the screen (which the previous string avoids). Any comments? Jim INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #3 Page 21 [From jrd - Both forms should work with MS Kermit 2.31.] ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 23 Jun 1988 11:39:22 EDT From: Mohib N Durrani Subject: Kermit Key Redefinition of Esc-chr: To Show on Mode Line. Keywords: MS-DOS Kermit, Escape Character I redefined the MS-Kermit Escape Character ^] for the ` (ie. \29) and it works fine, but the new ` key does not display on the Mode line at the bottom of the kermit screen, the old ^] continues to be displayed. How can I change the Esc-chr: ^] to Esc-chr: ` The previous version of kermit used to automatically change the display of the Esc-chr. Thanks. [From jrd - The Kermit escape character must be a control code and version 2.31 rejects non-control codes with an explicit message. The easy solution is to assign verb \Kexit to the accent key (ALT X has this definition too) even though ^] will still show on the status line (as it should in this case).] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 20 Apr 88 15:00:31-1000 From: (David Lassner) Subject: MS-Kermit (and others) Screen Rollback Keywords: MS-DOS Kermit 2.31, Screen Rollback One of the terminal emulation features included in VersaTerm (an excellent package for the Mac) which is incredibly useful is the capability to "scroll the screen on full-screen erase" or similar. The idea is that before clearing a screen its contents are saved in the scrollback buffer so that you can see what you've done during your session, even on a full-screen oriented host where scrolling almost never occurs. Would be great to see this in future versions of MS-Kermit, MacKermit, and others. David Lassner, University of Hawaii Computing Center, 808/948-7351 INTERNET: BITNET: david@uhccux UUCP: {ihnp4,uunet,ucbvax,dcdwest}!ucsd!nosc!uhccux!david [From jrd - a good idea David. Next time we'll try to do that. Thanks.] ------------------------------ Date: 27 Jun 88 21:10:55 GMT From: (Robert T. Herbst) Subject: Selecting MS-Kermit .INI Files Keywords: MS-DOS Kermit, Initialization Files Page 22 INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #3 #include /* C program to allow the selection of a number of .ini files for * use with mskermit. The .ini file are the users choice. A file keys * containing the definitions of set key in the .ini file is displayed * using the MSDOS type command. This program "select.c" has been * compiled using POWER C and has run successfully. * Robert T. Herbst University of North Carolina at Wilmington. */ main() { int c; for(;;) { printf("Enter 4 for 2400b 2 for 1200b h to exit\n"); system("type keys"); while( ( c = getchar()) != '\n') switch(c) { case '4': system( "kerm230 -f mskermit.ini"); break; case '2': system( "kerm230 -f m1200.ini"); break; case 'k': system("kerm230"); break; case 'h': exit(0); break; default : break; } } } [From jrd - Thanks Robert. Neat. One might also note that a Batch file can be used with a similar mechanism via %1. MS-Kermit 2.31 has so many new control features in scripts and macros that it is possible to merge several ini files into one, with separate macros defined for each condition and then use one or another as extended Kermit commmands. The new User's Manual has full details.] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 29 Jun 88 17:50 CET From: Helmut Waelder Subject: Bug in MS-Kermit V2.31-test6 ? Keywords: MS-DOS Kermit 2.31 When I'm downloading files from an IBM host (CMS-kermit 4.0) with MS-kermit v2.31-test6 the files don't have a date or timestamp in the directory. This happens with PC-DOS 3.3 and MS-DOS 3.2, not with MS-DOS 3.1 Greetings Helmut [Ed. - This is fixed in the final 2.31 release.] ------------------------------ INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #3 Page 23 Date: Tue, 5 Jul 88 13:48 MDT From: Joe Doupnik Subject: MS-Kermit vs Smartcom Keywords: Smartcom Just a comment on a situation seen locally. If a person runs the Hayes Smartcom program SCOM and then runs Kermit the computer may hang. As best that I can make out SCOM captures the serial port interrupts but when it exits it leaves those interrupts pointing at itself (or at whatever occupies the memory next). Thus, Kermit or another program can come along and get stung by those loose ends. So, if some people remark on the situation we have a probable answer. There's nothing Kermit can do about it. Regards, Joe D. [Ed. - We have had some calls about this too. The offender is apparently Smartcom II, not III. One caller claimed to be able to clear up the problem by "reconfiguring the modem" in Smartcom. Failing that, obviously, one can Ctrl-Alt-Del to put things back... Also see the comments below on the Tandy 3000.] ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 7 Jul 88 13:19:47 CDT From: (Brendan B. Boerner) Subject: MS-Kermit Tek-4010 Emulation Colors Keywords: MS-DOS Kermit 2.31, Terminal Emulation, Color Graphics Hello, Does anyone know how to use the different modes with the Tek-4010 emulation in Kermit 2.30? I saw that depending on memory on the EGA adpater, one can choose between more resolution/less color vs. less resolution/more color. Currently, when I use it, it goes into B/W mode. How do I change this? Thank you. Brendan [Ed. - Normally, you only get two colors when in Tek mode. These are the foreground and background colors you chose in your SET TERMINAL COLOR command. As of 2.31, if you have host-resident software that can include the ANSI color-changing commands in Tek output, then you can have lots of colors, but the exact number depends upon which display adapter and monitor you have.] [From jrd - I suspect you are using CGA mode, which has only black and white graphics. If Kermit senses that you are using an EGA board then it defaults to 16 color 640 by 350 if the board says the monitor type is suitable. If you have an ordinary CGA monitor (not an EGA monitor or better) then b/w is the best you can do. Also, check the switches on the display board.] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 9 Jul 88 18:01:10 pdt From: steinmetz!unioncs!boehmr@uunet.UU.NET (Richard Boehm) Subject: Bug in Kermit-MS on Tandy 3000HD? Page 24 INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #3 Keywords: MS-DOS Kermit 2.31, Tandy 3000HD I would like to report what I believe to be a bug in Kermit-MS 2.31-test5 and 2.31-test6. When starting the program, exiting the program, or executing a "take" file, DOS presents the message: Unexpected HW interrupt 0C at 0070:0455. I have used all versions of Kermit since version 2.29b, and this behaviour manifested itself starting with version 2.31-test5 (I am currently using 2.31-test4). I have just downloaded Kermit-MS 2.31 (the official release). This version also has the bug, but the bug doesn't appear when exiting the program. My machine is a Tandy 3000HD AT clone. It uses the Phoenix BIOS, is an 80286 machine, and runs MS-DOS 3.2. ..steinmetz!unioncs!boehmr Richard E. Boehm, Jr. boehmr@unioncs.UUCP e_boehmr@union.BITNET [Ed. - This does not happen on IBM systems, or any of various other IBM compatibles we have tested, so it is apparently specific to the Tandy model. I assume that the only problem is the appearance of the error message, and the operation of the program is unaffected? Anyone with Tandy 3000 expertise is encouraged to track this one down!] [From jrd - I think we found the root cause of this item, and essentially the same problem when Kermit is run after running Smartcom II or PC-Talk III. MSVIBM.BOO, dated 17 July 1988, is issued to cure it. Here is the technical description: When Kermit resets the serial port (relinquishes ownership) it tells the UART to disconnect its chip controlling the interrupt (IRQ) line on the PC bus. That disconnection can result in a stray interrupt which appears to Kermit as not related to the serial port. In such a case Kermit passes the interrupt to the previous owner which is usually the ROM Bios. The Phoenix version 1.00 ROM Bios in the Tandy 3000 apparently cannot handle a stray interrupt and issues the message above, but most machines absorb it without comment. In the case of Smartcom II and PC-Talk III, both programs redirect the serial port interrupt to themselves but do not return it when the program exits! Thus, they remain the previous owner; but their memory is used by another program, or worse. This usually crashes the system later on when something (noise?) arrives at the serial port. The 17 July version of IBM PC MS Kermit absorbs the stray interrupt when resetting the serial port. While this keeps Kermit operational, the Smartcom II and PC-Talk III situations remain dangerous to the system after they exit; rebooting is suggested.] ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 10 Jul 88 17:24:23 EDT From: elsie! (Arthur David Olson) Subject: Kermit 2.31 Keywords: MS-DOS Kermit 2.31 INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #3 Page 25 We've picked up Kermit 2.31; thanks as usual to all involved for a job well done. One thing that seems to be missing from the various "change lists" (though it's described in the mskerm.doc opus) is the addition between version 2.30 and version 2.31 of "-" as a line continuation file in "take" and "initialization" files. Might be worth adding a note, since I've seen a fair number of initialization files with set key \330 - commands in them (for people who don't need different terminal emulations, and who want to get a minus when they tap the key way over there in the corner on recent IBM-style keyboards.) To paraphrase mskerm.doc, change the above to set key \330 \45 ADO is a trademark of Ampex. [Ed. - Thanks for the hint! It's been added to MSKERM.BWR and MSR231.UPD.] [From jrd - Usually one can add a trailing space to the hyphen since the space is trimmed off before the string is interpreted. \45 is easier to see when editing.] ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 12 Jul 88 09:34:12 edt From: (Robert D. Seals) Subject: Did AT&T 6300 Graphics Get Canned in 2.31? Keywords: MS-DOS Kermit 2.31, AT&T 6300, Tektronix Emulation One of the great things about 2.29[bc] and 2.30 was the autodetection and support for AT&T 6300 graphics - which doesn't seem to be present in 2.31 (OK, I admit, I haven't reread the documentation...) rob [Ed. - This is news to us. We don't have an AT&T 6300 to try it on, but the DEC VAXmate has the same kind of adapter, and it is "autodetected" with no problem. But 2.31 contains a new feature, SET TERMINAL GRAPHICS , so that you can specify the actual adapter type in case Kermit guesses wrong. On an AT&T 6300, you can include SET TERMINAL GRAPHICS ATT in your MSKERMIT.INI file.] ------------------------------ End of Info-Kermit Digest Page 26 INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #4 Info-Kermit Digest Wed, 3 Aug 1988 Volume 8 : Number 4 Departments: ANNOUNCEMENTS - CU20B IP Host Address to Change Okstate Dialup Number to Change Kermits Needed Announcing C-Kermit for OS/2 MS-DOS KERMIT - Automatic Switching Between Text and Graphics in MS-Kermit MS-Kermit 2.31-test6 MS-DOS Kermit 2.30 MS-Kermit 2.31-test6 IBMPC Kermit 2.31 UB problem MS-Kermit 2.31 -- SET PORT UB-Net1 MS-Kermit 2.31 Bug (Feature?) MS-Kermit v2.31 Scripts Send digest submissions to Info-Kermit@CU20B, requests for addition to or deletion from the Info-Kermit subscriber list to Info-Kermit-Request@CU20B. Kermit files may be obtained over networks and by mail order. On the Internetwork, use FTP to log in to host CU20B, CU20B.COLUMBIA.EDU, or CU20B.CC.COLUMBIA.EDU (a DECSYSTEM-20), as user ANONYMOUS, using any password, and GET the desired files from logical device KER:. You can also get Kermit files over BITNET/EARN; to get started send a message with text HELP to KERMSRV, the Kermit file server, at host CUVMA. For detailed instructions, read the file KER:AANETW.HLP (AANETW HLP on KERMSRV). To order by mail, request a complete list of Kermit versions and an order form from Kermit Distribution, Columbia University Center for Computing Activities, 612 West 115th Street, New York, NY 10025 USA. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 1 Aug 88 12:00:00 EDT From: Christine M Gianone Subject: CU20B IP Host Address to Change Keywords: CU20B, FTP As of August 15th, 1988, Columbia University Computer Center IP host addresses will change by replacing the 32 with a 40 in the third octet of the IP address. In particular, the host number of CU20B will change from to If you have trouble FTP'ing Kermit files from CU20B on or after August 15th, you can specify the new host number until your site's host tables are updated to reflect the change. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 01 Aug 88 15:46:23 -0500 From: Mark Vasoll Subject: Okstate Dialup Number to Change Keywords: Okstate INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #4 Page 27 On August 6, 1988 the phone number for the UUCP and Kermit servers at Oklahoma State University will change: Old number: (405) 624-6953 New number: (405) 744-6953 A "that number has been changed" recording has been promised, but I don't hold a lot of hope for it. Mark Vasoll Computing and Information Sciences Email: Oklahoma State University Stillwater, Oklahoma ------------------------------ Date: Fri 29 Jul 88 17:27:32-EDT From: Frank da Cruz Subject: Kermits Needed Keywords: Future Kermits Now that Kermit is about seven years old, it has spread to cover nearly every major computer and operating system, and many minor ones -- well over 300 in all. But there are still some notable systems for which no Kermit programs exist. Among them: - The IBM System/34, System/36, System/38, AS/400. Some of these machines lack asynchronous communication interfaces, so Kermit file transfer will be possible only if the commonly-used protocol converters can be put into transparent mode, as the IBM 370-series mainframe Kermits do for their 3270 protocol converters. - Support in IBM mainframe Portable Kermit-370 for DOS/VSE and CICS. - Wang VS and other minicomputer systems. If you know of anyone working on these projects, or are interested in doing it yourself (for fame but not fortune), please let us know! ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 29 Jul 88 14:54:36 -0100 From: PD Software Subject: Announcing C-Kermit for OS/2 Keywords: C-Kermit, OS/2 Kermit Announcing C-Kermit for OS/2 A version of C-Kermit for OS/2 is now available for beta testing. Any bugs, suggestions or complaints should be sent to This first version is 1.0a - the 'a' indicates it is a pre-release version. I've used the letter 'O' as the system-specific identifier for OS/2, so the release files are named as follows: CKOKER.EXE The executable program CKOKER.DOC Documentation Page 28 INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #4 The sources for the program and the Scribe source for the documentation will be made available when beta testing is over (ie when bug reports slow to a trickle?). C-Kermit for OS/2 runs on OS/2 Standard edition 1.0 (or on 1.1 in a Presentation Manager window, although this is untested). It makes use of the COM.SYS (or perhaps COM01.SYS) device driver, which must be loaded in the CONFIG.SYS file. There are believed to be no major bugs, but the following minor problems exist: * Stop bits: There is currently no mechanism for altering the number of stop bits, which is fixed at 1. * Server breakout: There is no way of stopping server operation from the keyboard, short of Control-Break. * Dial: The DIAL command has not been tested. It is impossible to terminate the dialling process short of pressing Control-Break. * Multiple copies: Multiple copies of Kermit accessing multiple comms ports simultaneously has not been tested. * Terminal emulation: No particular terminal is emulated, and therefore the keyboard has only the natural key-to-ascii-code mapping. This means that (for instance) the Del key does not produce code 127, but a code of 0 followed by 224. The only exception to this "natural" mapping is that the backspace key is explicitly mapped into 127. It is hoped to implement a VT100 emulator and a keyboard remapper to circumvent these problems. This may also improve the speed of terminal writing, which is slow compared to MS-Kermit. * Multiple send from command line: At present, a wildcard file specification cannot be given as the argument to the '-s' command line option. Thus, only a single file can be sent using a command line. * Flow control from keyboard: In connect mode, if a Control-S is typed at the keyboard to pause a long file listing, it may or may not work, depending on the state of the device driver's flow control flags. There are also some further minor bugs or areas for improvement which are detailed at the end of the documentation. Chris Adie 26/07/88 [Ed. - Many thanks! The files are in KER:CKOKER.*. We normally do not release programs without source code, but we make an exception in this case because of the high level of interest in OS/2. Test at your own risk!] ------------------------------ Date: Tue,28 Jun 88 16:24:40 BST From: Subject: Automatic Switching Between Text and Graphics in MS-Kermit Keywords: MS-DOS Kermit 2.31 Someone here is using a package which uses DEC VT100 codes during its text output and Tektronix 4010 codes for its graphics output. The package expects the terminal to automatically switch between text and graphics modes at the appropriate points. If MS-Kermit is used with the package, automatic switching from text to graphics takes place in some cases (for example when the package sends ESCAPE Control-L) but not in others (for example when the package sends a INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #4 Page 29 Tektronix drawing command). In comparison, UNITERM on an Atari ST always switches when necessary. Should the codes which cause MS-Kermit to automatically switch from text to graphics mode be expended to include the Tektronix FS, GS, RS, and US commands? This automatic switching can, of course, be disabled if necessary via the Kermit DISABLE TEK command. Phil Wade, Hull University Computer Centre. [From jrd - While automatic switching for all Tek commands (there are more than the FS, GS, RS, US set, clearly) can be convenient for isolated packages it both adds a lot of code to MS Kermit and exposes users to many unexpected switches when files are displayed with embedded control codes. Overall, I think we are better off with the just the current two automatic entry points.] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 01 Jul 88 11:36:28 BST From: CPA1@UK.AC.CAM.PHX Subject: MS-Kermit 2.31-test6 Keywords: MS-DOS Kermit 2.31 I've come across a number of peculiarities while using 2.31-6 from batch files, or MAKE files, with a PS2/60. When the command kermit send dirname\filename.C dirname\filename.C is entered (having set up a kermit on an EPSON AX in server mode) the filename used at the other end is dirname\filename.CX (Note the added X in the extension) I assume that this is a bug -it's certainly annoying! The addition of the X does not occur with extension names of 2 or more characters. If the send command is not the last on the line then the X is not added either, i.e. kermit send dirname\filename.C dirname\filename.C, quit saves dirname\filename.C at the remote end. The "sending as" within kermit works fine. Another quirk is when Control-C is used while a file transfer is in progress. This causes the server kermit to hang up waiting for more packets. The way I've found around this is to ask it for a "rem dir" a few times and Control-C out it, producing the "host not receiving" (not verbatim!) error message. Eventually the server gets the message and gives a directory listing. Yours, Chris. Page 30 INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #4 [From jrd - Chris, you need to reread the MS Kermit User's Manual. First, the SEND command can take two arguments: local filname and optionally the name to use in the outgoing packet. It does not take a list of files to be sent; use a list of SENDs. Second, Control-C is a non-protocol exit and does not notify the other side. Hence the host waits for more packets in the file exchange. Use Control-Z instead, as indicated on the file transfer screen status line.] ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 7 Jul 88 20:02:31 bst From: Leila Burrell-Davis Subject: MS-DOS Kermit 2.30 Keywords: MS-DOS Kermit 2.30 MS-Kermit is normally pretty good about renaming files that don't conform to MS-DOS filename conventions, but it is distinctly upset by a file with a colon in its name, e.g. episode:1 I found this rather annoying when I left it overnight downloading a lot of files from a un*x machine, only to discover the next morning that it had given up as soon as it got to the filename with the colon in. You may like to pass on details of this `feature' to the program's author (:-). Leila Burrell-Davis, Computing Service, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK Tel: +44 273 678390 Fax: +44 273 678335 JANET: ARPA: BITNET: UUCP: leilabd@cvaxa.uucp [From jrd - DOS uses colon as a device name terminator/separator. Try this at DOS level- C> copy oldfile new:name.ext DOS will tell you that there is an illegal destination (no device "new:"). DOS also uses multiletter device names which may optionally end in a colon. Kermit cannot determine whether or not you mean use a specific device and thus does not change the colon to another legal letter.] ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 07 Jul 88 15:36:00 BST From: Mr. A. O. V. Blanc Subject: MS-Kermit 2.31-test6 Keywords: MS-DOS Kermit 2.31 We have obtained a copy of MS-Kermit 2.31-test6 for testing. I have been running it on several PC models (IBM, Opus, and Comcen) and testing it against our Kermit-CMS version 4.0, the IBM generic Kermit with updates up to SC88092. During the tests -- which went very well, on the whole -- the following difficulties appeared: (1) The reported size of the packets received never gets larger than 4, which is clearly incorrect. INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #4 Page 31 (2) The file size used to calculate the percentage transferred is quite far off, which some files terminating when only 25% had allegedly been transferred. Different ways of measuring file size may be responsible, but users would surely feel happier if the percentage were changed to 100% when the transfer terminates successfully. (3) The two Kermits cooperated nicely when connected through a 7171 comms processor, but not when using a CAMTEC PAD. In this case the connection works normally until the Kermits begin trading packets. Then the IBM apparently insists on a fifteen or twenty second pause before accepting each line of input. This results in a transfer rate of 3 to 4 packets per minute, which is intolerably slow, and the input problem remains even after Kermit ceases to execute. I know this sounds like a CMS problem, especially since it seems to occur under similar circumstances with MS-Kermit version 2.30. It does not happen, however, when I use version 2.29c! (4) I am not surprised that MS-Kermit receives only the date and not the time of a file's creation, since the warning of this appeared in the MSTIBM.BWR file. When files are transferred from the micro to CMS, however, both date and time seem to be ignored. Thanks to Joe Doupnik for his extensive work improving MS-Kermit and its script facility. [From jrd - some of the 2.31test series had a file length arithmetic problem which lost the high order part of the file size figure sent by the host. Fixed some time ago. CMS Kermit apparently sends the date of a file but not the time. In that case MS Kermit records the time as 00:00:00, which is legal, but DOS then shows this as blanks on the screen. The release version of MS Kermit 2.31 adds two seconds to let DOS display some numbers for the time. The long pause does appear to be either a CMS or a front end processor problem; see if using regular length packets helps these fellows. You might say to MS Kermit SET SEND PAUSE because some IBM systems do not become ready for reception until long after turning around the line. If this were the case the mainframe would miss the start of a packet and would have to wait for a timeout and a repeat; the timeout is normally 13 seconds to receive an acknowledgement.] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 22 Jul 88 18:00:06 PDT From: doug%Tybalt.Caltech.Edu%CITIAGO.BITNET@CUVMB.CC.COLUMBIA.EDU Subject: IBMPC Kermit 2.31 UB problem Keywords: MS-DOS Kermit 2.31, Ungermann-Bass I recently downloaded IBMPC Kermit v2.31. An excellent package, as usual. The UB NetCI interface looked particularly interesting, since we currently require a resident BIOS rerouter to use the CI from Kermit. Unfortunately, as soon as characters were received from the CI, the PC hung. After reducing other software to its bare essentials, I began to Page 32 INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #4 suspect Kermit. After downloading MSXIBM.ASM and DEBUGing through KERMIT.EXE, a probable cause appeared. The IRET in RPOST would send the CS off to never-never land, causing the machine to hang. This was because the "call rpost" in UBRECV assumed a near (intra-segment) call, and only pushed the IP+2 on the stack, and not the CS. As a solution, I recommend making UBRECV and all other interrupt routines type PROC FAR, since that more accurately describes what they are. (IRET = far RET + POPF). Then UBRECV would assume a far call. I certainly appreciate all the work that you are putting into Kermit. It fills an essential gap here at Caltech. There are a couple more minor problems with the UB NetCI interface in IBMPC Kermit v2.31. I downloaded the source this evening and MSXIBM.ASM required the following changes before the UB CI would work: 1. Change all interrupt procedures to PROC FAR (mentioned earlier) 2. Add lines between outch3: and outch3a: as follows - outch3: cmp clone,0 ; real uart? je outch3a ; e = yes cmp clone,'N' ; network? je outch8 ; e = yes, using netbios add--> cmp clone,'U' ; UB? add--> je outch8 ; e = yes, using netbios setup jmp outch6 ; default for others ('B' clones) outch3a:push cx ; Save registers 3. In ubsend, xmtbuf does not contain our info- xmtbufx does; so change jcxz ubsend1 ; dont send zero chars [ohl] mov bx, offset xmtbuf ; buffer address in es:bx [ohl] mov ax, datas mov es, ax to jcxz ubsend1 ; dont send zero chars [ohl] changed-->mov bx, offset xmtbufx ; buffer address in es:bx [ohl] mov ax, datas mov es, ax These three minor changes appear to fix the interface. Thank you again for providing the program and source. -Doug Schafer [Ed. - Thanks for the fixes! They have been passed along to Joe Doupnik, and there should be a maintenance release of 2.31 soon, which fixes this and a couple of other problems.] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 15 Jul 88 15:42:24 EDT From: cucard!dasys1! (Ed Ravin) INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #4 Page 33 Subject: MS-Kermit 2.31 -- SET PORT UB-Net1 Keywords: MS-DOS Kermit 2.31, Ungermann-Bass I just tried using MS-Kermit 2.31 on our Ungerman-Bass network. The MS-Kermit docs say that when I issue the "CONNECT" command after "SET PORT UB-Net1", I should see the NET-CI prompt and be able to use the usual NET-CI commands. Alas, I saw nothing. Not only that, but when I tried to exit Kermit, my PC went into a "waiting state", where the PC hangs up, but a chirp is issued every few seconds to let you know that it is still trying to access something or someone on the network that can't be found. I can still use U/B's NET-CI driver (NETCICOM.DRV) without any problem: not only that, but if I use NETCICOM to redirect a com port (such as COM3), and then tell MS-Kermit to use port BIOS3, everything works fine and I can access the NET-CI interface without difficulty. Any idea why I can't use the "SET PORT UB-Net1" command? Ed Ravin eravin@dasys1.UUCP or eravin@trintex.UUCP [Ed. - See previous message. The problem will be corrected shortly.] ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 19 Jul 88 00:31 PDT From: CARL FUSSELL Subject: MS-Kermit 2.31 Bug (Feature?) Keywords: MS-DOS Kermit 2.31 I just downloaded the latest version of MS Kermit (2.31). There seems to be some unexplainable behavior when running a script. We run a typical script to login to a VAX/VMS system. The script worked fine under version 2.31-test5 but caused a strange problem when used under the final 2.31 distribution. The problem that appears is that TAB characters aren't displayed correctly. Instead of tabbing to the next tab stop, the display is tabbed to column 80 with the remaining text wrapping to the next line. This does not happen using the same script with V2.31-test5. The script line that causes the problem is the initial CLEAR statement. Leave it in and the problem described above appears.... remove it (or comment it out) and it works. Fortunately for us, everything works ok with the line removed. Anyway, just tho't I'd pass this along... (the script is attached if interested.) Carl Fussell Santa Clara Univ CARL@SCU.BITNET [Ed. - We have had one other similar complaint -- i.e. that the CLEAR command, which is supposed to clear only the serial port input buffer, also clears the tab stops. But no matter how hard we try, we can't Page 34 INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #4 reproduce it. We'll try again to pin it down. Meanwhile, the workaround is to put a "SET TERM TAB" command after the CLEAR command.] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 25 Jul 88 13:01:26 -0500 From: Mark Bergman Subject: MS-Kermit v2.31 Scripts Keywords: MS-DOS Kermit 2.31, Scripts Many thanks for all the improvements in MS-Kermit v2.31! Its already making lives easier here by providing a much-requested auto-dialing capability. I do have a question about using the INPUT command as part of a take file (actually mskermit.ini) to allow the user to choose what number to dial. I want to ask the user whether to connect to the Rockefeller University system or not (expanding to other choices in the future). I was trying statements in the form: echo Connect to the Rockefeller system? (yes or no)\13 input 45 yes @CON if success goto CONTINUE which fails (according to an "if success" test) when the first key is pressed, regardless of the input. No is needed, and the input is not echoed. I also tried statements in the form: echo Connect to the Rockefeller system? (yes or no)\13 input 45 @CON yes if success goto CONTINUE This succeeds (according to an "if success" test), in every case. The input is not checked, but it always succeeds. The input text also must be followed by two before it is recognized, and the characters are not echoed while this is run. I wanted to know if you had an example of a script that read and tested input from the keyboard. I also wanted to know if there was any way to supress the "?Timeout" error message. The script provides it's own error message. Mark Bergman Rockefeller University Computing Services Box 247 1230 York Avenue New York, New York 10021 212-570-7510 BEST PATH==> bergman@rockvax.bitnet bergman@rocky2.uucp INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #4 Page 35 [Ed. - Version 2.31 does not include a mechanism to do what you want. INPUT only looks at the communication port, not the keyboard. A future release will include this feature.] ------------------------------ End of Info-Kermit Digest Page 36 INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #5 Info-Kermit Digest Wed, 10 Aug 1988 Volume 8 : Number 5 Departments: ANNOUNCEMENTS - Columbia University IP Host Numbers to Change Kermit Files Available via UUCP at Oklahoma State U Announcing Apple II Kermit Version 3.84 MS-DOS KERMIT - Typo in MSKERM DOC Support for AT&T 6300 Graphics Card Kermit-MS 2.31 and AT&T Graphics MS-Kermit and a Local Printer MS-Kermit 2.31 (?More parameters are needed) Message MS-Kermit 2.31 Internal Modem Problems RE: MS-Kermit 2.31 Bug (Feature?) MS-Kermit 2.31 IBM 17 July 1988 Eats nulls VT200 Support in MS-Kermit? MS-Kermit with Async Servers? MS-DOS Kermit 2.31 and Local Printer MS-Kermit 2.3x Bug? 2.31 And Z-100's ZPC Z-248 COM3 and Kermit MSUCHK/SCANCHECK and the Rainbow MACINTOSH KERMIT - MacKermit Checksums MacKermit and Binary File Transfer Transferring application via MacKermit 0.9(40) MacKermit Escape Sequence Keys Send digest submissions to Info-Kermit@CU20B, requests for addition to or deletion from the Info-Kermit subscriber list to Info-Kermit-Request@CU20B. Kermit files may be obtained over networks and by mail order. On the Internetwork, use FTP to log in to host CU20B, CU20B.COLUMBIA.EDU, or CU20B.CC.COLUMBIA.EDU (a DECSYSTEM-20), as user ANONYMOUS, using any password, and GET the desired files from logical device KER:. You can also get Kermit files over BITNET/EARN; to get started send a message with text HELP to KERMSRV, the Kermit file server, at host CUVMA. For detailed instructions, read the file KER:AANETW.HLP (AANETW HLP on KERMSRV). To order by mail, request a complete list of Kermit versions and an order form from Kermit Distribution, Columbia University Center for Computing Activities, 612 West 115th Street, New York, NY 10025 USA. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 8 Aug 1988 8:08:08 EDT From: Christine M. Gianone Subject: Columbia University IP Host Numbers to Change Keywords: IP Host Numbers, CU20B, Internet, FTP Effective August 15th, 1988, Columbia University Computer Center Internet hosts will be moved from subdomain 32 to subdomain 40. In particular, the IP host number for CU20B.CC.COLUMBIA.EDU (the host from which Kermit files can be FTP'd over the Internet) will change from to INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #5 Page 37 This change was posted to the NIC, but Internet sites that have not updated their host tables, or which do not route through a domain server, will not be able to reach CU20B by mail, FTP, or other Internet protocol except by specifying the host number. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 8 Aug 1988 13:55:09 EDT From: Christine M. Gianone Subject: Kermit Files Available via UUCP at Oklahoma State U Keywords: UUCP, Okstate Just a reminder for those who might not know about this already: a complete, though not necessarily totally up to date, collection of Kermit files is available via dialup UUCP or Kermit protocol at Oklahoma State University, courtesy of Mark Vasoll and the folks in the Department of Computing and Information Sciences. Full instructions (too long to list here) are in the file KER:AANOKS.HLP on CU20B, or AANOKS HLP on KERMSRV at CUVMA. If you're not on the Internet or BITNET directly, you can send mail to KERMSRV asking it to send you this file: To: KERMSRV@CUVMA.BITNET (through whatever UUCP/BITNET gateway you know about) Subject: (doesn't matter) Message text: mail aanoks.hlp Thanks once again to Oklahoma State for providing this service. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 01 Aug 88 07:28:02 PDT From: Ted Medin Subject: Announcing Apple II Kermit Version 3.84 Keywords: Apple II, ProDOS Kermit-65 is truly a network project with many people sugesting improvements and reporting bugs & problems. We wont name them all but here are a couple of major contributors, Murray Sewall & Bob Holley. Again thanks to all. Here are the changes: 1. Prodos text files now 8 bits wide. 2. More vt100 fixes (will it ever stop!) 3. Start of packet now variable 4. Multiple protocols (Kermit and Xmodem) 5. TAKE command 6. DOS 3.3 more robust (almost bullet proof?) 7. Lots of little fixes and options [Ed. - Thanks, Ted! The new files are in KER:APP*.*.] ------------------------------ Page 38 INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #5 Date: Sat, 30 Jul 88 14:06:40 EDT From: Harold Pritchett Subject: Typo in MSKERM DOC Keywords: MS-DOS Kermit 2.31 Manual Found the following in the current version of the MS-DOS KERMIT USERS GUIDE from KERMSRV at CUVMA. In Figure 1-3, the first line of the sample script reads: if defined %1 %to start ; Make sure number specified. It should read: if defined %\1%%to start ; Make sure number specified. Just thought you would like to correct it. (I really don't read with that sort of accuracy. I cut the script out and tried to run it and it didn't work...) Harold [Ed. - Hmmm... Our copy of the manual reads "if defined %\1 goto start". Don't know where "if defined %1 %to start" came from, but in any case, it SHOULD read "if defined \%1 goto start" (\%1 instead of %\1). There's also a problem with the previous figure, 1-2. Namely, the ermsg macro won't print the entire error message, but only the first word, e.g. "ermsg No login prompt!" will only print "No". Version 2.31 of Kermit doesn't have a straightforward way to pass an arbitrary string of blank-separated words to a macro, so the messages have to be made into single "words" like this: "ermsg No_login_prompt!". Sorry for the errors.] ------------------------------ Date: 19 Jul 88 22:57:00 CDT From: "DAVID GAY" Subject: Support for AT&T 6300 Graphics Card Keywords: MS-DOS Kermit 2.31 Version 2.30 of MS-Kermit supports the AT&T 6300 graphics card for the Tektronix emulation just fine, but version 2.31 does not. The setup shows that the terminal graphics is set to AT&T 640x400, but the plots are done in CGA 640x200 mode. I am using the MSVIBM.EXE which was FTPed directly from Columbia on July 8, 1988. and more...... After discovering that MSKERMIT 2.31 July 1, 1988 did not correctly support the 640x400 graphics mode of my AT&T 6300 as v2.30 did, I FTPed waht looked like an updated version of MSVIBM.EXE from COLUMBIA. Unfortunately, the bug is still present. Even though the SHOW TERMINAL lists ATT as the graphics mode, everything is done in CGA 640x200 (ugh!) mode. Please inform me when this bug gets fixed so that i may retrieve a new copy. Thanks, INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #5 Page 39 David Gay [Ed. - We don't have a PC with an ATT graphics board here to test it on, but we do have a VAXmate, which has an ATT compatible board. It normally runs in CGA mode, but if you SET TERMINAL GRAPHICS ATT, then it uses the higher resolution graphics just fine.] [From jrd - I wonder if we are encountering a Bios version number effect. For AT&T machines Kermit looks for the word 'OLIVETTI' in the Bios starting at locations FC00:0h or FC00:2014H. It would be worthwhile using Debug to probe your Bios.] ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 26 Jul 88 16:53:05 EST From: Anne Chetham-Strode Subject: Kermit-MS 2.31 and AT&T Graphics Keywords: MS-DOS Kermit 2.31 I am testing Kermit-MS 2.31 on an AT&T PC6300. The PC6300 supports CGA mode as well as AT&T's "high resolution" 640 x 400 mode. Kermit-MS 2.30 detected and supported the high resolution mode automatically. Version 2.31 does not seem to support it. "Set Term Graphic ATT" and "Set Term Graphic EGA" both produce CGA mode. Also "Set Term Graphic VGA" on a PS/2 Model 30 produces CGA mode. If you intend to work on this, I am happy to help with testing. Thank you for your attention. [From jrd - see comments above on AT&T 6300's. Selecting SET TERM GRAPH VGA in turn selects video mode 17 (11H) for monochrome monitors or mode 18 (12H) for color monitors, 640x480 by 2 or 16 colors, respectively, provided the display adapter passes the EGA tests. My brief PS/2 Model 30 specs show it to support mode 17 (mono) but not 18 (color) so Kermit must have decided that a color display was being used or that the adapter did not pass the EGA tests. If it passed the EGA tests then 640x350 mode would have been employed. There is no Model 30 nearby so I can not easily check it. Help on Model 30's would be appreciated.] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 20 Jul 88 15:06:25 GMT From: Dermot O'Beirne Subject: MS-Kermit and a Local Printer Keywords: MS-DOS Kermit 2.31, Printer, 3COM EtherSeries Does MS-Kermit 2.3x "talk" to the printer port continually when Cntrl-Prt-Scn is in use ...... even when there is no input to or output from the Host? We link to a spooled printer on a LAN by linking PRN: to the network printer. The spool file automatically closes and writes to the printer if no data is sent to this file for a period of 30 seconds (3Com EtherSeries !). This works Page 40 INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #5 fine in MS-Kermit Version 2.29 when, with the Ctrl-Prt-Scn activated, and no keyboard activity for 30 seconds the printer echoes. With MS-Kermit 2.3x this is not the case. Even with no activity (unless Kermit generates some ?), the print spool file stays open indefinitely or until explicitely closed by unlinking the printer or dumping a new file at it. I have read how 2.30 uses the interrupts etc. but cannot understand why there is this difference. Is this a bug or feature? Any ideas? Is there a SET option to overcome this? Thanks. Dermot O'Beirne Computer Centre University College Dublin Ireland [From jrd - While there seems to be a SET command for almost everything, there is not one for your case, nor Kermit does send keep-alives to the printer. It uses just normal DOS writes to the standard printer device (file handle 4) when characters arrive, and that 'file' is opened and maintained by DOS rather than by Kermit. Buffering strategies by DOS will affect when the network spooler flushes the queue. Experience here with a similar LAN arrangement (Novell NetWare) gives unpredictable results with many applications programs, so you have company but no firm answers.] ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Jul 88 08:27 EDT From: Pete Kanaitis Subject: MS-Kermit 2.31 (?More parameters are needed) Message Keywords: MS-DOS Kermit 2.31 I just downloaded MS-Kermit V2.31 1 July 1988. I noticed that certain commands with a question mark on the command line (without a carriage return) cause the "?More parameters are needed" error message. Typing "?" or "set ?" (no carriage return on either one) as the *FIRST* command after starting KERMIT from DOS will display the normal help, then the "?More parameters..." message. Pete Kanaitis Allegheny-Singer Research Institute X979PK0P@VB.CC.CMU.EDU [From jrd - Thanks Pete. This will be fixed in the next rlease.] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 25 Jul 88 14:14:44 +0300 From: Ze'ev (Steed) Shtadler Subject: MS-Kermit 2.31 Internal Modem Problems Keywords: MS-DOS Kermit 2.31, SmartLink. I got the new MS-Kermit 2.31 version, translated MSVIBM.BOO and tried it. Well, it couldn't talk to the internal modem. I couldn't make it operate in any way I tried. MS-Kermit 2.30 had no problems with the same hardware configuration. INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #5 Page 41 I use an XT Turbo clone (COPAM 401), MS-DOS 3.30, SmartLink 1200B as COM1:, no other RS232 cards, a real-time clock and 2 parallel ports. Did anyone experience a similar behavior with this new version? Using this modem, Using other modems? Any suggestions for solving/determining the problem? Thanks in advance, Ze'ev Shtadler. Ze'ev Shtadler. Computer Science Faculty, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa Israel Phone (work): (+972) 4-294304 BITNET: steed@techunix Domain: UUCP: ...!psuvax1!techunix.bitnet!steed ARPANET: CSNET: steed%techunix.bitnet@csnet-relay.csnet [From jrd - I presume the IRQ is set to 4 and the i/o address to 03F8H, for COM1. If the modem were not found Kermit would say either the port is unavailable or operates through the Bios. Otherwise, if the modem can be dialed but the screen shows nothing then the IRQ jumper is not set to 4 for COM1. After that I'd be guessing.] [Ed. - We have heard that certain internal modems can be configured by the accompanying software (e.g. Smartcom for Hayes), and that this same software can leave the modem in a state that is unusable by any other program, including Kermit. Sometimes fooling with the modem's configuration program can clear up the problem.] ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 4 Aug 88 14:37 MDT From: Subject: RE: MS-Kermit 2.31 Bug (Feature?) Keywords: MS-DOS Kermit 2.31, Tabs In response to Carl Fussell's message in Info-Kermit Digest V8 #4: For the life of me I can see no reason why CLEAR and Tab stops could interact this way. The VT102 will clear all tab stops when it receives the command ESC [ 3 g from the host. As a quick check you might add the STATUS command to the script file in a few places; tabs will be shown at the end of the display. Even then, the terminal emulator is not activated until the Connect command. A puzzle, or a damaged BOO file. ------------------------------ Date: 1 Aug 88 14:01:12 EDT (Mon) From: chris@bitsy.cooper.EDU (Christopher P. Lent) Page 42 INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #5 Subject: MS-Kermit 2.31 IBM 17 July 1988 Eats nulls Keywords: MS-DOS Kermit 2.31 Hi, Sorry to complain, but MS-Kermit 2.31 17 July 1988 removes nulls from the terminal session. Normally this is not a problem, BUT we have an application which captures binary data from a Perkin-Elmer FT-IR Model 1600 via the LOG SESSION command. Since MS-Kermit 2.31 eats nulls, we have to remain at MS-Kermit 2.30 for now. REPEAT BY: If you have a UNIX system around an easy way to test this is to go: $ echo "A NULL \0 <---" >null.lis $ od -c null.lis 0000000 A N U L L \0 < - - - \n 0000016 $ # ^------- Note the null in the file $ # at this point turn on debugging with SET DEBUG ON $ # then reconnect and go $ cat t.lis On Version 2.30 the null appears as ^@ and is also put in the SESSION LOG file, while on 2.31 the null is gone from both the terminal session and the session log file. In conclusion, Kermit is wonderful but this problem makes our user rather unhappy. Admittedly it's not Kermit's intended use but it would prove useful from time to time. Hope a fix will make it into the next MS-Kermit release. Thanks, Chris Lent philabs!phri!cooper!chris [From jrd - Chris, to increase terminal emulation throughput both NULLs and DEL characters are filtered out right in the serial port interrupt routine. DEL is passed if Tektronix emulation is active. Both were supposed to be passed when DEBUG was active but a small glitch did not let NULL through even then. We dare not let these two characters get into the log file since they are normally fillers and would make a great mess when the log file is later edited or manipulated by ordinary tools. I suppose a case could be made that both should be passed if transparent printing were active, but again filler characters from the host would also go to the printer. Still, they should not be in the session log.] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 6 Apr 88 15:59:30 EST From: LES@vaxi.UWO.CDN Subject: VT200 Support in MS-Kermit? Keywords: VT200 Support INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #5 Page 43 What we would really like to see Kermit do is emulate at least one feature of the VT200 - the ability to download soft character sets. That is, we would like to use Kermit with an application which manages and down loads software character sets to the terminal in order to allow a wide variety of characters to be displayed. Do you know: - if such a feature is planned? - if anyone out there have implemented such a feature - if, given we have the source and resources, its a big job? Thanks in advance, Les Flodrowski Social Science Computing Lab, U. of Western Ontario. LES@UWOVAX.BITNET [From jrd - VT220 support has been discussed but no one has volunteered to take on the task. Once VT220 support starts it needs to be rather complete because people naturally then expect all the features. A partial work around is to load the SET TRANSLATION INPUT table from a Take file, to change in coming characters, and to use SET KEY for outgoing ones. In any case, the displayable characters are restricted to those built into the Bios and display adapter; i.e., the ordinary ASCII plus IBM extended ASCII set. Since sources are available you might wish to know that the job is certainly not small.] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 1 Aug 88 11:54:33 edt From: Jim Gogan Subject: MS-Kermit with Async Servers? Keywords: MS-DOS Kermit 2.31 I would like to hear from anyone using MS-Kermit 2.31 over a network to an async communications server (such as IBM's LAN Async Communications Server Program or Novell's ACS). We are looking for something (anything!!) that will let us attach up to 8 hardwired async lines to a communications server on a PC network (primarily token ring and Ethernet hardware) without having to use ASCOM, Smartcom or Crosstalk!! Is this possible with Kermit 2.31? What products are any good (not just available) for async server capability? I don't care about dial-in capabilities; we just want to get access to other campus hosts for the users on the PC nets. Please e-mail any and all success/horror stories & I'll summarize if appropriate. Thanks in advance. Jim Gogan Univ. of North Carolina Microcomputing Support Center Phone: (919) 962-0101 E-mail: ugogan@ecsvax (UUCP or BITNET) or [From jrd - IBM's Async Comms Server needs a special protocol across the network, and I suspect so does Novell's ACS. I have the specs on the IBM item; in fact, I have a MS student doing an analysis of it. However, it does not mesh well with the current Kermit procedures. There might be some async servers, such as the updated IBM ASC from Yale, which expect the client to use the local Bios path to the serial port; Kermit supports that route via SET PORT BIOSn (n=1-4).] Page 44 INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #5 ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Jul 88 07:59:00 CDT From: moore@ncsc.ARPA (Moore) Subject: MS-DOS Kermit 2.31 and Local Printer Keywords: MS-DOS Kermit 2.31 Sorry, I should have looked closer before I complained about the local printer problem a while back. Seems that, prior to 2.30, parity none allowed transparent printing with no problem; with 2.31, at least on our 4.3bsd host, parity must be set to space in order to let both transparent printing and file transfers take place (setting parity to even disables transfers completely!). Thanks for the assistance. Jim [Ed. - The behavior of parity is rather complicated. UNIX sends even parity during a terminal session. MS-Kermit, by default, strips parity of incoming characters during CONNECT. UNIX Kermit, once it is invoked, transfers files with no parity (uses all 8 bits for data). Thus normally, you don't need to SET PARITY to anything when connecting a PC to a UNIX system -- both terminal connection and file transfer work. Transparent printing, however, as of 2.30, is intended to work with full 8-bit binary bytes to allow for printing of special characters. If you don't tell MS-Kermit that incoming characters have parity, it will route them to the printer that way, which of course produces a messed-up listing. So for transparent printing with a VAX on the other end, you should SET PARITY EVEN (or SPACE or anything else), but then to transfer files, also remember to SET PARITY EVEN (or SPACE or...) on the VAX Kermit too.] ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 2 Aug 88 12:24:21 edt From: (James A. Lupo) Subject: MS-Kermit 2.3x Bug? 2.31 And Z-100's ZPC Keywords: MS-DOS Kermit 2.31, Z-100, ZPC I have noted a slight bug in MS-Kermit, Versions 2.30 and 2.31, with the "set term color" command. If bright foreground colors are specified, as in: set term color 1 37 44 The terminal display does indeed show bright white characters on a blue background. However, receipt of a terminal reset sequence, specifically, [0m, causes the display to drop to low intensity white on black. The screen remains this way until one escapes to the Kermit command mode and subsequently re-connects to terminal mode. At that point, new text is displayed once again in high intensity until the next reset sequence is received. Side Note for Z-100 Users I recently upgraded my Z-100 low profile computer with the Heath User's INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #5 Page 45 Group ZPC IBM-PC emulation software and a Scottie Systems Scottie Board with COM1 adapter. I had great difficulty in getting Version 2.30 to run, and have not isolated all problems yet. However, Version 2.31 runs hot out of its BOO file translation with no modification. The ZPC package emulates a CGA display, and both the VT102 and TEK4010 modes so far operate flawlessly. Even though running Kermit in emulation this way does not make use of the 640x480 resolution available on a Z-100, it still makes a very servicable comm package (at least until the Z-100 Kermit reaches the 2.3x level??). LtCol James A. Lupo Assistant Professor of Physics Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT/ENP) Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433-6583 E-Mail: [From jrd - ESC [ 0 m means reset the display attributes of bold, blink, and inverse rather than reset the terminal (ESC c), so a dim display is the natural result. Color change is not a host command and probably relates to your non-Connect mode screen attributes (which Kermit uses until told otherwise). ZPC emulation: that's good news!] ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 4 Aug 88 10:09:35 CDT From: moore@ncsc.ARPA (Moore) Subject: Z-248 COM3 and Kermit Keywords: Zenith Z-248, COM3, MS-DOS Kermit I know the subject of COM3 on the Z-248 has been beaten to death, but I got an interesting little program from Zenith called COM3.COM, which is supposed to map COM[1-2] I/O to COM3. Well, it works at 1200baud with Kermit, but at any higher speeds characters get lost regardless of the handshaking. Has anyone been able to get COM3.COM to work with Kermit? I'll post results if they're compelling. Thanks. Jim ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 25 Jul 88 18:33:15 EST From: John C Klensin Subject: MSUCHK/SCANCHECK and the Rainbow Keywords: MS-DOS Kermit, Rainbow Kermit I probably should have anticipated this, but the MSKERMIT scan program, SCANCHECK (distributed as MSUCHK) goes crazy when one attempts to run it on a Rainbow under MSDOS 2.1. SHOW KEY from within Kermit, while tedious, works fine. This might at least be worth a note in a .BWR file. Page 46 INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #5 [Ed. - Noted.] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 22 Jul 88 11:10:58 EDT From: (Valerie Mates) Subject: MacKermit Checksums Keywords: MacKermit 0.9(40) Hi! I'm using MacKermit 9(40) on a Mac II, connected to a Sun running C-Kermit 4E. During file transfers when it should be using type 1 checksums, MacKermit's display window says it's using type 0 checksums. It also says that the window size is 00. Several large, binary files have been corrupted during transfers with "type 0" checksums. Any idea what's happening? Thanks! Valerie Mates [Ed. - The block check display is probably a mistake. Kermit doesn't transfer files without error checking. We'd have to know a lot more detail about the corrupted binary files -- what system was on the other end, what version of Kermit, what kind of connection, etc.] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 15 Jul 88 00:42:26 EDT From: Subject: MacKermit and Binary File Transfer Keywords: MacKermit 0.9(40), MacBinary The problem I am trying to work with MacKermit is to transfer a Stuffit file (which is MacBinary) from the SIMTEL20 archives to my Macintosh via another, UNIX, ARPANET host. The master files are being retained in binary on SIMTEL20 to conserve disk space. Since I have no disk space there and am also unaware of a Mac file ASCII conversion program on the DEC20) I cannot convert it there before transfer. I do have disk space on the UNIX host but I also am not aware of a conversion program resident there. I have done XMODEM transfer from there since one of the system people kindly put it up for me so I am not desperate. However I was curious as to whether there exists a technique for double file transfer with subsequent glueing back together. I would like to suggest that support of MacBinary transfer would make the program enormously more useful for Mac users. - Maretta Holden [Ed. - See the next message...] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 15 Jul 88 10:21:36 PDT From: (Dave Platt) Subject: Transferring application via MacKermit 0.9(40) Keywords: MacKermit 0.9(40), MacBinary If you wish to transfer a Mac application (or other file containing a INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #5 Page 47 resource fork) with MacKermit 0.9(40), I'd suggest running the file through BinHex 5.0 (not 4.0). BinHex 5.0 will translate the file into MacBinary format; the resulting file is pure data (no resource fork) and can be uploaded using MacKermit's binary-file transmission option. The resulting file can be downloaded in the same way, and then reconverted via BinHex 5.0. The biggest advantage to using BinHex 5.0, as opposed to PackIt or StuffIt, is that the uploaded file on the mainframe/BBS is stored in MacBinary format. It's therefore compatible with any terminal emulator/downloader that supports automatic MacBinary conversion; for example, one could download such a file using MacTerminal 2.0, Red Ryder, MicroPhone, FreeTerm, or VersaTerm... and all of these programs would automatically convert the file back into a Mac application as it was received. Similarly, any of these programs could be used to upload an application or document to a mainframe or BBS in MacBinary format; the resulting file can be downloaded using binary MacKermit and then run through BinHex 5.0 to restore it to its original form. Dave Platt VOICE: (415) 493-8805 USNAIL: Coherent Thought Inc. 3350 West Bayshore #205 Palo Alto CA 94303 UUCP: ...!{ames,sun,uunet}!coherent!dplatt DOMAIN: INTERNET: coherent!,, [Ed. - And obviously, automatic MacBinary translation is high on the list for Mac Kermit too.] ------------------------------ Date: Tue 26 Jul 88 17:19:30-PDT From: Mike O'Rourke Subject: MacKermit Escape Sequence Keys Keywords: MacKermit 0.9(40) Greetings. I am a MicroComputer Consultant for the University of Southern California. We recently received MacKermit 0.9(40) and MSKermit 2.30 for our Labs and have a question for you. Many of our users connect to IBM Mainframes (MVS and CMS) using XVT100 emulation (VT102 really), and have trouble trying to find out the escape sequences - PF Keys, Break keys, Insert Keys, Clear Screen, etc. If you have such mappings, most notably for the Mac, we would dearly appreciate any info you could offer. Thanks in Advance, Mike O'Rourke [Ed. - Mac Kermit 0.9(40) does not come with a default set of VT100 key mappings. Users are encouraged to put together Mac Kermit settings files for this and send them in, so we can add them to the distribution.] ------------------------------ End of Info-Kermit Digest Page 48 INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #6 Info-Kermit Digest Wed, 17 Aug 1988 Volume 8 : Number 6 Today's Topics: Announcing the End of CU20B Announcing a Maintenance Update for MS-Kermit 2.31 Announcing MS-Kermit 2.31 for NEC-PC9801 with Kana-Kanji Announcing MS-DOS Kermit 2.31 for the Wang PC Binary File Types on the VAX Kermit 3.82 and the Applied Eng. Serial Pro Work Together Finally CMS Kermit and 7171 Protocol Converter CMS-Kermit with Commtex Cx-80 KERMIT through Commtex Cx-80 Protocol Converter Kermit Through Protocol Converters Under CMS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 15 Aug 88 19:16 MDT From: Christine M. Gianone Subject: Announcing the End of CU20B Keywords: CU20B, CUNIXC, Kermit Distribution, Network, FTP This will be the final issue of the Info-Kermit Digest that is sent from our last DEC-20 (once a fleet of four). DEC-20s were important to the original development of Kermit -- much of the protocol was designed "around" them, one of the first Kermit programs was written for the DEC-20, and the DEC-20 style of "user interface" is found in many popular Kermit programs -- MS-Kermit, CP/M Kermit, C-Kermit, etc. Kermit's new "home" will be on CUNIXC.CC.COLUMBIA.EDU, a VAX 8700 running UNIX (Ultrix). The IP host number is You should be able to get files from it with anonymous FTP, just as you did from CU20B, except that now you're talking to a UNIX, rather than TOPS-20, FTP server. The Kermit files are in directories kermit/a, kermit/b, kermit/c, kermit/d, and kermit/e. You can also send mail to Info-Kermit and Info-Kermit-Request at the new address. The process is roughly like this: FTP to CUNIXC.CC.COLUMBIA.EDU, login anonymous, any password, and then CWD (or CD) to kermit, which contains a file, which you should read. Then CWD (or CD) to a, b, c, d, or e and GET or MULTIPLE GET (or MGET) the files you want. The AA*.* files are still DEC-20 oriented, but will be updated soon. Report problems to info-kermit-request@CUNIXC.CC.COLUMBIA.EDU. Also, remember that Columbia's Internet host numbers changed on August 15th, as announced in the last Info-Kermit Digest, so if you have trouble connecting, try using CUNIXC's host number, instead of the host name. Since CUNIXC is a heavily-used machine, please try not to FTP files from it during peak hours. There are presently no formal restrictions, so please don't overburden the system. If the response is very slow, cancel your session and try again later. During a brief transition period, CU20B will continue to house the Kermit files, so if you have problems with CUNIXC, you can still return to "old faithful". INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #6 Page 49 To order by mail, request a complete list of Kermit versions and an order form from Kermit Distribution, Columbia University Center for Computing Activities, 612 West 115th Street, New York, NY 10025 USA. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 10 Aug 88 19:16 MDT From: Christine M. Gianone Subject: Announcing a Maintenance Update for MS-Kermit 2.31 Keywords: MS-DOS Kermit 2.31, IBM PC, Ungermann-Bass This is to announce a maintenance release of MS-DOS Kermit 2.31 for the IBM PC family only. This version is being issued in order to correct several problems in the original 2.31 release. If you are affected by these problems, then you should get the update, otherwise you needn't bother. The version number remains 2.31, but the date is changed to August 15, 1988 (as displayed in the startup herald, or by the "version" command). The items that were fixed are: - Ungermann-Bass Net One support had two fatal bugs, now fixed. - The Bios in some machines objected to the stray interrupt generated when Kermit disconnected from the serial port. Also solves problem of an earlier task, such as Smartcom II or PC-Talk III, forgetting to replace the serial port interrupt it borrowed and causing a crash during Kermit operations. - A serial port with COM2 addressing (port 02E8H, IRQ 3) placed in the COM1 Bios data area, such as happens with some PCjr's, could not be found. Corrected to switch to COM2 addressing if the Bios data area for COM1 is 02E8H. COM1 is normally port 03F8H and IRQ 4. - The main Kermit command line parser sometimes gave a spurious message "?more parameters are needed" when query mark help was used. - A bug in finding labels in scripts, as in the commands GOTO end :end1 commands :end which let label ":end1" be jumped to by mistake if ":end1" appeared first. - The test for available disk space when receiving files with attributes packets inflated the disk space rather than the file size. Revised to proper form: inflate file size by 17/16, decline file if not enough disk space. - The script CLEAR command could sometimes interfere with terminal emulation (lose tab settings, etc). [Ed. - Thanks to Joe Doupnik for the rapid work in making these corrections! The new files are installed in Kermit distribution in the usual places, as well as in the new place (kermit/a on CUNIXC) and a more detailed description from Joe of this release has been added to the MSKERM.BWR file.] Page 50 INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #6 ------------------------------ Date: SAT, 06 AUG 88 17:19:25 JST From: "H.Fujii" Subject: Announcing MS-Kermit 2.31 for NEC-PC9801 with Kana-Kanji Keywords: NEC-PC9801, Japan, Kana, Kanji, MS-DOS Kermit 2.31, Fujitsu FMR-60 We (Hirofumi Fujii & Akihiro Shirahasi) have developed MS-Kermit for NEC PC-9801, the most popular MS-DOS machine in Japan (more than IBM-PC!!). The big difference from other machines is Kana & Kanji treatment. Kana & Kanji are the Japanese characters developed from ancient Chinese characters. The number of authorized characters is about 6000 (Level-1: 2965; Level-2: 3388). These are specified by 2-byte codes. Our program can handle these characters in addition to usual MS-Kermit operation (including VT100, TEK4014 emulation). For Kana & Kanji treatment, it is very important that the MS-Kermit has the 8-bit display mode. So, we have set the default mode to 8-bit display. We have already tested this program with my friends and collaborators. We have tried to send Kana-Kanji mail and Kana-Kanji phone on VAX/VMS using this Kermit. Of course these utilities caused some problems because these programs are not designed for 2-byte cahracters. But many of the problems are recoverable (e.g., by pressing ^W) and we found this program is very convenient to communicate using Kana & Kanji. So, we want to distribute this program as a 'free to use' program. We have named the modules as follows: MSVP98.BOO -- BOO file for MSVP98.EXE (MS-Kermit for NEC PC-9801) MSVP98.DOC -- Manual for NEC PC-9801 Kermit MSGP98.ASM -- Macro Assembler source file for TEK4014 emulator MSUP98.ASM -- Macro Assembler source file for Keyboard MSXP98.ASM -- Macro Assembler source file for Machine-dependent interface MSYP98.ASM -- Macro Assembler source file fir VT102 emulator These are the files for MS-Kermit 2.31 for NEC-PC9801. Please add these files to your KERMSRV. Hirofumi Fujii KEK On-line group, Dept. of Physics, National Laboratory for High-Energy Physics (KEK) BITNET address: KEIBUN@JPNKEKVM HEPNET(DECNET) address: KEKVAX::KEIBUN P.S. 1) I tried to SET KEY xxx . It worked well! This is owing to 8-bit character handling at MS-Kermit command level (a new feature of version 2.31). 2) I have already started to install this program to another Japanese MS-DOS machine, Fujitsu (mainframer) FMR-60 (their mainframe-machine is IBM compatible but their peronal computer is NOT! -- Why? I think it is due to Japanese character sets). At the present time, it works without Tek4014 INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #6 Page 51 emulation. [Ed. - Many thanks for the valuable work you have done, and for contributing it to the Kermit library! The files have been installed in Kermit Distribution under the names you listed above.] ------------------------------ From: Volker Edelhoff Date: Fri, 22 Jul 88 14:39:42 +0200 Subject: Announcing MS-DOS Kermit 2.31 for the Wang PC Keywords: MS-DOS Kermit 2.31, Wang PC I adapted the machine-specific file MSXWNG.ASM for the Wang PC to assemble and link with the rest of MS-DOS Kermit version 2.31 files correctly. I did no improvement to the functionality of it - I just added some externals and dummy procedures to satisfy the linker. BUT: the machine independent files of Kermit have been improved immensely (script file, more comprehensive messages, better SHOW facilities, ...), so that this adaption will be quite useful for the WANG PC/APC world, anyway! The new files are as follows: Name Size Description MSVWNG.BAT 1223 Batch file for assembling and linking MSVWNG.BOO 71012 BOO-version of MSVWNG.EXE MSVWNG.EXE 63616 The WANG PC/APC Kermit Version 2.31 MSVWNG.LNK 204 Link-script file used by MSVWNG.BAT MSVWNG.MAK 1890 MAKE-file for MS-Make MSXWNG.ASM 25256 The ASM-source code Volker Edelhoff Hennener Str. 35 D-5860 Iserlohn West Germany [Ed. - Many thanks, Volker! The Wang PC version of MS-Kermit has not been updated since 2.29, in May 1986, so this announcement should be most welcome to Wang PC users! The files have been added to Kermit Distribution under the names listed above. Now if only someone would write Kermit programs for the Wang VS systems...] ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 26 Jul 88 09:34:32 CST From: Bob Parks Subject: Binary File Types on the VAX Keywords: VAX/VMS Kermit, SAS My problem is most likely due to ignorance of VAX file formats but here is the problem. SAS has a file format called TRANSPORT format and one uses it to transport SAS internal data sets between machines (VAX, PC, CMS, etc). The transport file is written in ASCII and apparently uses all 256 different 'characters'. Page 52 INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #6 The problem is that the transport data set is 80 characters per record, file type fixed (e.g., no end-of-record indication - specifically no CR/LF characters). If such a transport file is transfered between the VAX (KERMIT-32) and the PC, then at the end of each and every record there is a CR/LF on the PC side. I have tried SET FILE TYPE BINARY and SET FILE TYPE FIXED and no SET FILE TYPE command and receieved the same files identically. Possibly the VAX stores the transport data set with CR/LF even though it is fixed length file (and maybe there is some fixup in SAS / VAX when creating the transport data set). BUT what I wanted, and what works between CMS and the PC is CMS KERMIT's SET FILE BINARY that does not, on the PC side, get CR/LF on each record. Any suggestions appreciated. Bob ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 28 Jul 88 09:46:04 CDT From: "Wayne J. Hauber" Subject: Kermit 3.82 and the Applied Eng. Serial Pro Work Together Finally Keywords: Kermit-65, Super Serial Card, Apple II A couple of months ago, I asked about Kermit 3.8* and the Applied Engineering Serial Pro. The Serial Pro is supposed to be Super Serial Card compatible but I was having no luck getting the card to work with Kermit's Super Serial Card driver. I enabled interrupts like the Kermit manual (and everyone else) suggested by closing the dip switches. Kermit refused to work; when you enter CONNECT at the Kermit-65 prompt the system freezes with the interrupt switches off and appears to drop into the monitor with the switches on. I tried lots of things and even browsed the Kermit source. However, last night I got Kermit to work with my Serial Pro. The fix was unexpected and seems a little weird to me. I opened the switches that enable IRQ interrupts for the 6551 and 6818 (switches 1 and 3) and closed the switches which enable NMI interrupts (switches 2 and 4). This should have disabled IRQ and enabled NMI interrupts. What is weird is this: NMI interrupts are not supported on the Apple II series of computer and IRQ is. The switches I set should be the wrong switches. Non maskable interrupts (NMI) are supposed to crash an Apple II into the monitor. This sounds a lot like the symptoms I had. Most people I talked with thought it wouldn't hurt to leave all the interrupt switches on; that was wrong in Kermit's case. It doesn't hurt some of the other communication programs on the market though. My guess is that the AE Serial Pro User's Guide contains a mislabeled diagram for its switch settings. The switches labelled as NMI are really IRQ and vice-versa. (Ted, Mark or Murph): With what should be the wrong switch settings, Kermit 3.82 works quite well INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #6 Page 53 with my Serial Pro. My previous comments about the Serial Pro have been placed in a .BWR (beware) file at Columbia and have been read elsewhere. Could someone with the appropriate clout update the .BWR file telling Serial Pro users to open interrupt switches 1 & 3 and close 2 & 4? Wayne Hauber Iowa State University gawjh@isumvs [Ed. - Your new message has been placed in APPLE.BWR.] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 3 Aug 88 11:11 EDT From: Subject: CMS Kermit and 7171 Protocol Converter Keywords: CMS Kermit, Portable 370 Kermit, Protocol Converters I am having major difficulties transferring files between a pc and CMS through a 7171 protocol converter. After a number of packets has been transferred, the error message "Unable to receive acknowlegement from host" appears. The number of packets varies before this error appears and sometimes it works perfectly with no error. Is anyone else having problems like this? I have tried different bauds to no avail. It seems to be an intermitten problem. Not only is it happening under CMS, but also on our MUSIC/SP system which also goes through the 7171. It leads me to believe that it is something with the 7171 causing it. Any information or advice would be greatly appreciated! Terry Lewis University of Tennessee at Martin TLEWIS@UTKVX1 [Ed. - If the problems are mainly when you're sending from the PC to the host, they are likely traceable to small or insufficient input buffers on the 7171. Make sure you're running an up-to-date 7171 system, and up-to-date Kermits. We can transfer 1000-byte packets from PCs into our CMS system through a 7171 without even a hiccup. And of course, also make sure you have your communication parameters set correctly -- usually, SET PARITY EVEN is the only change you have to make to the PC from its defaults.] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 22 Jul 1988 11:52:26 CET From: A0045%DK0RRZK0.BITNET@CUVMB.CC.COLUMBIA.EDU Subject: CMS-Kermit with Commtex Cx-80 Keywords: CMS Kermit, Kermit-370, CX-80 We have a small IBM mainframe, which we got as donation from IBM for the scientific research in general and in particular for the 600-year-anniversary of Cologne University. At the moment, we have a protocol converter named Commtex Cx-80 as a test device, and we tried in vain to get Kermit running through that box. I must confess, I'm not very intimate with IBM mainframes, with their special vocabulary and their four-digit names, but I'll try to explain the configuration. Page 54 INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #6 The IBM mainframe is a 4341 running VM/SP Rel.5 (CMS), the communications controller is a 3705, where several remote cluster controllers are attached via BSC (not SNA, as I was told). The Cx-80 can be used to attach asynchroneous terminals and is in turn connected to a local network with TCP/IP based on Ethernet. We have installed CMS-Kermit 4.0 on the IBM, the program runs succesfully through the converter, but the file transfer doesn't work. I understand that it needs a transparent I/O mode in this configuration, therefore I quote some lines from the Cx-80 documentation about their transparent facilities: >> In addition to the Cx-80's pass-thru mode, which is compatible >> with many mainframe graphics and file transfer packages (e.g., >> products form SAS Institute and ISSCO), pass-thru operation >> which is compatible with the IBM 7171 Hardcopy/Transparent >> Write and Write/Read is now supported. When I compare this with the CMS-Kermit documentation, I assume that the first mode might correspond to SET CONTROLLER GRAPHICS, and the second mode to SET CONTROLLER SERIES1. CMS-Kermit comes up with SERIES1, which ends with a bit more success than GRAPHICS. What happens in SERIES1 mode is, that with both XTYPE and Packet transfer most characters arrive correctly, but a few are garbled (e.g. 7,- and & all appear as @). When I do a packet dump on the CMS-machine, I see in the EBCDIC-dump all packets correctly, the RAW-dump shows the incoming packets ok with their ASCII-code and the high-bit set, the outgoing packets however, are dumped completely wrong. So this dump is of no great help either. In GRAPHICS mode, I get an immediate disconnect from the Cx-80, and there is a hint to this behaviour in the Cx-80 documentation: >> In BSC systems, the Cx-80 will enter Pass-Though mode only if >> the Command/WCC/X'70' sequence is written immediately following >> device selection. >> Any data which follows the X'70'is expected to be in the range >> X'7F'through X'FE, inclusive. Upon receiving such data, the >> Cx-80 will strip the most significant bit (resulting in data >> in the range X'00'through X'7F', the full ASCII-128 set), and >> deliver them untranslated to the addressed device. ...... >> ... If any data following the X'70' is in the range X'40' >> through X'7E'inclusive, the Cx-80 will interpret the data as >> a host disconnect request and will respond by terminating the >> connection between the terminal and the Cx-80. Therefore my question: Does the CMS-Kermit conform to this description or is it a special convention for the Cx-80 only? Or do all the problems perhaps occur, because CMS-Kermit is only designed for SNA-connections instead of BSC and those two just are different in these places? Jochen Roderburg Regional Computing Center University of Cologne Robert-Koch-Str. 10 Tel. : 49-221/470-4564 D-5000 Koeln 41 Email: A0045 @ DK0RRZK0.BITNET West Germany [Ed. - See following messages...] ------------------------------ INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #6 Page 55 Date: Sun, 17 Jul 1988 14:04 CDT From: Landy Manderson Subject: KERMIT through Commtex Cx-80 Protocol Converter Keywords: Protocol Converters, CX-80, TSO, 7171 I have a question about version 4.00 of MVS/TSO KERMIT, and I am hoping this is the right place to send it. We are using Commtex Cx-80 series 3270-to-ASCII protocol converters here at UAB. Our latest version of the Cx-80 software supports 7171 emulation, but apparently only the Hardcopy/Transparent (115D7F110000) and Transparent Write/Read (115D7F110001) commands. Now, when I tried to do file transfer from PC to TSO through the Cx-80 I kept getting a comm error 531, and it was apparently rejecting the 7171 orders from KERMIT. Upon inspection of the code, it appeared to be using the command (115D7F110005), and it was sending ASCII data without the high-order bit turned on. I do not have a recent 7171 book (I do have one from 1984), so I do not have any idea what command (....0005) is, but I changed our KERMIT to use the Transparent Write/Read (....0001), and to set the high-order bit on in the ASCII stream. This seems to have worked, because now we can file transfer. Is this a reasonable fix to our problem? Is there any precedent for this, and if so, has someone come up with a better way to do this? Any help on this would be appreciated. Of course, this is not a super critical question since we have gotten it to work as is. Landy Manderson, Lead Software Specialist User Services, The University Computer Ctr University of Alabama at Birmingham (USA) [From John Chandler - Landy, by coincidence, I have just heard from someone else on BITNET who tried out Kermit (on CMS) through a Cx-80. In that case, it seemed that operation in SERIES1 mode was fine except for a few characters that unaccountably got translated outbound to "@" signs. I believe you'll find that changing the write/read order was unnecessary, since the convention in the 7171 and its ancestor, the Yale ASCII system, was to treat any buffer address other than 0000 as a write/read. I don't know why Kermit uses 0005, instead of the more obvious 0001, but "that's how it has always been." As to the setting of the high-order bits in the ASCII data, we found that to prevent the odd garbling of characters. Below is the update I devised to accomplish it. It is unfortunate that this is necessary on the Cx-80, since it is *not* on any other protocol converter that I know of -- in particular, the 7171 can be configured to give a full 8-bit channel both ways for convenient binary file transfer without 8th-bit quoting. One point that interests me is one you did not mention, namely, the graphics pass-through capability of the Cx-80. What I heard of its documentation suggested that you could also transfer files if you set CONTROLLER to GRAPHICS in Kermit-TSO. Would you mind trying it to find out? Thanks. John ====================================================================== Page 56 INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #6 / I 08511000 $ 8511500 500 08/02/88 14:59:32 LA 9,0(5,2) Save start of ASCII stuff @SC88215 / I 08521000 $ 8521500 500 08/02/88 14:59:32 LR 3,2 Copy end of transmission @SC88215 / I 08523000 $ 8523200 200 08/02/88 14:59:32 LR 2,9 Start of ASCII stuff @SC88215 SR 3,2 Length @SC88215 LA 15,ON80 Set high bits @SC88215 BAL 14,TRANSLAT @SC88215 / I 08526500 $ 8526700 100 08/02/88 14:59:32 LR 6,8 Set up for log routine @SC88168 / I 08575000 $ 8575050 50 08/02/88 14:59:32 * For setting high bits... @SC88215 ON80 DC X'808182838485868788898A8B8C8D8E8F' @SC88215 DC X'909192939495969798999A9B9C9D9E9F' @SC88215 DC X'A0A1A2A3A4A5A6A7A8A9AAABACADAEAF' @SC88215 DC X'B0B1B2B3B4B5B6B7B8B9BABBBCBDBEBF' @SC88215 DC X'C0C1C2C3C4C5C6C7C8C9CACBCCCDCECF' @SC88215 DC X'D0D1D2D3D4D5D6D7D8D9DADBDCDDDEDF' @SC88215 DC X'E0E1E2E3E4E5E6E7E8E9EAEBECEDEEEF' @SC88215 DC X'F0F1F2F3F4F5F6F7F8F9FAFBFCFDFEFF' @SC88215 DC X'808182838485868788898A8B8C8D8E8F' @SC88215 DC X'909192939495969798999A9B9C9D9E9F' @SC88215 DC X'A0A1A2A3A4A5A6A7A8A9AAABACADAEAF' @SC88215 DC X'B0B1B2B3B4B5B6B7B8B9BABBBCBDBEBF' @SC88215 DC X'C0C1C2C3C4C5C6C7C8C9CACBCCCDCECF' @SC88215 DC X'D0D1D2D3D4D5D6D7D8D9DADBDCDDDEDF' @SC88215 DC X'E0E1E2E3E4E5E6E7E8E9EAEBECEDEEEF' @SC88215 DC X'F0F1F2F3F4F5F6F7F8F9FAFBFCFDFEFF' @SC88215 ] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 29 Jul 88 22:40:53 EDT From: Subject: Kermit Through Protocol Converters Under CMS Keywords: Kermit-370, Protocol Converters Kermit-370, as released for CMS last winter, contained code designed to allow file transfer through a variety of terminal emulators other than the "usual" Yale ASCII type (Series/1, 7171, 4994, 9370 ASCII subsystem). The code was, in fact, modelled after similar code that was demonstrated under TSO, but I haven't heard any reports of success under CMS, and the only negative report was for a device that hadn't been tried under TSO. I would like to hear from anyone who has any kind of 3270 emulator other than the Yale type (and other than the 3708, which is known to work with Kermit already). The particular types of emulators which might be expected to work include the MICOM 7400, the Datastream/Leedata 8010/8030/874 models, the PCI 1076 and 276, and possibly the Renex TMS-1. Any others which claim to support a "graphics passthrough" mode are also likely candidates. I would be interested in any results of trying Kermit with such emulators, whether positive or negative (be sure to SET CONTROLLER GRAPH to the mainframe Kermit before starting the transfer). Actually, I now have an update that automatically detects non-SERIES1-type terminals and also some other updates that may help in diagnosing the problems if the existing code should prove not to work "as is." INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #6 Page 57 ------------------------------ End of Info-Kermit Digest Page 58 INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #7 Info-Kermit Digest Thu, 1 Sep 1988 Volume 8 : Number 7 Special C-Kermit Issue: C-Kermit on the Amiga C-Kermit 4E(070) on Masscomp Lock Files Being Ignored by UUCP C-Kermit and .kermrc Using Kermit from Shell Mode C-Kermit on an X-MP Running UNICOS Version 3 Performance of Unix Kermit 4E A Piped Connect Command for C-Kermit SCO Xenix Makefile Error? Xenix C-Kermit Makefile Fixes Parameters for Using Kermit over X.25? Problem with C-Kermit on VMS Fixes for VMS C-Kermit C-Kermit 4E(070) Under VAX/VMS Using Parity Send digest submissions to Info-Kermit@CUNIXC, requests for addition to or deletion from the Info-Kermit subscriber list to Info-Kermit-Request@CUNIXC. Kermit files may be obtained over networks and by mail order. On the Internetwork, use FTP to log in to host CUNIXC, CUNIXC.CC.COLUMBIA.EDU, a VAX 8700 running UNIX (Ultrix). The IP host number is You should be able to to FTP to CUNIXC, login as user ANONYMOUS (any password) and GET the desired files. The Kermit files are in directories kermit/a, kermit/b, kermit/c, kermit/d, and kermit/e. You can also get Kermit files over BITNET/EARN; to get started send a message with text HELP to KERMSRV, the Kermit file server, at host CUVMA. For detailed instructions, read the file k1/aanetw.hlp (AANETW HLP on KERMSRV). To order by mail, request a complete list of Kermit versions and an order form from Kermit Distribution, Columbia University Center for Computing Activities, 612 West 115th Street, New York, NY 10025 USA. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 13 Aug 1988 17:31:22 EDT From: Frank da Cruz Subject: C-Kermit Keywords: C-Kermit In honor of the first anniversary of the release of C-Kermit 4E, this is a special edition of the Info-Kermit digest devoted to C-Kermit. Some of the messages are quite old (but still valid) -- apologies for taking so long to get around to them! C-Kermit needs a lot of work. Besides the obvious improvements that everyone wants -- sliding windows, a rational script language, etc -- a massive internal reorganization is necessary. As some of you may recall, the program originally ran on a VAX with 4.2BSD UNIX. Then some conditional compilation code was added to make it work with ATT System III and V. Then more conditional code was added for Venix, Xenix, etc etc etc, and then many non-UNIX systems like Apollo Aegis, Data General AOS/VS, VAX/VMS, the Commodore Amiga, the Apple Macintosh, etc etc etc. As a result, the program is a big mess, and the slightest change for one system seems to break it for all the other systems. INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #7 Page 59 The original of breaking the program up into modules that reflected different kinds of dependencies was a good one, but the lines of demarcation need to be rethunk. Only the most basic, primitive, and atomic functions should go into the system-dependent files. How this can best be accomplished is still open to question. For example, the UNIX-specific terminal i/o functions file, ckutio.c, is a joke that can only become worse with the appearance of new UNIX "standards": X/OPEN and Posix are just two more UNIX environments to add to the list -- they don't make all the others go away! Then we have all the "hybrid" systems like Xenix, Ultrix, and SUNOS whose characters change with every release (is it Sys V? is it BSD? no, it's both!). My favorite feature of Unix programming is the way everything is done by files -- including header files in your program source, making files with magic names appear and disappear to signal other programs what's going on, etc etc. Back in the old days, where there was just one "UNIX", all of this was fine. But now, with so many UNIXes to choose from, and so many releases of each one, we find that the major way in which things change is where these files are stored and what they are called. Sometimes it seems to me that most of the hair in Unix Kermit involves figuring out where "file.h" is on each release of each version of UNIX, and the rest of it is devoted to coping with UUCP lock files (where is it? what's it called? what's its mode?)... I can't offer any good estimate about when the next release of C-Kermit will be ready -- "real job" and all that... But I'm faithfully collecting all the bug reports, fixes, and suggestions in hopes that a chunk of time will appear some day. The file is about 2 feet thick so far. A sampling appears below. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 15 Mar 88 17:33:10 PST From: RCKG01M%CALSTATE.BITNET@CUVMA.COLUMBIA.EDU (Stephen Walton) Subject: C-Kermit on the Amiga Keywords: Amiga, Commodore Amiga, C-Kermit/Amiga I have a working version of C Kermit 4E(070) on my Amiga using Manx Aztec C Version 3.6a (latest one). The diffs from the old version are minimal, but I did put in the parity stuff. It seems to work fine, though I've not tested it 100%--I can't get a completely transparent 8-bit link to a computer here, and transfers with even and mark parity time out, but ones with odd or space or no parity go just fine. I have not tried to compile it with any version of Lattice C. I also ran Amiga Lint over it; this Lint is very picky, but did find a few things worth mentioning in the main sources: (1) In ckcmai.c, there are two printf() calls where the number of items to print doesn't match the number of formatting codes. (2) Several items, such as ttname[], are declared as CHAR in some places and as char in others. Since the former is typedef'd to "unsigned char" for most systems, there are potential problems here. (3) The extern item speed will have to be a long if C Kermit is to be ported to systems where int=16 bits. It is an int right now. Page 60 INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #7 This failing requires compiling Amiga Kermit with int set to 32 bits, which increases the executable size by 1/3 (from 63 to 85K). If you're interested in the files, let me know and I'll email context diffs and a BOO file. Stephen Walton, formerly of Ametek but now at Cal State Northridge SWALTON@SOLAR.STANFORD.EDU (preferred) or RCKG01M@CALSTATE.BITNET [Ed. - Thanks, Steve! For now, the updated Amiga Kermit is in a "shell archive" as CKIKER.UPD (it's been there since April)! Your comments 1-3 are noted and will be filtered in to the next release.] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 2 Mar 88 02:58:11 CST From: Stan Barber Subject: C-KERMIT 4E(070) on Masscomp Keywords: C-Kermit 4E, Masscomp, RTU, BSD 2.10 The latest release of C-KERMIT will run on the MASSCOMP MC5XXX computers (lockfile problems excluded!) with the application of the following diff to the makefile (ckuker.mak). I have also checked the most recent version of kermit out on BSD2.10 and here are the recommended changes. (version is C-Kermit, 4E(070) 29 Jan 88) [Ed. - Diffs omitted, but added to CKUKER.BWR. Thanks, Stan!] ------------------------------ Date: 8 Mar 88 14:56:06 EST (Tue) From: mancol!jh@cmcl2.NYU.EDU (John Hanley) Subject: Lock Files Being Ignored by UUCP Keywords: Lock Files, UUCP Lock Files, C-Kermit We had a problem with the lock file that kermit creates not being publicly readable, so that uucico's started by uucp couldn't read the lock file and therefore didn't think the port was locked. It turns out that creat(lockfile,0444) on our 3b2/400 (SVR3) does NOT create a -r--r--r-- file, but rather -r--------. One workaround we used for a while was to invoke kermit using a script that sets umask to 0, runs kermit, and then restores umask. Eventually I patched ttlock() right after the creat() -- context diffs enclosed below. I have no idea how widespread this problem is (or if it even exists beyond our own system). --John Hanley System Programmer, Manhattan College soon to be a former E.E./CS undergrad (got a job for me? :) ..!!manhat!jh [Ed. - This problem is not specific to Sys V. The mode (protection) specified in the creat() call is combined by UNIX with the user's "umask". Therefore, any user who does not like to create files that are publicly readable will also create UUCP lockfiles that are not publicly readable. Solution: after creating the lock file, change the mode: INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #7 Page 61 lck_fil = creat(flfnam, 0444); <-- should really be 0644, right? if (lck_fil < 0) return(-1); fchmod(lck_fil, 0644); <-- new Actually, this will only work if the lockfile didn't exist already. If it did, then the mode won't change. This is a feature of UNIX. Anybody have a better idea?] ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 17 Mar 88 18:00:08 +0200 From: Ze'ev (Steed) Shtadler Subject: C-Kermit and .kermrc Keywords: C-Kermit 4E(070) I use C-kermit 4E(070) on 4.3BSD Unix. I tried to use a .kermrc init file in one of my subdirectories to override some setting done by $HOME/.kermrc but it didn't work. It seems that kermit doesn't look for .kermrc in the working directory if it finds $HOME/.kermrc. This is also said in the manual, but I didn't see it even after looking several times. I would like to ask and suggest that an attempt to "take" .kermrc in the working directory will be done even if $HOME/.kermrc was found. This will simplify things for me (and hopefully for others) and will be in line with other programs like vi. The obvious fix attempt: put "take .kermrc" in $HOME/.kermrc will cause an infinite loop when kermit is called from the home directory. Ze'ev. Ze'ev Shtadler. Computer Science Faculty, Technion, Israel Institute of Thechnology, Haifa Israel Phone (work): (+972) 4-293849 BITNET: steed@techunix Domain: UUCP: ...!psuvax1!techunix.bitnet!steed ARPANET: CSNET: steed%techunix.bitnet@csnet-relay.csnet [Ed. - This is an interesting idea. But it could produce some unwanted side effects. Anybody who cd'd to somebody else's directory would automatically and unavoidably be affected by that person's .kermrc. Better to leave things as they are, and use explicity 'take' or 'set' commands to override your $HOME/.kermrc environment.] ------------------------------ Date: 21 Mar 88 21:12:04 GMT From: jeff@colgate.CSNET (Jeff Norden) Subject: Using Kermit from Shell Mode Keywords: GNU EMACS, Shell, C-Kermit Page 62 INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #7 I'm not sure, but I think somebody asked about running kermit under shell mode a while ago. Anyway, here is some code that I find useful. The result is that I can log onto machines with primitive operating systems (VMS and ATT system V :-), and still have the features of shell-mode available for command history, etc. It's also handy to be able to run a file transfer in an emacs window. The transfer is in the "background", but you can also monitor or stop it easily. [Ed. - Thanks for the idea, Jeff. The entire text of this long message, including the GNU EMACS code, have been put with the C-Kermit files, as KER:CKUGNU.MSG.] ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 7 Jun 88 12:01:20 mdt From: Jim Ivey Subject: C-Kermit on an X-MP Running UNICOS Version 3 Keywords: C-Kermit, Cray X-MP, UNICOS I have been attempting to bring up C-Kermit on our local X-MP running UNICOS Version 3. Unfortunately, it is neither System V nor BSD4.2, but rather a combination to purportedly "bring you the best of both worlds." It is closest to System V, and when I compile it using "make sys5", it compiles fine, producing "wermit." However when I try transferring files there are numerous Timeout errors, and the transfer rate is usually about 10-30 baud. Yes, 10 baud. Now obviously this isn't because of the slowness of the machine. So far I haven't been able to find the answer, though I did make a change in the routine msleep (m). In it, there was a constant called CLOCK_TICK. Normally for UXIII, it is set for 17 milliseconds per clock tick. However, on the Cray X-MP there are 8.5 nanoseconds per clock tick. Therefore this conversion comes out to "#define CLOCK_TICK .0000085". Now, when I extracted the msleep code from the program and tested it out, this modification worked and the old code didn't. Unfortunately, this didn't solve the problem and I'm still on square one. Do you know if anyone has already tried to do this? If you could give me some help on this I would appreciate it greatly. Also, any help would probably have to have some explanation, because I am very new to Kermit, though I know UNIX and UNICOS well. As a side note, is there any way to change the packet size to something above 94? We have all 9600 lines, and with the I/O speed of the Cray, it seems like (after we get the program working in the first place) we could get more performance out of the larger packets. Anyways, thanks ahead of time for any help you can give me. I plan on coming in late tonight to uucp the latest version of C-Kermit in the hopes that that will help a little. Jim Ivey UUCP: ...!ucbvax!ucdavis!egg-id!miv Idaho National Engineering Lab. INTERNET: miv@egg-id.INEL.GOV POB 1625 M.S. 2603 Phone: (208) 526-9066 Idaho Falls, Id. 83415 FAX: [Ed. - I hope the latest version helped. It solves the second problem you INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #7 Page 63 mention because it can handle packets up to 1K long (or as long as you want if you change the symbols MAXSP and MAXRP, defined in ckuker.h.)] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 11 Jul 88 12:57:07 CDT From: rutgers!!execu! (Keith Pyle) Subject: Performance of Unix Kermit 4E Keywords: C-Kermit 4E(070) Performance I have recently attempted to upgrade Kermit from version 4D to 4E on a Prime EXL 316 (80386) running System V Release 3 Version 2.1. While I encountered no difficulities in building 4E, I noticed an obvious difference in performance as compared to 4D. Building Kermit without DEBUG and TLOG made no difference. For a file of 67429 bytes, the following times (sec.) and effective baud rates were noted: time rate Kermit 4D with DEBUG and TLOG 119 5660 Kermit 4E with DEBUG and TLOG 268 2516 Kermit 4E without DEBUG and TLOG 268 2516 The EXL had no other users during these tests and was communicating with an IBM PC XT running MS Kermit 2.31 over a direct 9600 baud line using 8 bits, no parity. I subsequently rebuilt both 4D and 4E with profiling enabled. Following is an extract of the prof(1) output for each using the same test file as above: Kermit 4D: %Time Seconds Cumsecs #Calls msec/call Name 46.4 7.28 7.28 1040 7.000 read 7.7 1.22 8.50 72827 0.0167 encode 6.7 1.05 9.55 834 1.26 write 6.1 0.95 10.50 69179 0.0137 getchx 5.0 0.79 11.28 67430 0.0117 zchin 4.3 0.68 11.96 799 0.85 getpkt 3.2 0.51 12.47 67432 0.0076 chkfn 3.2 0.51 12.98 _mcount 2.9 0.46 13.44 801 0.57 spack 2.2 0.34 13.78 77202 0.0044 dopar 1.6 0.26 14.04 getuid 1.6 0.25 14.29 1602 0.156 chk2 1.3 0.21 14.50 827 0.25 ioctl 1.1 0.18 14.67 monitor 1.0 0.16 14.83 sighold Kermit 4E: %Time Seconds Cumsecs #Calls msec/call Name 46.6 6.62 6.62 837 7.91 write 42.8 6.08 12.70 884 6.88 read 3.8 0.54 13.24 1602 0.337 chk2 0.9 0.13 13.37 801 0.16 spack 0.6 0.09 13.46 1613 0.056 strlen 0.6 0.09 13.55 77206 0.0012 dopar 0.6 0.08 13.63 _mcount 0.6 0.08 13.71 sighold Page 64 INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #7 Note that write calls consume more than 5 times as much of the profiled time in version 4E. Has any similar behaviour been noted on other versions of Kermit? (I have tested 4D vs. 4E on a Sun and found no appreciable difference.) Any suggestions on what changes leading to 4E might be responsible? Keith Pyle ...!!!execu!keith [Ed. - This is a very interesting report. Both these C-Kermit versions were developed on a VAX (with Ultrix and BSD), and also tested on some other systems (ATT 3B20, PDP-11, etc). One of the major goals for 4E was improved performance. Benchmarks showed a slight improvement when sending files (about 10%), a large improvement when receiving (something like 40%), and a dramatic improvement when receiving with parity (greater than 400%) -- but this is on BSD-type systems, where the fundamental method used for packet input was changed (the method used in ATT-type systems was not significantly changed, but some improvements were attempted). Little work was done on packet output (write) from 4D to 4E, so it's hard to know how to explain the observed behavior. Has anyone observed a similar performance degradation on other System-V based systems? If so, then the System-V specific code must be at fault; otherwise, it's something to do with the particular machine, OS, or compiler.] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 13 Jun 88 15:04:34 PDT From: Marco Franzen Subject: A Piped Connect Command for C-Kermit Keywords: C-Kermit 4E(070) Date: Mon, 6 Jun 88 15:04:34 PDT From: (Farhad Arbab) Subject: Proposal for a New Command What I need is a new command, say "pipe", which works just as connect, but instead of connecting the line to /dev/tty, it connects the line to the standard input and output of a given process: "pipe L" will then do what I want. When L terminates, I want to return to the command mode of kermit. L can be an arbitrary program (anything that can be executed via the ! escape). I have implemented exactly this command a couple of months ago, I named it "|". It used some code of the connect command and some of the "!" escape. We use it to transfer files with the Zmodem protocol via the sz/rz program. That protocol is more efficient on low-noise lines if either side's Kermit cannot handle extended-length packets. How easy or difficult is it to add this feature to kermit? Do you know of other easy ways to accomplish the same effect? Is there another communications program that provides such a feature? To simply add this command to the Unix version of C-Kermit was not a big task. Most of all is error-handling ("You have to set line/speed first" messages,...). For other OSes I can't say. INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #7 Page 65 The only problem on my Version of Unix is with the line-locking ioctl: After calling the new "|" command, the hard lock vanishes. But this malfunction doesn't hurt me, since the uucp-style (/usr/spool/uucp/LCK..line) locking still works. The reason for this misbehavior is that the dup2() (and also the dup() and fcntl(F_DUPFD)) system call releases the lock. Neither [v]fork() nor execlp() act this way. However, I don't know, whether this is an error of my Operating System. Marco Franzen | Phone: +49 531 391 3245 Inst. f. Betriebssysteme | Fax: +49 531 391 4577 und Rechnerverbund | BITNET: franzen@dbsinf6.bitnet (preferred) TU Braunschweig | UUCP: franzen@infbs.uucp (uunet!infbs!franzen) D-3300 Braunschweig | from CSnet: franzen%dbsinf6.bitnet@Germany.CSnet Fed. Rep. of Germany | from ARPA: [Ed. - This idea will be looked at for the next release. It could be used to build a very generalized script facility to be used with C-Kermit, but from the outside.] ------------------------------ Date: Tue Mar 15 20:51:01 1988 From: yunexus!ists!mike@uunet.UU.NET (Mike Clarkson) Subject: SCO Xenix Makefile Error? Keywords: SCO Xenix For Ckermit 4E(070) 29 Jan 88, in the Makefile # CKUKER.MAK, Version 2.11, 29 January 1988 # # -- Makefile to build C-Kermit for Unix and Unix-like systems -- ... #SCO Xenix/286 2.2.1, e.g. for IBM PC/AT, PS/2 Model 50, etc. sco286: make wermit "CFLAGS= -DXENIX -DUXIII -DDEBUG -DTLOG -F 3000 -i -M2le" \ "LNKFLAGS = -F 3000 -i -M2le" looks OK, but #SCO Xenix 2.2.1 for IBM PC, XT, PS2/30, or other 8088 or 8086 machine sco86: make wermit "CFLAGS= -DXENIX -DUXIII -DDEBUG -DTLOG -F 3000 -i -Mle" \ "LNKFLAGS = -F 3000 -i -Mle" looks suspicious: 1) SCO Xenix doesn't have 2.2.1 for the 8086. Their latest (and last?) release for the 8086 is 2.1.3. 2) SCO Xenix doesn't have large model (-Ml) for the 8086. Has this makefile actually been tested? Last time I tried, it wouldn't work medium model. Page 66 INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #7 Mike Clarkson mike@ists.UUCP Institute for Space and Terrestrial Science York University, North York, Ontario, CANADA M3J 1P3 (416) 736-5611 [Ed. - Hasn't been tested at Columbia. We don't have any Xenix systems handy to test things on. It was sent in by somebody. See below for a different version that was sent in by somebody else.] ------------------------------ Date: 15 Jul 88 17:43:17 EDT (Fri) From: uunet!jetson! (John Owens) Subject: Xenix C-Kermit Makefile Fixes Keywords: SCO Xenix There are some changes to the makefile I made for Xenix. I added support for 386 Xenix, and changed the model for 86 xenix from large to medium. (Large model doesn't run on the 8086 Xenixes.) # CKUKER.MAK, Version 2.11, 29 January 1988 . . . # for SCO Xenix/286 2.2.1 with development system 2.2 on 80286, "make sco286" # for SCO Xenix/86 2.2.1 with development system 2.2 on 8086/8 "make sco86" # for SCO Xenix/386 2.2.2 with development system 2.2 on 80386, "make sco386" . . . #SCO Xenix/286 2.2.1, e.g. for IBM PC/AT, PS/2 Model 50, etc. sco286: make wermit "CFLAGS= -DXENIX -DUXIII -DDEBUG -DTLOG -F 3000 -i -M2le" \ "LNKFLAGS = -F 3000 -i -M2le" #SCO Xenix 2.2.1 for IBM PC, XT, PS2/30, or other 8088 or 8086 machine sco86: make wermit "CFLAGS= -DXENIX -DUXIII -DDEBUG -DTLOG -F 3000 -i -M0me" \ "LNKFLAGS = -F 3000 -i -M0me" #SCO Xenix/386 2.2.2 sco386: make wermit "CFLAGS= -DXENIX -DUXIII -DDEBUG -DTLOG -Otcl -i -M3e" \ "LNKFLAGS = -i" . . . I also changed cku[ft]io.c to print Xenix/86, Xenix/286, or Xenix/386, instead of always printing Xenix/286: [Ed. - Diffs omitted, but added to the CKUKER.BWR file. Thanks!] John Owens SMART HOUSE Limited Partnership john@jetson.UUCP (old uucp) uunet!jetson!john +1 301 249 6000 (internet) ------------------------------ Date: 16 Jun 88 18:43:23 GMT From: unido!IAO.FhG!news@uunet.UU.NET (News user) INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #7 Page 67 Subject: Parameters for Using Kermit over X.25? Keywords: X.25, C-Kermit I would like to transfer files from a VAX running VAX-Kermit (Don't know which version) to a UNIX-VAX running C-Kermit. I connect to the VMS Machine via our external PAD and get into the VMS-Machine via their X.25 Interface (PSI). For normal operation, that works like it should, but when I want to copy files from the VMS to UNIX, nothing works. The Kermit on the UNIX side prints some of its messages (nothing understandable) and exits because he couldn't speak to the other machine (timeout). Can someone give me please some clues which parameters (Kermit and X.25) to tweak how. Thanks in advance. Dieter Woerz Fraunhofer Institut fuer Arbeitswirtschaft und Organisation Abt. 453 Holzgartenstrasse 17 D-7000 Stuttgart 1 W-Germany BITNET: iaoobel.uucp!woerz@unido.bitnet UUCP: ...{uunet!unido, pyramid}!iaoobel!woerz [Ed. - Beyond our stock answer of "set parity even" (or mark, or odd, or space) to the Kermits on each end, there's not much else to say. It is very likely that VMS Kermit (any version -- Kermit-32 or C-Kermit/VMS) must have explicit VAX-PSI support written into it in order to work over a direct X.25 connection (as opposed to an X.3/X.28 connection through a serial port). In fact, there seems to be a big demand for this in Europe. Can anyone shed more light?] ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 8 Mar 88 00:13:01 est From: Brendan Reilly Site: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole Mass. Subject: Problem with C-Kermit on VMS Keywords: C-Kermit/VMS, VAX/VMS After compiling KERMIT with the latest CC from Digital it appears that both KERMIT and VMS/CC have a procedure named system. I've changed the KERMIT reference to vms_system, but I'm still having a problem with server mode. When talking to the VMS side in server mode from a PC running the latest KERMIT and I issue a REMOTE CWD [reilly.a] I'm asked for a password, to which I reply with a return and then see some garbage characters typed on the screen. If I then do a REMOTE DIR it's a surprise to find that I'm still in the original directory - not [REILLY.A] Has anyone else seen this? [Ed. - There's definitely some kind of bug in VMS C-Kermit in this area. When I try this, the VMS C-Kermit server goes into an infinite unstoppable loop printing messages issued by its "ttinl()" function: "SYS$QIOW: %SYSTEM-F-EXQUOTA, exceeded quota", and "%NONAME-W-NOMSG, Message number 0". Another one for the bug list.] ------------------------------ Page 68 INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #7 Date: Tue, 19 Jul 88 13:54 CDT From: (BARRY ARCHER) Subject: Fixes for VMS C-Kermit Keywords: C-Kermit/VMS, VAX/VMS In working with the VMS version of C-Kermit, I became frustrated with the problems with hanging subprocesses after exiting the image, as well as the problems I was having running C-Kermit while connected to a DECserver ( LAT protocol ). I finally figured out how to fix those problems and installed the new version. [Ed. - The remainder of this (long) message, plus the new ckv*.c files, have been added to CKVKER.BWR for now. Hopefully the various people working on C-Kermit for VMS will be able to reconcile their changes and improvements. Thanks, Barry!] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 08 Jun 88 10:04:12 EST From: PIQUE%UCONNVM.BITNET@MITVMA.MIT.EDU Subject: C-Kermit 4E(070) Under VAX/VMS Using Parity Keywords: C-Kermit/VMS, VAX/VMS I compiled C-Kermit 4E(070) under VAX/VMS, using version 1.0(013) of the VMS tty I/O module, CKVTIO.C. The fixes present to make it work properly when parity is being used didn't work properly because ttprty was never set in CKVTIO.C. Here's a partial fix: [Ed. - Omitted, but added to KER:CKVKER.BWR.] This doesn't fix things completely since the call to SYS$QIOW in ttinl() waiting for an end-of-line character waits for an end-of-line character with high bit 0, but if (say) end-of-line is 13 and parity is even it should really be waiting for a character with high bit set (X'8D'). However you can work around this by choosing the end-of-line character so that it is sent with high bit reset (e.g., eol=15 for even parity). Another problem is that data overrun errors occur periodically during file transfer and (at times) during terminal emulation. Kermit will also sometimes lock up completely during terminal emulation. I do not know what is causing this. We are running on a MicroVax II with BYTLM=20480. David Moews PIQUE@UCONNVM.BITNET ------------------------------ End of Info-Kermit Digest INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #8 Page 69 Info-Kermit Digest Tue, 13 Sep 1988 Volume 8 : Number 8 Departments: ANNOUNCEMENTS - Submission of new version of Kermit-UCSD (UCPECAN) MS-DOS KERMIT - MS-Kermit 2.31 Quirks Re: MS-Kermit v2.31 Eats Nulls MS-Kermit and the Novell File Server Re: MS-Kermit 2.31 Tabs Bug (Feature?) MS-Kermit: Five Bugs and a Whinge Goto Label Bug in 2.31 August 15? Problems with MS-Kermit 2.31 Graphics MS Kermit 2.31 File Dates MISCELLANY - Kermit Through Protocol Converters Under CMS Send digest submissions to Info-Kermit@CUNIXC, requests for addition to or deletion from the Info-Kermit subscriber list to Info-Kermit-Request@CUNIXC. Kermit files may be obtained over networks and by mail order. On the Internetwork, use FTP to log in to host CUNIXC, CUNIXC.CC.COLUMBIA.EDU, a VAX 8700 running UNIX (Ultrix). The IP host number is You should be able to to FTP to CUNIXC, login as user ANONYMOUS (any password) and GET the desired files. The Kermit files are in directories kermit/a, kermit/b, kermit/c, kermit/d, and kermit/e. You can also get Kermit files over BITNET/EARN; to get started send a message with text HELP to KERMSRV, the Kermit file server, at host CUVMA. For detailed instructions, read the file k1/aanetw.hlp (AANETW HLP on KERMSRV). To order by mail, request a complete list of Kermit versions and an order form from Kermit Distribution, Columbia University Center for Computing Activities, 612 West 115th Street, New York, NY 10025 USA. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat Aug 20 08:10:52 1988 From: portal!! Subject: Submission of new version of Kermit-UCSD (UCPECAN) Keywords: UCSD Pascal Kermit, p-System, Pecan I am submiting my version of Kermit-UCSD (Version 1.0, 17 Aug 88), currently running on the Atari MEGA ST2 with the Pecan Software Systems Inc p-System, and adaptable to Version IV p-Systems on other machines. You should recieve 2 files: 1) a large (about 3300 lines) one containing the source (UCPECA.PAS) and a smaller (about 300 lines) one containing the documentation (UCPECA.DOC). This version does not have everything I was planning on implementing and has a few known bugs (listed in the .DOC file), but it does work (and is MUCH better than any of the other versions of Kermit-UCSD I could find currently in Kermit Distribution). Page 70 INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #8 I hope to be able to provide an upgrade on this within about 6 months to one Year. I also hope to be able to send an encoded KERMIT.CODE file and a decoding program, containing the entire program and implementation parts of the Pecan Library Units, for people with Version IV p-Systems that can't afford or don't need to purchase Pecan's Library. They will still have to go to USUS to get a REMUNIT for their system though. The Pecan Licence permits this for "non-commercial purposes" (but I am still checking with them to make sure that they are satisified with my attachment of their copyright notice, so there will be no problems). R. Tim Coslet Usenet: BIX: r.tim_coslet [Ed. - Many thanks, R. Tim! Those who are interested in bringing up this program on other UCSD p-Systems besides the Atari are encouraged to do so, and report back the results. The .DOC file tells how to reach Pecan and USUS. The files are in kermit/c/ucpeca.* on CUNIXC, and in KER:UCPECA.* on CU20B, and also available as UCPECA * from KERMSRV at CUVMA, and also can be ordered on Kermit Tape C from Columbia.] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 17 Aug 88 10:30 EDT From: Subject: MS-Kermit 2.31 Quirks Keywords: MS-DOS Kermit 2.31 Thanks, Joe, Kermit 2.31 is wonderful. I have noticed some minor problems with 2.31 though. First the set up: IBM-PS/2 Model 30, DOS 3.3, DEVICE=ANSI.SYS, FILES=20, BUFFERS=20 Kermit 2.31 We have an IBM 3081 that we connect to via a 7171. Our script file takes us to the opening screen and leave us there. The last 2 lines of our script file are: TAKE IBM.INI ; Our keybindings file CONNECT The first problem has to do with connect. After a script executes and it does a connect it starts with a clear screen. Apparently any data arriving while we are defining keys is being stored somewhere besides the screen buffer. When it connects we get a clear screen. To circumvent this problem, the script file was changed to read: TAKE IBM.INI ; Our keybindings file OUTPUT \7 ; ^G causes the 7171 to repaint the screen and make sure ; that the keypad is in application mode. CONNECT In 2.30 this did not seem like a problem. INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #8 Page 71 The second problem is really just an annoyance. If you have set your screen to a non-white on black and you get into kermit and take a script file, sometime between the last input/output command and connect command the screen flickers white on black and then after the connect command it is ok. (Probably the output \7 causes the 7171 to send an escape sequence to Kermit and it reinstates the colors. Up to this point, all local kermit i/o was in the non-white color. Upon exit of the script (ALT-X from connect) the local kermit i/o is in white and any subsequent scripts/connects etc. are in white. Sometimes if I immeditaly execute another script file the connect mode is in non-white, but sometimes it isn't. Regardless, when I return to DOS, it is back to white again. Like I said, not a problem just annoying. It may be tied to the first problem. The third problem is a bit more severe, but may not be a Kermit problem as much as a PS/2 model 30 problem, however I have only noticed it in Kermit. In the unlikely event that I have CTRL, SHIFT down and I press Left arrow and mis-hit and probably hit several keys with my short stubby fingers, all of the lights flash on the keyboard and it locks up. I am thinking that it is a BIOS problem since it happened last night when I was in Turbo Pascal, but it didn't lock the keyboard. I don't know what keys I hit to cause it, but my left hand was in the vacinity of the LEFT shift, LEFT CTRL area and my right hand was in the area of the editing keypad. One other note and question. I was trying to transfer some stuff between my PS/2 and my AT&T PC6300 at 115600 baud. The AT&T could not handle it. The machine rebooted once and another time the SERVER on the AT&T would not respond and we had to reset it. Slowing it down to the next lower baud rate worked (56Kbps). Could it be the wierd AT&T bios? (By the by, the AT&T has the same processor as the PS/2 8086 8Mhz) Thanks, Rob Miracle | Bitnet : RWMIRA01@ULKYVX CIS: 74216,3134 Programmer/Analyst-II | INTERNET : University of Louisville | UUCP : ...psuvax1!ulkyvx.bitnet!rwmira01 "Incompetence is not an excuse." -- Anton Devious [From jrd - Quote above is removing my favorite cover! Scripts and Connect: These share a common buffer for the serial port but once a script command draws from it the data are no longer available for Connect displays. The OUTPUT and PAUSE commands read from that buffer to helpfully echo material from the host and they keep doing it until there is 10 milliseconds of no new incoming characters (10 millisec was needed for some modem responses). Otherwise, Connect mode and scripts are not related. Screen coloring: If the host sent an escape sequence such as ESC [ number m then ANSI.SYS, or equivalent, if installed will see and react to it. There is nothing Kermit can do about such DOS level activities. Multiple keys on PS/2 Model 30s: I agree, it seems like a machine problem. Superspeed and AT&T 6300's. I can't say much about that machine because one was available to me for only one evening some time ago. Selected IBM PC clones can run Kermit at 115KB, and I've never encountered a system corruption problem with those which can't make that speed. I second the motion that the Bios may be unusual.] Page 72 INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #8 ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 19 Aug 88 17:35 MDT From: Pete Klammer 303/556-3915 Subject: Re: MS-Kermit v2.31 Eats Nulls Keywords: MS-DOS Kermit 2.31 May I second that emotion? It may be a misuse of KERMIT, but that's the way life with tools is. Many's the time I wish to get a good log of exactly what's spitting out some serial path, nulls and all. I respectfully request that NULL and RUBOUT filtering be selectable. --poko [From jrd - Alas, there is no happy middle ground since most people use logs to record worth while text for later editing and printing but many editors cannot cope with NULLs. Also, these characters are frequently used as padding so passing them quickly fills the serial port holding buffer; the reaction to that was annoyance about performance when it was done as an experiment. We have the idea that they should be displayed when DEBUG is ON, but not logged; However, most releases have removed NULLs completely anyway. I'd suggest that you make the simple changes to the sources to pass all the characters of interest; see file msxibm.asm.] ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 23 Aug 1988 16:27:47 LCL From: David Boeshaa Subject: MS-Kermit and the Novell File Server Keywords: MS-DOS Kermit 2.31, Novell File Server Greetings! and Grief! I have been working with KERMIT 2.3x for some time and I think it is GREAT! but I have a small problem with 2.31 15 Aug 1988. We are running KERMIT from a Novell 2.0a file server and every download gives the message "Not Enough Disk Space for File" but then downloads the file anyway. I think this may be related to the new file size checking (we have not EVER had this problem before and we are still running 2.31 17 July 1988 without grief). Thanx and Thanx for a GREAT product!!! David K. Boeshaar ACADEMIC COMPUTING SERVICES ______ SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY / | ------- | | BITNET: BOESHAAR@SUVM.BITNET _________/ | NOISENET: (315) 443-3166 | * | SNAILNET: 215 Machinery Hall / SYRACUSE | Syracuse, NY 13244-1260 USA |______________ | |_ | Disclaimer: Any sufficiently advanced technology |__| is indistinguishable from magic. INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #8 Page 73 [From jrd - a known bug, fixed in the middle August update for IBM PCs. There is a similar problem if the file destination is the screen or printer; fixed recently but not in time for the update above. Sorry about that.] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Aug 88 21:05 EST From: "Frank Rens" Subject: Re: MS-Kermit 2.31 Tabs Bug (Feature?) Keywords: MS-DOS Kermit 2.31, Tabs I have the same problem with the TABS being cleared by a CLEAR. Here's the script...The tabs are OK before the clear but not after. [Ed. - Script omitted.] [From jrd - I finally found the bug: an uninitialized register at one place which could (but never here!) clear the tab storage area when the CLEAR cmd was issued. Fixed in the middle August maintence release for IBM PCs.] ------------------------------ Date: 24-AUG-1988 12:38 From: IN%"SYSKERMIT@VAX1.LANCS.AC.UK" Subject: MS-Kermit: Five Bugs and a Whinge Keywords: MS-DOS Kermit 2.31 Syskermit & Columbia: I have recently made extensive use of MSKERMIT (various releases) running on an XT-Clone while developing a new Kermit for a UK (Research Machines) Micro. Obviously, I have been putting it through quite a lot of hoops while testing my own code's reaction to error-situations and various sequences of events. I have encountered the following five problems, which are guaranteed not to be caused by misrunning of my new RM Kermit. They have been identified while running at various speeds, on a short direct "null-modem" wire connecting the two micros, with the MSKermit in normal (not server or back-port) mode. Parity has in all cases been set to Even. The clone is running MSDOS 3.20. The different errors have different incidences in different releases of MSKERMIT. See table below. 1. Unable to Resume Binary Mode. When first loaded, MSKermit will happily transfer files in binary with 8th-bit quoting. If a file is then transferred in 7-bit non-binary mode, MSKermit will never revert to 8th-bit-quoting. It simply sticks an "N" into the spar/rpar packet, no matter what it has been sent or what command you give it. Main tests caried out while receiving, but I think it is true in all circumstances. [From jrd - I'm a little confused. MS Kermit lacks the concept of a 7-bit non-binary mode transfer since there is no way within DOS to tag files as binary or not. The conditions to use 8-bit quoting are the local side uses parity plus the other side agrees on 8-bit quoting, or the other side requests Page 74 INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #8 the quoting. However, I ran a series of tests and found that indeed Kermit could remember an old 8-bit quoting state and then later respond with the 'N' above (for No Can Do). Tracked down and fixed this past weekend. Thanks.] 2. Not Displaying Early E-Message. If MSKermit is receiving and the other end sends an E-packet before sending the F-packet, then this is not displayed in the "Last Error" field. The packet is received OK, and can be seen as "Rpack" if debug is switched on. (The error in question is, of course, "File not found"; this does not occur on most Kermits as they check for the presence of the file before sending the S-packet.) [From jrd - True, the packet type test had the code to do this but it was not reached because an earlier test would fail to the file complete code rather than the error handler code. Safe, but it omitted the error message. Fixed now. Thanks.] 3. DEL *. Doesn't Work. If the default disk has on it files which have no extension to their names, then although they are correctly displayed in response to the command "dir *.", the command "del *." gives the response "?Protected or no such file(s).". "del a:*." gets the same response, but "del x*." works OK (assuming there are files whose names start with "x"). [From jrd - That's a DOS characteristic since Kermit merely composes a DOS command line with DEL followed by the user's filespec and submits the works to COMMAND.COM. MS Kermit 2.28 and predecessors used FCBs and did deletion file by file within Kermit; starting with 2.29 all FCB material was removed and COMMAND.COM was employed. Compare results of these commands between giving them within Kermit and then at the DOS prompt.] 4. F3 Setting Gets Lost. When MSKermit is loaded and then cancelled by "Quit", if only Kermit commands have been entered, then F3 causes MSDOS to repeat the command used to load Kermit. However, if a DOS-type command is given at the Kermit-MS> prompt (e.g. dir or del), then, after quitting, F3 brings up a null command. [From jrd - DOS again. Kermit reads the keyboard at both DOS and Bios levels. When DOS does the work the DOS typeahead buffer can be flushed. Kermit, and probably most programs, make no effort to restore the contents of the typeahead buffer private to DOS. This is not a fault.] 5. Hitting RTN Kills the System. This is caused by hitting RTN [Return, Enter] unneccessarily and repeatedly during normal running. Tests were done during a receive, but I think it happens during send as well. You have to hit RTN quite frequently, and MSKermit sends a NAK each time you do. Eventually an unpredictable loss of status occurs. In the table below "Clean" means that you get back to a Kermit-MS> prompt, and can continue (except you will find that there is a packet or part of one in the input buffer). "Bad" means that, if you do get back to a prompt, then you cannot continue, and when you quit you find MSDOS won't work; or the display may go wild. If the display goes wild, then the INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #8 Page 75 keyboard is quite dead. If you are able to quit, then the MSDOS disk-driver has been overwritten in such a way that any attempt to use any disk gets the "not ready error" response. (The details of this may depend on the nature of the Clone, since I have had the same trouble with a completely different communications program on the same machine.) [From jrd - that's not happened on any of my clones. I can hold down the Enter key and let it auto-repeat with no ill effects except the packet retry count goes the exhaustion limit. If a keyboard helper or an unusual Bios does not preserve registers in a standard way (Kermit is reading keys via DOS during packet transfers) then disaster can strike any program. DOS stack overflow can also occur under some versions of MS DOS. Similarly, 'adjusting' DOS's typeahead buffer can lead to wild results when that buffer overflows. The problem has not been reported by others.] 6. Where's MSKERMIT.INI? This is really a whinge rather than a bug. If MSKermit is not on the default disk, i.e. you load it by a command such as "b:kermit", or get it picked up by being in the PATH, then MSKERMIT.INI is not picked up even though it is on the same disk as MSKermit has been loaded from. This is true of all versions; and for all I know it may be impossible in MSDOS to find out what disk the program has been loaded from. [From jrd - Kermit does not know from which disk or directory it has been loaded. The manual states that Kermit searches for MSKERMIT.INI, and Take files, first in the CURRENT directory and then if necessary along the PATH= string. DOS 2.X lacks the ability to inform a clever program about its loading source. Thus, if the current disk were say C: and Kermit were loaded by C> b:kermit and then the search would not include drive B: unless it were stated in the PATH= string.] Here is the incidence of bugs 1 - 5 in the different releases:- \. \. Bug: Text/Bin E-Message DEL *. RTNs F3 \.---- -------- --------- ----- ---- -- \. Version \ ------ 2.26 No OK OK Clean Lost (undated) 2.28 No OK OK Clean Lost (undated) 2.29c No OK No Bad Lost (23 Aug 87) 2.30 No OK No Bad Lost (8 Jan 88) 2.31 No No No Bad Lost (1 July 88) Page 76 INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #8 I hope this is of some use to you. The only one which seems to me to be at all serious is the inability to revert to binary-quoting after running in text-mode. Chris. ------------------------------ Date: Fri 26 Aug 88 16:39:07-PDT From: Ted Shapin Subject: Goto Label Bug in 2.31 August 15? Keywords: MS-DOS Kermit 2.31, GOTO I can't get this version of Kermit to recognize labels in loops? This doesn't work: set count 3 :TOP echo Hello\13 if count goto top echo Goodbye\13 Ted. [Ed. - Yup, it's another bug in the label-finding code. A quick workaround is to append a space to the label, followed by a comment, as in :TOP ; (of loop) Thanks also to B. Schneuwly, Joellen Windsor (an early Kermit developer!), and others who reported this problem. Joellen also discovered the following interesting workaround: define %b loop :loop echo test goto \%b The problem should be fixed in the next release.] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 31 Aug 88 14:38 GMT From: Subject: Problems with MS-Kermit 2.31 Graphics Keywords: MS-DOS Kermit 2.31, Olivetti We have problems with Kermit 2.31, dated 15 Aug. [Ed. - Loop label report omitted, see above.] Graphics is another problem: On a Olivetti M24 we don't get the same high(er) resolution display as with MS-Kermit 2.30. [Ed. - If Kermit can't automatically recognize your screen's resolution, use INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #8 Page 77 the SET TERMINAL GRAPHICS ATT command. The next release should recognize the Olivetti automatically.] Furthermore I'd like to have the possibility to control whether the TEK4010 emulation does merge it's text with already existing pixels or does overwrite as in 2.30. [Ed. - Noted.] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 31 Aug 88 12:17 MST From: Subject: MS Kermit 2.31 File Dates Keywords: MS-DOS Kermit 2.31, Attributes, File Dates I am running MSKERMIT 2.31 dated August 15, 1988, on a PS2 model 50 under MS-DOS 3.30. I have noticed the following 2 problems: (1) [Ed. - Loop label problem report omitted, see above.] (2) All files shipped to my PS2 from my VM/SP mainframe have the correct creation date but they all have 12:00a for the creation time. This appears to have been a problem with the July 1 version, too. [Ed. - This is because VM/CMS Kermit reports the creation date but not the time of creation, so MS-Kermit uses midnight.] Joellen Windsor Systems Programmer ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 29 Jul 88 22:40:53 EDT From: (John F. Chandler) PEPMNT@CFAAMP.BITNET Subject: Kermit Through Protocol Converters Under CMS Keywords: Kermit-370, Protocol Converters Kermit-370, as released for CMS last winter, contained code designed to allow file transfer through a variety of terminal emulators other than the "usual" Yale ASCII type (Series/1, 7171, 4994, 9370 ASCII subsystem). The code was, in fact, modelled after similar code that was demonstrated under TSO, but I haven't heard any reports of success under CMS, and the only negative report was for a device that hadn't been tried under TSO. I would like to hear from anyone who has any kind of 3270 emulator other than the Yale type (and other than the 3708, which is known to work with Kermit already). The particular types of emulators which might be expected to work include the MICOM 7400, the Datastream/Leedata 8010/8030/874 models, the PCI 1076 and 276, and possibly the Renex TMS-1. Any others which claim to support a "graphics passthrough" mode are also likely candidates. I would be interested in any results of trying Kermit with such emulators, whether positive or negative (be sure to SET CONTROLLER GRAPH to the mainframe Kermit before starting the transfer). Actually, I now have an update that automatically detects non-SERIES1-type terminals and also some other updates that may help in diagnosing the problems if the existing code should prove not to work "as is." Page 78 INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #8 [Ed. - John has done an amazing job with Kermit-370, but need help from people who have equipment that he doesn't have access to. Any cooperation will be much appreciated! Meanwhile, John is preparing a large batch of updates to Kermit-370 for release -- watch Info-Kermit for announcements.] ------------------------------ End of Info-Kermit Digest INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #9 Page 79 Info-Kermit Digest Thu, 13 Oct 1988 Volume 8 : Number 9 Today's Topics: ANNOUNCEMENTS - Announcing MS-DOS Kermit 2.31/A, Beta Test Announcing a Beta Test Kermit for MS-Windows Announcing EASYK, a Menu-Driven Shell for MS-DOS Kermit Announcing Hebrew Kermit, a Test Version for the IBM PC MS-DOS KERMIT - MSDOS Kermit Script Files Available from SIMTEL20 Automatic Exit from MS-Kermit? Missing the Bell When Using MS-Kermit Kermit Across Ethernet MS-Kermit with StarLAN PC-KERMIT ReGIS Support IBM 3174 AEA Ports and Kermit? MSDOS BOO Maker/unBOO Bug Kermit SET KEY Command and String Capability Solution Found to Problem with [?3l Problem Compiling MSSSET.ASM AT&T Graphics in MS-KERMIT 2.31 OS/2 Kermit Won't Work Problem with OS/2 Kermit Re: Kermit-MS version 2.31 MS-Kermit v2.31 Inquiries Send digest submissions to Info-Kermit@CUNIXC.CC.COLUMBIA.EDU, requests for addition to or deletion from the Info-Kermit subscriber list to Info-Kermit-Request@CUNIXC.CC.COLUMBIA.EDU. Kermit files may be obtained over networks and by mail order. On the Internetwork, use FTP to log in to host CUNIXC, CUNIXC.CC.COLUMBIA.EDU, a VAX 8700 running UNIX (Ultrix). The IP host number is You should be able to to FTP to CUNIXC, login as user ANONYMOUS (any password) and GET the desired files. The Kermit files are in directories kermit/a, kermit/b, kermit/c, kermit/d, and kermit/e. You can also get Kermit files over BITNET/EARN; to get started send a message with text HELP to KERMSRV, the Kermit file server, at host CUVMA. For detailed instructions, read the file k1/aanetw.hlp (AANETW HLP on KERMSRV). To order by mail, request a complete list of Kermit versions and an order form from Kermit Distribution, Columbia University Center for Computing Activities, 612 West 115th Street, New York, NY 10025 USA. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 2 Nov 1988 11:27:34 EDT From: Christine M Gianone Subject: Info-Kermit Digest V8 #9 is Sent a Second Time Keywords: Mailer Problems Due to mailer problems and reports of the many sites who did not receive this digest the first time, Info-Kermit Digest V8 #9 is being sent a second time to all members on the distribution list. Apologies to those who have already received this issue. Page 80 INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #9 ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 2 Oct 88 14:58 MDT From: Subject: Announcing MS-DOS Kermit 2.31/A, Beta Test Keywords: MS-DOS Kermit 2.31/A, IBM PC, DEC Rainbow, Rainbow, DECnet/DOS This is to announce a beta test of a new maintenance release of MS-DOS Kermit for the IBM PC and PS/2 families, and for the DEC Rainbow. This version is numbered 2.31/A. It fixes a number of problems with 2.31, but adds no major new functionality. The most important fixes are in the following areas: - Calculation of available disk space when receiving files with the size attribute. - SET EOF {CTRL-Z | NOCTRL-Z} now applies also to the TRANSMIT command. - Correct bug requiring spaces after formal labels and bug clearing VT102 Connect mode tab stops when CLEAR command is issued. - Correct long standing problem of local 8-bit quoting requirement not following current operating conditions. - Add REMOTE LOGIN {username {password {account}}} command. - Automatic identification of AT&T/Olivetti machines in Tektronix graphics mode for IBM-PC version of MS Kermit. - Revise printing strategy within Connect mode to buffer 132 characters and to send XOFF/XON to the host while the buffer is written to DOS. This helps prevent serial port overruns noted with slow PCs at high baud rates when the printer is attached to a network or similar. In addition, it was verified that MS Kermit operates across DECnet using the NetBios emulator supplied with DECnet-DOS 2.0 (aka PSCA). These changes are in addition to the changes that were made between the July initial release and the mid-August maintenance release, which included fixes for the Ungermann-Bass Net/One support, the "stray interrupt" problem, and a GOTO-label problem. [Ed. - Thanks, Joe! The new beta test release has been added to Kermit Distribution as MSTIBM.BOO (IBM version) and MSTRB1.BOO (Rainbow version). A more complete summary of the changes is in the file MSR23A.UPD. Readers, please get the new version and try it, report any problems to Info-Kermit@CUNIXC.CC.COLUMBIA.EDU. If all is well, this will become the standard version, and sources will be made available.] ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 6 Oct 1988 17:08:33 EDT From: Christine M Gianone Subject: Announcing a Beta Test Kermit for MS-Windows INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #9 Page 81 Keywords: MS Windows, Microsoft Windows This is to announce a new version of Kermit for Microsoft Windows from Bill Hall of the Olivetti Advanced Technology Center, who contributed the first version in early 1987. Unlike the earlier release, this one includes a full-fledged Heath-19 terminal emulator, and it should run on any PC that has version 2.0 or later of MS-Windows, Windows/286, and Windows/386. Sources will not be available during the testing period. If you have comments, suggestions, bugs to report, etc, you may correspond with Bill as uunet!oliveb!whall (or oliveb! The files replace the old release on "Tape A" as WIN*.* (on CUNIXC, ~kermit/a/win*.*). Many thanks to Bill for all his excellent work. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 6 Oct 1988 17:08:33 EDT From: Christine M Gianone Subject: Announcing EASYK, a Menu-Driven Shell for MS-DOS Kermit Keywords: MS-DOS Kermit 2.31, EASYK This is to announce a "shell" for MS-Kermit 2.31, for use on the IBM PC and compatibles in the IBM mainframe 3270 emulation environment, developed by Prof. Richard A. Elnicki of the University of Florida College of Business, $$$HUSG@NERVM.BITNET. The shell is constructed from a collection of Kermit command and script files, and provides menu-driven access to IBM CMS and TSO systems via VTAM. The package, called EasyK, was designed to provide users with easy, full-screen access to CMS and TSO services in their homes in a mode that looks similar to the access they have in their offices on micros with coaxial cable boards. Since there are numerous files, some of them containing 8-bit characters (e.g. for special effects in the documentation), they have been archived using the PKARC utility, and the resulting EASYK.ARC file was converted to .BOO format for distribution over networks, on tape, etc, as MSIEAS.BOO (available on CUNIXC as ~kermit/a/ Thanks to Prof. Elnicki for contributing his work. Although some of it is specific to the University of Florida mainframe environment, it should be easily customizable for other institutions with similar equipment. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 6 Oct 1988 17:08:33 EDT From: Christine M Gianone Subject: Announcing Hebrew Kermit, a Test Version for the IBM PC Keywords: MS-DOS Kermit 2.30, Hebrew This is to announce a beta-test (binaries only, no source) of MS-Kermit for the IBM PC, adapted for use with the Hebrew Alphabet, complete with right-to-left screen presentation, from Baruch Cochavy, IIT, Haifa, Israel, baruchc@techunix.bitnet. The work is based on version 2.30 of MS-Kermit. Included are KERMITH.EXE, a "readme" file that explains some of the changes that were made, and a Unix termcap file. The program may also be used on non-Hebrew PC's, for those who enjoy reading English (or German, or French, etc) right to left. The default mode of Page 82 INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #9 operation is left to right, so say "SET TERMINAL DIRECTION RIGHT" to get the new perspective. The files are collected into a single file, MSTIBH.BOO, which in turn contains an .ARC file which can be dearchived using PKXARC. Thanks to Baruch for sending this in. Please send comments or questions directly to him at the address noted above, and perhaps this new directional capability can become an integral part of MS-Kermit. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 13 Sep 1988 01:59 MDT From: Keith Petersen Subject: MSDOS Kermit Script Files Available from SIMTEL20 Keywords: MS-DOS Kermit 2.31, Script Files Now available via standard anonymous FTP from SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL... Filename Type Bytes CRC Directory PD1: KER_SCP1.ARC.1 BINARY 17291 D6E5H Here is the author's description: KER_SCP1.ARC - Useful Kermit (v2.29 or above) script files. Files include: Scripts to log on to a Unix VAX host and two common BBS's (TCOMM, ROS) A typical initialization file (MSKERMIT.INI) to set baud, port, function key macros, command macros, etc. An extract from the Kermit user's manual specifically discussing scripts. Other Kermit users are encouraged to contribute scripts that help ease THEIR communications. Keith Petersen will collate and incorporate them in this archive. (So send them to HIM, not to me!) David Kirschbaum Toad Hall kirsch@braggvax.ARPA --Keith Petersen Maintainer of the CP/M and MSDOS archives at SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL [] Arpa: W8SDZ@SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL Uucp: {att,decwrl,harvard,ucbvax,uunet,uw-beaver}!!w8sdz [From jrd - Thanks for the public service Keith. Users should be aware of some small changes to MS Kermit from version to version. The Users Manual, noted above, has a list of them.] ------------------------------ INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #9 Page 83 Date: Tue, 13 Sep 88 20:55:40 PDT From: Subject: Automatic Exit from MS-Kermit? Keywords: MS-DOS Kermit 2.31 Our administrative users utilize mskermit 2.31 exclusively as a vt102 terminal emulator to connect their PCs to a Sun mini-computer. Currently each user's mskermit.ini file is set up to log them on to their own account. QUESTION: Is it possible for Unix to send an escape sequence to mskermit which would automatically `quit' the mskermit session after the user types `logout'? This sequence would be echoed from the user's .logout file. Our goal is to make mskermit fully transparent to our administrative users. (One less thing to teach them.) Jim Bradley, College of Natural Resources Computer Facility, UC Berkeley [From jrd - There is no such provision in MS Kermit, and the danger is that TYPING/cat-ing a strange file could abruptly terminate Kermit. ALT-X is a rather common key combination to exit a mode, and it is assigned the Kermit keyboard verb \Kexit. Another keyboard combination can be assigned to the same verb to satisfy local operating conditions. Both simplify the task of remembering (and finding) Control-] C. If MS Kermit is started via a nice batch file to simplify the startup and login process then the EXIT command can be slipped into the script to exit Kermit whenever Connect mode is exited.] ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 13 Sep 88 21:24:58 PDT From: Subject: Missing the Bell When Using MS-Kermit Keywords: MS-DOS Kermit 2.31 RE: Info-Kermit Digest V8 #8 Re Kermit 2.31.....may I add my thanks and congratulations also on a superb product. I use it constantly at 2400 to talk with the UBC MTS system from my home. Problem (very minor): using an Acer710 (IBM-clone) running at 10MHz with lots of TSRs and stuff(!) or running vanilla DOS (3.1, 2. or 3) I find that after a file transfer in either direction, I no longer have a bell. It doesn't sound after the transfer and can't be made to sound even after exit ( using a norton utility called beep) Rebooting solves this problem, but.... Not really important, but mildly annoying. Thanks again. Dallas (music teacher) [From jrd - Must be an ACER bug of some subtle kind or even more likely a TSR Page 84 INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #9 has repeatedly grabbed the timer chip hardware. Kermit makes only very standard use of the timer chip. Pretty common advice applies here: unload TSRs etc and then retest with them added back in one at a time.] ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 23 Aug 88 19:43:54 -0700 From: Alastair Milne Subject: Kermit Across Ethernet Keywords: MS-DOS Kermit 2.31 We have recently installed PC-NFS running on Western Digital WD8003E ethernet cards. While in general it is running great, Sun's telnet not infrequently experiences long suspensions of activity. This is a known bug in telnet, but it's very irritating. Having observed that Kermit now allows a SET PORT NET command, I tried it, but apparently it wants something different from our arrangement. I've heard that it's actually intended for a Token Ring net. Is there any form of the command that would let Kermit work across ethernet? It's a better terminal emulator than telnet, and it would be nice to be able to move files without exiting and running ftp every time. At the moment, the alternative seems to be a different telnet implementation that runs better, but requires that NFS not be installed -- which is a nuisance when you have virtual drives mounted across the net. Thanks for any help, Alastair Milne [From jrd - The SET PORT NET command requires NetBios support from your network. With that it is independent of the access method (Token Ring, Ethernet, or anything else). I use the same Western Digital Ethernet boards with no ill effects. If NFS lacks NetBios perhaps it came with a serial port Bios "interceptor" which simulates a hardware serial port. In that case SET PORT BIOSn might work for you. No local copies of PC-NFS here so I'm guessing.] ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 25 Aug 88 11:29:14 EDT From: Caroline Arms Subject: MS-Kermit with StarLAN Keywords: MS-DOS Kermit 2.31 At the business school (GSB) at the University of Pittsburgh, the IBM PCs (real IBMs, not compatibles) are on a StarLAN network, which is linked in turn over an AT&T box called a SLIM-C to an AT&T ISN (9600 baud asynchronous point-to-point connections) for terminal access to hosts, primarily the school's 4381 (through a 7171 protocol converter). The StarLAN was purchased after AT&T "assured" GSB that, in combination with the SLIM-C (in beta test), this setup would provide good access to the 4381 from the PCs in the lab. When AT&Ts own terminal emulators proved inadequate to the task of providing enough special keys for 3270 emulation, someone at Bell Labs. modified a version of the "clone" MS-Kermit 2.29b to work over INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #9 Page 85 StarLAN. I assume that it was this work that later was incorporated into an "official" release, since I remember an acknowledgement to AT&T. We have been happily using this modified version of MS-Kermit 2.29b with StarLAN (v 1.1), and getting adequate performance. The screen does not redraw as quickly as at 9600, but much faster than at 2400, after an initial hiccup as the first few lines draw rather slowly, and then the rest is drawn almost instantly. This effect was marginally annoying, but you got used to it. Input was fine, with the screen display keeping up with cursor movements and deletions. Then came StarLAN 2.0, and MS-Kermit 2.30. MS-Kermit 2.30 now officially supports StarLAN, but only version 2.0, so I can't do the upgrade in two steps. The screen re-display hiccup has disappeared, but at an unacceptable price. On input, the display gets several characters behind, which makes using the cursor on a full-screen editor or to correct a typo at the beginning of a line an exercise in frustration. If we made the upgrade, there would be a revolt by 300 MBA students, notoriously intolerant at the best of times! I had the same problems with the "test" versions of 2.31 that I tried, but have not yet had a chance to try out the recent 2.31 service release. I have naturally asked AT&T where they think the problem might be, so far with no luck. Is anyone else out there using Kermit with StarLAN, and have they experienced anything similar? Caroline Arms CA0L@CMUCCVMA (or VMA.CC.CMU.EDU) [BITNET] [Internet] [From jrd - The STARLAN support in MS Kermit (as contrasted to the AT&T quicky named STARKERM) is entirely non-AT&T code and unrelated in method or approach to STARKERM. The AT&T item coupled to their proprietary terminal emulator package whereas MS Kermit uses the industry standard NetBios API. Paul Fox, then with AT&T, did a nice job with STARKERM. At his/their request and with their material assistance I independently developed LAN support in MS Kermit, using the industry standard NetBios session APIs, and added provisions to support the published AT&T ISN extensions (if testing by Kermit reveals their presence). So, any design faults in NetBios support are mine. I run STARLAN in my office and notice no such cursor lag time when talking to locally available hosts (a Unix PC and a DOS AT) on my huge three node network. If your host(s) or relay boxes attempt to form larger packets from smaller ones, and wait until full, then lags will develop. Kermit sends terminal emulation characters one per packet, except when some known escape sequences occur which go out as one sequence per packet (also solves some Emacs timing problems on hosts). File transfer material goes out in 256 byte chunks. It requests reception well ahead of exhausting the buffer of unprocessed characters and continues to process all available characters. All this network packet sending and receiving is fully interrupt driven. Delays in exporting packets to MS Kermit can result in a slow response time. A simple test of matters is to observe echos on the PC from typing single keys; lack of timely echos is a host problem. I do notice a substantial delay when the DEL key is pressed because my Unix host system imposes that delay; similarly with XON/XOFF - a host problem. VI runs just fine here, with no noticable lagging. Page 86 INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #9 If worse comes to worse we need to talk on the telephone: 300 irate students is cruel and unusual, even for us Prof types. (801)-750-2982 work.] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 31 Aug 88 15:00:31 EDT From: Rick Wiggins Subject: PC-KERMIT ReGIS Support Keywords: ReGIS Color Graphics, MS-DOS Kermit 2.31 We (The University of Akron, Computer Center) would like to have VT241 ReGIS color graphics support for the PCs we have attached to our VM and Ultrix systems. There are several commercial packages available, however, we have been unable to find one that supports color hardcopy from the screen. Has anyone used a system that does support color hardcopy? Does anyone know of a PC-KERMIT that supports ReGIS? If there isn't already a version of PC-KERMIT that supports ReGIS, would anyone else be interested in one? Please send responses directly to me. Thanx... [From jrd - MS Kermit supports the DEC VT102 but does not support ReGIS graphics. There is also the not insignificant problem of matching to the particular color printer device.] ------------------------------ Date: 31 August 88, 13:58:26 CST From: ZZHS0008@UNLVM Subject: IBM 3174 AEA Ports and Kermit? Keywords: MS-DOS Kermit 2.31, IBM AEA Ports I would like to know if there is any current developement in an enhancement for MSVIBM or MSVGEN versions of Kermit for file transfer capabilities going thru IBM 3174 AEA ports ????? If you are unable to answer this question, please tell me who I should ask. Thank you for your time. Jim Boeckman University of Nebraska Medical Center Omaha, NE (402) 559-5679 [From jrd - For MS Kermit to function the host side needs to be able to cope with async ASCII full duplex communications. MS Kermit recognizes the IBM line turn character (typically XON) during file transfers if HANDSHAKE is on, such as by saying DO IBM at the Kermit prompt. I am unfamiliar with 3174 ports so another person is needed to answer that part of your question.] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 10 Sep 1988 13:29 MDT From: Keith Petersen Subject: MSDOS BOO Maker/unBOO Bug Keywords: MS-DOS Kermit 2.31, BOO Files I don't know if it's MAKEBOO or UNBOO but if you make a BOO file from a binary on MSDOS and then UnBOO it you end up with three binary zeros followed by a 1A hex (control-Z) in the reconstitued binary file at the very end. This INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #9 Page 87 shouldn't hurt most programs but I would recommend that you ARC your files first and then BOO the ARC to send it to your friend. This way the files he ultimately extracts from the ARC will be *exactly* the same as your originals. You will also have the added peace of mind of knowing they arrived error-free because of the CRC checking that is done when extracting the files from the ARC. --Keith [From jrd - Yes, archiving does preserve both exact lengths and applies a CRC check as well. However, it now requires two utilities at each end, with the archive program developer requesting payment. The trailing bytes from unBOOing are cosmetic in almost all applications. However, Columbia has a long list of possible improvements to the highly successful BOO process and they have now seen your suggestion.] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 12 Sep 88 18:19 EST From: Subject: Kermit SET KEY Command and String Capability Keywords: MS-DOS Kermit 2.31 It would be nice to program combined command and strings using SET KEY. For example many systems do not have delete keys which delete the character directly over the cursor. In such cases one would like to: SET KEY \339 \Krtarr \127 i.e. jump ahead 1 space then backspace over (thus deleting) the offeding character. My reading of the KERMIT manual (and trial and error) indicates this is impossible in the current version. Am I wrong? Please advise. and ... Thanks for a great program! [From jrd - the current design of the keyboard translator mechanism does not allow multiple "items" in a key definition, despite the desirability in some cases. Hosts working with standard terminal types, such as the VT100 series, normally echo cursor commands to provide such customized Deletes. They understand that just moving the cursor does not modify the characters on the screen, but that moving the cursor plus sending spaces does simulate erasure. It's the host which has to do all this in response to a simple command, usually the byte BS or DEL, from the "terminal."] ------------------------------ Date: 16 Sep 88 13:24:00 EST From: "OAX::TURPINM" Subject: Solution Found to Problem with [?3l Keywords: MS-DOS Kermit 2.31 I had sent a message earlier...... > I am using Kermit v2.31 dated 8-18-88 and have noticed a problem with > character attributes in VT102 mode AFTER Kermit has received: Page 88 INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #9 > [?3l > This is the VT control code to go to 80 column mode. Kermit does that > fine, but it also turns the bold character attribute on as well. A real > VT doesn't do this. > Has this already been reported? If so, is there a fix? If not, does > anyone have any suggestions on a patch that would fix the problem? I have located the problem. I was using Kermit with it's default SET TERM COLOR. The default is high intensity foreground. Apparently when [?3l resets the screen width to 80 columns, it also resets the foreground intensity. The solution is to EXPLICITLY set the foreground to low intensity before going to connect mode (eg., SET TERM COLOR 0 37 44). Then when [?3l is executed it will set the foreground to low intensity. Mike Turpin DDN: P.S. The host software that I'm communicating with is DEC's ALL-IN-1 and with the minor change given above, Kermit works BEAUTIFULLY. [From jrd - When entering terminal emulation MS Kermit attempts to use the existing screen coloring and attributes, unless overridden by a SET TERM command. If bold is on at that time then the screen width change attempts to restore it. It is useful to realize that DEC and IBM differ about boldness: DEC means make all displayed dots brighter but IBM hardware says make only foreground dots brighter but not the surrounding background area of a character.] ------------------------------ Date: Wed 21 Sep 88 11:07:39-EDT From: Charles Reader Subject: Problem Compiling MSSSET.ASM Keywords: MS-DOS Kermit 2.31 I've been trying to built MS-KERMIT V2.31 for my Rainbow, but I get an "OUT OF MEMORY" error when I try to compile the MSSSET.ASM module. I'm running version 2.11 of DOS on the Rainbow and the Rainbow has 704K of memory.(My memory drive takes up 192K of memory, but I got the same result when I removed the memory drive.) Any suggestions on how I compile this module? Chuck [From jrd - MASM is running out of symbol table space when it shows that message. A later version of MASM is the only known cure.] ------------------------------ Date: 10 Aug 88 21:44:00 CDT From: "DAVID GAY" Subject: AT&T Graphics in MS-KERMIT 2.31 INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #9 Page 89 Keywords: MS-DOS Kermit 2.31, Graphics My original bug report: > Version 2.30 of MS-Kermit supports the AT&T 6300 graphics card for the > Tektronix emulation just fine, but version 2.31 does not. The setup shows > that the terminal graphics is set to AT&T 640x400, but the plots are done in > CGA 640x200 mode. Reply from JRD: > I wonder if we are encountering a Bios version number effect. > For AT&T machines Kermit looks for the word 'OLIVETTI' in the Bios starting > at locations FC00:0h or FC00:2014H. It would be worthwhile using Debug to > probe your Bios. At your service! Here is what Debug has to say about my Bios, which is ROM BIOS version 1.43 from AT&T, the last version for the 6300, I'm told, which replaced the old version 1.21: -D FC00:0000 FC00:0000 13 00 3C E2 E8 02 20 CB-E8 71 25 CB E8 7A 25 CB ..<... ..q%..z%. FC00:0010 E8 82 25 CB E8 8F 25 CB-E8 92 25 CB E8 A2 25 CB ..%...%...%...%. FC00:0020 E8 B3 25 CB E8 B7 25 CB-E8 3B 25 CB E8 36 21 CB ..%...%..;%..6!. FC00:0030 E8 A1 21 CB E8 68 10 CB-E8 A3 15 CB CA D9 00 00 ..!..h.......... FC00:0040 43 4F 50 59 52 49 47 48-54 20 28 43 29 20 20 20 COPYRIGHT (C) FC00:0050 4F 4C 49 56 45 54 54 49-20 31 39 38 34 20 20 20 OLIVETTI 1984 FC00:0060 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................ FC00:0070 00 00 7E 81 A5 81 81 BD-99 81 7E 00 00 00 00 00 ..~.......~..... ... I don't see "OLIVETTI" at either FC00:0h or FC00:2014H, but it is there at FC00:0050. After FTPing MSGIBM.ASM from Columbia, I found this bit of code which checks if we have an AT&T or Olivetti machine. ... Now, I'm no whiz at assembler, but I think I understand why the AT&T isn't sensed correctly. Do you perhaps need a compare at FC00:0050 ? But the wierd thing is that it works with 2.30 but NOT with 2.31. Were there any AT&T-related changes implemented between the two releases? I cut the following out of the header of MSGIBM.ASM, perhaps it will jog your memory, or lead to a solution. Unfortunately, I don't have the source to 2.30 around here. ... I hope this will enable you to track down this problem. Thanks for all your time and efforts on this project, by the way. MSKERMIT has improved immensely in the last several releases. The script capability is dynamite, and the extended length packets make file transfer go faster. Keep up the good work. If you want somebody to try out possible solutions, send me a message and I'll gladly be a beta-tester. David Gay Gay@CheWi.ChE.Wisc.Edu [From jrd - Thanks David. A number of people (those with that Bios and a network connection) have commented upon this item, and it has been fixed in the forth coming version 2.31/A (in progress for rapid release).] Page 90 INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #9 ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 11 Aug 88 09:29:55 ADT From: Subject: OS/2 Kermit Won't Work Keywords: OS/2 Kermit The advent of OS/2 Kermit, even in beta form, is very welcome. But, when I retrieved the .BOO file from KERMSRV and de-boo-ed it in the same way as I do for MS-Kermit releases, the program refused to run. The error indicates that Kermit is trying to dynamically load a portion of code and cannot find it. I suspect that the problem is in the BOO/unBOO process, do you know if anyone has succesfully implemented the program in this fashion? I am running OS/2 from Zenith (Version 1.00.5) on a Z286. Peter White Department of Chemistry University of New Brunswick [From jrd - The message here and below on OS/2 C Kermit relate to the same fault in the original CKOKER.EXE file shipped to Columbia. It happens to me as well, on two machines. The problem needs to be solved by the developer of that version, Chris Adie, since the source code has not been made available. Here's the status of sources from Chris: "The sources for the program and the Scribe source for the documentation will be made available when beta testing is over (ie when bug reports slow to a trickle?)."] ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Sep 88 09:38:20 EDT From: "Pierre Goyette" Subject: Problem with OS/2 Kermit Keywords: OS/2 Kermit I ftp'd the new Kermit for the OS/2 system for PC's and I'm sad to say it doesn't work at all. The program fails to startup. I have had friends at other universities try it and get the same result. I get a SYS2070 when trying to load OS/2 Kermit. The message said: "The system could not demand load the application's segment. WERMIT is in error. For additional information, see error message SYS0202. The software diagnostic code (trap number is: 13." I'm running this on an 8 Mhz IBM AT with IBM VGA Adapter and 8513, using Microsoft's SDK Version 1.03 (but without the PM shell). 3 Meg memory. The size of my KERMIT.EXE is 126,220. I hope that some other folks have reported this problem. Please let me know if you need any other info. Thanks, Pierre Goyette Network Systems Programmer INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #9 Page 91 McGill University ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Sep 88 09:57:16 BST From: J. M. Hicks Coventry 523262 Subject: Re: Kermit-MS version 2.31 Keywords: MS-DOS Kermit 2.31 Kermit-MS for the IBM PC seems to have had a curious flaw since version 2.28 at least. The flaw seems to still be there in version 2.31. If I have a file called SKY.CON which has "connect" as the last command, I can use "do sky" in Kermit-MS to invoke the commands in this file, including the "connect" command at the end. Everything is fine until I want to get back to Kermit-MS, whereupon I need to type "ctrl/] c ctrl/] c" instead of just "ctrl/] c". If the "connect" command is typed at the keyboard, there is no problem. I would be grateful if you'd pass this on to the author of Kermit-MS for his attention. I should see any reply in the Info-Kermit Digest, as I can obtain copies of it here in the U.K. J. M. Hicks, (a.k.a. Hilary) Computing Services, Warwick University, Coventry, England. CV4 7AL On JANET: CUDAT at UK.AC.WARWICK.SKY On BITNET: CUDAT@SKY.WARWICK.AC.UK On the Internet: try (untested) [From jrd - I think you might have two CONNECT commands in there somewhere. If commands were really done from a file one would say TAKE SKY.CON rather than invoking a macro as DO SKY. So, SKY.CON probably defines a macro and one can view it via SHOW MACRO. Here is an example which worked fine here a minute ago: File x.tak holds the single line define x echo starting,connect Then I said Kermit-MS> Take x.tak Kermit-MS> Do x see Connect mode screen ... type ALT-X or Control-] C Kermit-MS> prompt reappears.] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 12 Aug 88 13:38 N From: Subject: MS-Kermit v2.31 Inquiries I have some peculiar problem with Kermit v2.31. After the Kermit> prompt appears, my PC says: "Unexpected HW interrupt xx at yy. Type R to (R)eboot, any other key to continue". The first time this happens, xx= 0C, and yy= 0070:0470, all successive times xx= 0B and yy= 0070:03F6. The message keeps appearing when going into and from connect mode. Thing is, that it doesn't happen with Kermit v2.30. Still, first I blaimed my Smartlink 1200BS modem, but after removing it (and all other cards except the display adapter) I still Page 92 INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #9 got the HW interrupt message. So it is either my PC (Commodore PC20-II) which up until now, has shown to be a perfect IBM-PC compatible, or something special in the new MS-Kermit. Any ideas? Enno Van Der Velde University Hospital Leiden, The Netherlands vdvelde@hlerul53.bitnet [From jrd - Interrupts 0ch and 0bh refer to the serial port hardware which your machine says it has. The indications are of a very early version of the Phoenix Bios where interrupts were not fielded as gracefully as in most machines. The mid-August maintenance release, and hence the newer 2.31/A currently in the works, attempts to bypass that problem.] ------------------------------ End of Info-Kermit Digest INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #10 Page 93 Info-Kermit Digest Fri, 11 Nov 1988 Volume 8 : Number 10 Today's Topics: Announcing a Partial Re-release of TSO Kermit Announcing a new version of Kermit for the Z100 New OS/2 Kermit Files Utilities for Conversion of BOO files EasyK Kermit Package Mac Kermit Settings Files for Mac Plus with Series/1 File Transfer using SIM3278 Apparent Bug in Long Packet Size on IBM 370 Mainframe Using EPSON PX8 without BASIC interpreter EPSON PX8 Support Echo Bug in Kermit-80 ver 4.09 for NorthStar Advantage Kermit-80 for a Xerox 16/8 8th-bit Stripping VAX-VMS->PC VMS Kermit with an X.29 Module? Need Compiled Kermit for VMS 4.3 Kermit for MVS/Roscoe ETSO? VT100 Terminal EMulation for TI Professional Computers? A Question about the Kermit Protocol Kermit and SysVR3 layers. Send digest submissions to Info-Kermit@CUNIXC.CC.COLUMBIA.EDU, requests for addition to or deletion from the Info-Kermit subscriber list to Info-Kermit-Request@CUNIXC.CC.COLUMBIA.EDU. Kermit files may be obtained over networks and by mail order. On the Internetwork, use FTP to log in to host CUNIXC, CUNIXC.CC.COLUMBIA.EDU, a VAX 8700 running UNIX (Ultrix). The IP host number is You should be able to to FTP to CUNIXC, login as user ANONYMOUS (any password) and GET the desired files. The Kermit files are in directories kermit/a, kermit/b, kermit/c, kermit/d, and kermit/e. You can also get Kermit files over BITNET/EARN; to get started send a message with text HELP to KERMSRV, the Kermit file server, at host CUVMA. For detailed instructions, read the file k1/aanetw.hlp (AANETW HLP on KERMSRV). To order by mail, request a complete list of Kermit versions and an order form from Kermit Distribution, Columbia University Center for Computing Activities, 612 West 115th Street, New York, NY 10025 USA. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 1988 Sep 8 23:21 EDT From: (John F. Chandler) PEPMNT@CFAAMP.BITNET Subject: Announcing a Partial Re-release of TSO Kermit Keywords: IBM 370 Kermit, 370 Kermit, TSO Kermit, MVS/TSO This is to announce a number of modifications to release 4.0 of TSO Kermit-370. The most noticeable change is in the installation procedure -- the revised IKTKER.INS contains a batch job that can be submitted to install Kermit from scratch all in one step (after allocating a pair of datasets by hand). One by-product of the new procedure is a version of the update utility GUPI-TSO that can be used either interactively or in batch. There is now a HELP file for GUPI. Numerous bugs in Kermit have been fixed (as Page 94 INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #10 promised in a recent edition of IKTKER.BWR), and several new features have been added. Among them are: 1. A subcommand SET LONGLINE, to select the desired processing of lines received by TSO that exceed the LRECL -- the options are to fold, truncate or simply halt. 2. LRECL is now treated by Kermit exactly the way MVS does -- it must be four greater than the actual data length for RECFM=V files. 3. File allocation error messages are now saved in Kermit and reported as part of the STATUS text. 4. Kermit-370 automatically detects three types of terminal connections and sets CONTROLLER accordingly -- to TTY for line-mode terminals (3705, 3708, etc.), to SERIES1 for terminals hooked through protocol converters of the Yale ASCII family (Series/1, 7171, 4994, etc.), and to GRAPHICS for any other kind of full-screen device. By the way, items 1 and 4 will soon be available for CMS as well. This revision of Kermit requires not only a fresh copy of IKTKER.UPD, but also replacements for four of the source components: IKTDYN.ASM, IKTGUP.ASM, IK0GUP.ASM, and IKTMAC.ASM. Note: if you try to install Kermit without these new sources, the batch job will issue an error message in the update step. [Ed. - Many thanks, John. The new files have been installed in Kermit Distribution, along with a new file, IK0CON.HLP, that describes the technical aspects of supporting (or adding support for) the various 370 console devices.] And now a question: Kermit-CMS and, more recently, Kermit-370 for both CMS and TSO have offered the option of setting the assumed parity of the incoming data from protocol emulators (such as the 7171). Has anyone ever taken advantage of this option by setting the PARITY to NONE in the mainframe Kermit? If so, what hardware was involved? ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 3 Nov 88 20:23:53 EST From: Drew Derbyshire Subject: Announcing a new version of Kermit for the Z100 Keywords: MS-Kermit Z-100 MSTZ10, Zenith Z100, Heath/Zenith Z100 You will find following as separate files my latest test copy of Kermit-MS 2.31 for the Z-100, internally dated 16 October 1988. Its documentation also follows, no additional charge. Please add the program to the Columbia Kermit archives as MSTZ10.BOO (replacing my earlier test copy of MSTZ10 from January) and the documentation as MSTZ10.DOC. These files are also available from via anonymous ftp as pub/mstz10.exe and pub/mstz10.doc. Very quickly, the highlights of the program include: INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #10 Page 95 All the new features of base Kermit-MS 2.31 Improved printer support (in other words, it has some!) Improved key pad handling Various bug fixes It does NOT include VT-102 emulation, nor do I have any plans to add it soon. I write (and retrofit) operating systems for a living, and while retrofitting the IBM-PC Kermit VT-102 emulation is possible, I have no personal use for it and only one outside request to do so; thus putting the 100+ hours required into such a project is not reasonable. I will be adding VT-52 print through (escape code) processing and making other changes as listed in the documentation, but not for a few weeks. In the meantime, I eagerly (?) await bug reports on the current version. As for other comments about Z-100 Kermit-MS on various mailing lists in recent months, Shift F12 (nor BREAK) are processed by Kermit because the BIOS intercepts the keys. For additional comments on this and related topics, see the documentation file. Drew Derbyshire [Ed. - Thanks Drew! The new MSTZ10.BOO has replaced the old one and MSTZ10.DOC has been added.] ------------------------------ Date: 27-SEP-1988 09:50:34 GMT +01:00 From: Subject: New OS/2 Kermit Files Keywords: OS/2 Kermit Sending the following new OS/2 Kermit files to replace the older ones: CKOKER.DOC CKOKER.BOO CKOKER.BWR [Ed. - Thanks Steve! These files have been added to the distribution. Reportedly, this version has some problems with VT100 terminal emulation when parity is being sent by the host -- the problem is that CR, LF, ESC, and other control characters are not recognized when they have the parity bit on, and so do not cause the intended screen formatting to occur. The typical symptom is that after the first line reaches "column 80", all subsequent characters are displayed in the same cell. Reportedly, the workaround is to get the host to not send parity (if this is possible). Sources are not yet available. The executable program is encoded in "boo" format, and may be decoded using any of the MSBPCT programs. The C version has been included with the CKO files as CKOPCT.C, but may need some conversion to work under OS/2. Please report any problems to Info-Kermit] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 24 Oct 1988 22:16 EDT From: Subject: Utilities for Conversion of BOO files Keywords: .BOO Files Page 96 INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #10 Xref: BOO Files, see .BOO Files I am sending two ASM files for your evaluation which perform the conversion of BOO to EXE and EXE to BOO files far faster than the utilities you currently distribute on KERMSRV@CUVMA. For example, MSBPCT took 6 mins 32 secs to convert MSVIBM.BOO, while the new program MSPC2 took under 16 seconds on a PC XT. The file names are: MSBPC2 ASM to convert from BOO to EXE or binary MSBMKB ASM to convert from EXE or binary to BOO William C. Parke Physics Department, GWU [Ed. - Many thanks! Now we have EXE-to-BOO programs in assembler (your new one), C, Fortran, and Pascal, and BOO-to-EXE programs in Basic, C, Fortran, Pascal, and assembler (two of them, one of them yours).] ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Aug 88 12:07 MDT From: Joe Doupnik Subject: EasyK Kermit Package Keywords: EasyK Kermit The people at the University of Florida, Gainsville have put together an extensive shell for MS Kermit to IBM mainframe communications. I've taken their draft floppy disk and archived it with PKARC and boo'd the result as EASYK.BOO, which follows. The package is pretty slick in its way. Regards, Joe D. [Ed. - Thanks Joe! The file has been put in kermit/a/, which after unbooing (via any of the MSBPCT programs), is an archive of many files which can be de-archived using PKXARC.] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 02 Sep 88 15:57:58 EDT From: Joe McMahon Subject: Mac Kermit Settings Files for Mac Plus with Series/1 Keywords: MacKermit 0.9(40), 3270 Emulation, Series/1, 7171 Here's a Mac Plus settings file. It provides a setup useful for IBM 3270 emulation with Series/1-style protocol converters (7171, 4994, etc), along with a MacDraw file for the keyboard map. [Ed. - Thanks! Your files have been put in ~kermit/b/ckmker.set. Any Mac Kermit settings files to be contributed in the future will be appended to the same file. The ckmker.set file is in Unix mail format, with the settings files and keyboard maps embedded as BinHex 4.0 text files.] ------------------------------ INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #10 Page 97 Date: Thu, 11 Aug 88 13:22:42 ITA From: Angelo De Florio Subject: File Transfer using SIM3278 Keywords: Kermit-CMS, SIM3278 Has someone tried file-transfer using SIM3278/VM or SIM3278/GCS with Kermit-CMS ? I didn't be able to obtain it, using the Kermit-CMS command SET SERIES1 ON, although the SIMWARE software should be compatible with IBM Series/1 YALE IUP emulation system. Do I need to change some parameters ? Thanks Angelo De Florio [Ed. - To our knowledge, so far no one has succeeded in getting Kermit to work with SIM3278. If anyone out there knows the secret, please share it!] ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Sep 88 20:08:28 EDT From: Peter Jones Subject: Apparent Bug in Long Packet Size on IBM 370 Mainframe Keywords: Kermit-370, Kermit-CMS There seem to be a small problem with SET RECEIVE PACKSIZE and SET SEND PACKSIZE. SET RECEIVE seems to be OK, but changes both RECEIVE and SEND size. SET SEND gives a diagnostic, but the SHOW PROTOCOL command shows that both sizes have been altered. These remarks apply to Version 4.0 of mainframe KERMIT. When running large packets on a PC with SET DEBUG on, the packets displayed are so long that they cause the screen to scroll, ruining the status display. [Ed. - Normally, the SET SEND PACKET command is never needed. The size of the packets is controlled by the receiver, via the SET RECEIVE PACKET command. SET SEND PACKET is used only to override the negotiated value, and then only downwards. And you're right, long packets are not suitable for display on the PC screen during file transfer. It might be possible to create separate scrolling regions for them, but this would destroy the system-independence of this part of the program. If you need to see long packets on the PC, you can LOG PACKETS, rather than SET DEBUG ON.] ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 15 Sep 88 11:14:35 EDT From: Peter Jones Subject: Using EPSON PX8 without BASIC interpreter Keywords: EPSON PX8 I note with interest that there exists a file CPVPX8 that presumably allows KERMIT to run on an EPSON PX-8. I have a two professors at UQAM who would be interested in transferring files from their EPSONs to an IBM PC. These EPSONs have the Travelling Wordstar PROMs, and do not have BASIC, as there is not enough room for both. I wonder how one can get KERMIT onto such Page 98 INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #10 a machine? It is possible to use EPSON's TERM program to send and receive files in 8-bit ASCII, but I'm not sure that every ASCII character is in fact transferred. I have been able to transfer EPSON Wordstar files to the PC, pass them through WORDPERFECT's CONVERT program, and read them with WORDPERFECT. The formatting commands seem to be transferred correctly. The user, however, finds the procedure too complicated and error-prone. There are too many manually-initiated steps, each of which must be done a certain way. EPSON has given us an QMODEM-compatible program to run on the EPSON, and a copy of QMODEM to run on the PC. The transfer procedure is as complicated as using TERM because, without documentation, I have been unable to discover how to send a batch of files from the EPSON to the IBM PC without manually starting and stopping each file on both machines. Moreover, the EPSON software takes 15 minutes to load from the microcassette --- far too long because the software has too many features which are useless in this particular application. EPSON does have a built-in program called FILSND, which allows PX-8's to send files to one another and to EPSON PX-10's. However, I have been unable to get specifications from EPSON Canada on this protocol. Do you have any idea where this information can be obtained? The difficulties of loading executable programs into a PX-8 lead me to believe that any communication program must be built-in. I conclude with two methods of transferring files from a PX-8 to a PC: 1) Write a PC program to emulate EPSON's PX-8 PX-10 protocol 2) Modifiy the EPSON PROMs to hold KERMIT instead on FILSND. Does anyone have any comments on these ideas? ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 29 Sep 88 12:40:49 EDT From: Peter Jones Subject: EPSON PX8 Support Keywords: EPSON PX8 I would like to draw your attention to a letter published in the "Chaos Manor Mail" section of "Byte" magazine, July 1988, Volume 13, Number 7,page 36, column 1, entitled "Calling All PX-8 Orphans". This letter gives a couple of places where one can still get PX-8 support: 1) Synderscope International 1594 Hilltop Dr., El Cajon, CA 92020 (619)-442-3789 (bulletin board) 2) DAK Industries 8200 Remmet Ave., Canoga Park, CA 91304 3) Bulletin board: (313)-538-6968 I believe people ordering the PX-8 version of KERMIT would appreciate receiving this information with their documentation. I personally have not tried contacting any of these people yet, so I don't know how useful these INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #10 Page 99 addresses are. [Ed. - Thanks, Peter. This message has been put with the Epson Kermit hex file as cpvpx8.hlp.] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 2 Nov 1988 00:12 MST From: Keith Petersen Subject: Echo Bug in Kermit-80 ver 4.09 for NorthStar Advantage Keywords: CP/M Kermit, NorthStar Advantage, Kermit-80 Relayed from GEnie's CP/M RoundTable: Message 17 Mon Oct 31, 1988 J.LABUTE [JP] at 21:42 EST There seems to be a bug in CP409ADV.COM, the version 4.09 of Kermit-80 for the NorthStar Advantage. This version echos back to the remote everything it receives. I have had no problems with the versions for the Apple II. Replys to Keith Petersen please. I will relay back to GEnie. [Ed. - Bertil, are you out there?] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 22 Oct 88 22:41:36 EDT From: (Otto Miller) Subject: Kermit-80 for a Xerox 16/8 Keywords: Kermit-80, Xerox 16/8 A little background info... I am posting this request to both info-kermit and info-cpm since I am not sure where my problem is. I have installed several variations of unix c-kermit and now I am trying to install cpm-80 kermit. The specifics; I am using a Xerox 16/8 (5.25" floppy + HD). Since the heart of the 16/8 is a Xerox 820 (like) board I used the sys-dependent overlay for the Xerox 820 (cpvxer.hex) with the sys-indep. (cpsker.hex) hex file to generate the .com file. All went well up to this point. The problem appears when I connect... I get nothing out the serial port! I looked at the source to see if port B was used, but everything points to port A. I have been unable to hang a protocol analyzer to confirm no output, but when I hang a known good modem on the port I get nothing... not even garbage. WHAT's WRONG? Any and all help, pointers, etc. with constructive flames are solicited. PLEASE email directly to me in that I am not on regular distribution for this group; Thanks. Thank you in advance for all the help. #include std_disclaim.h In real(?) life: Otto L. Miller Contel FSS/ASD email Fairfax, VA 22033 703-359-7500 Page 100 INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #10 [Ed. - Maybe the actual port addresses are different for the two Xerox machines. If anybody knows the answer, please send it in! In a pinch, you should be able to use the "generic" version of CP/M-80 Kermit.] ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 6 Oct 88 10:16:03 EDT From: A.W.F. Huggins Subject: 8th-bit Stripping VAX-VMS->PC Keywords: VAX/VMS Kermit, MS-DOS Kermit 2.31 IBM-PC Kermit-MS 2.31: 15 Aug 88 Since we installed the latest Kermit, we have had problems transferring binary files between a Compaq 286 or 386 to a VAX 785 running VMS. Either sending or receiving from the PC, the msb is stripped. We thought at first that it was some problem with the serial line card in the Compaqs, since the problem did not arise running the same version of Kermit on an XT. Then we tried IC, and 8-bit files transferred without problems. After some poking around, we found that setting the parity bit to SPACE (instead of NONE) resulted in correct transfers on the Compaqs, although the transfers were inefficient because all 8-bit bytes were transmitted by quoting. Finally, we noticed that the MSKERMIT.INI on the Compaqs had CRC block-checking enabled, whereas the XT did not. It appears that CRC checksumming is incompatible with 8-bit transmissions. There is no statement to this effect in our copy of the documentation, and there should be. [Ed. - 8th bit prefixing is totally independent of CRC block checking. However, there was a bug in that version of Kermit which would make it sometimes use 8th-bit prefixing when it was not negotiated. Try the current beta-test prerelease version of 2.31A, which is in kermit/a/ on CUNIXC or MSTIBM BOO from KERMSRV at CUVMA.] VMS Kermit-32: And while we are at it, what is the use/purpose of SET FIL TYP BIN on VMS-KERMIT-32? If you use this mode instead of FIX, you get CR-LF inserted after every block. Can this ever be beneficial? Why not have BIN map onto FIX, so people who apply common sense rather than consulting the documentation win too? [Ed. - Kermit-32 is no longer actively maintained, and the original authors are not available to answer your question. To our knowledge, FIX does not insert CRLFs, rather it pads the file out with nulls to a multiple of 512 bytes. Binary files transferred to a VAX from a PC and back using BINARY come back identical to the original, whereas those sent using FIX come back with extra nulls on the end.] Bill ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Jul 88 14:02 GMT From: "Eoin Meehan, EuroKom" Subject: VMS Kermit with an X.29 Module? INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #10 Page 101 Keywords: VAX/VMS Kermit, X.29 Module Does anyone know of a version of Kermit for VMS which has the ability to connect over PSI? What I'm looking for is a command something of the form "CONNECT/X29 0272412345678" We use Kermit extensively for file transfer. Our users with PC's are ok but some of our users have VAXen and they use the SET HOST/X29 to connect to us. This obviously precludes using Kermit file transfer! If a user really needs kermit file transfer then we suggest using the "kermit loop" whereby they loop two async ports together, "CONNECT" to one port and log in again, and then use the SET HOST/X29 command -- kinda messy. Thanks, Eoin Meehan Eoin Meehan Bitnet/EARN: EuroKom Voice: +353 1 697890 Computer Centre Telex: 91178 UCDEI University College Dublin FAX: +353 1 838605 Belfield PSImail: PSI%027243159000737::emeehan Dublin 4 Republic of Ireland "Why is there only one Monopolies Commission?" "Who builds DIY stores?" [Ed. - This is a very popular request, especially from Europe. Kermit needs to have special code added to use VAX/PSI. So far, no one has volunteered to do this.] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 22 Jul 88 14:00:48 CDT From: moore@ncsc.ARPA (Moore) Subject: Need Compiled Kermit for VMS 4.3 Keywords: C-Kermit, VAX/VMS Kermit Is there anyone out there who would be willing to send me a tape of a compiled Kermit for a VAX 11/780 running VMS 4.3? We don't have a C compiler so we can't grab the source from CU20B. Thanks for any assistance. Jim ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 25 Aug 88 15:09:50 CST From: "Subir Prasad" Subject: Kermit for MVS/Roscoe ETSO? Page 102 INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #10 Keywords: MVS/Roscoe ETSO To Anyone With Ideas, We have an Amdahl 470V/8 on which we run MVS/Roscoe ETSO. We tried implementing the MVS/TSO version of Kermit-CMS Version 4.0, but we could never get a file to transfer to or from an IBM PC. We were, however, able to put MVS Kermit into server mode and successfully execute the FINISH and HOST DIR command from the PC's Kermit (which by the way was Kermit-MS Version 2.30). When we tried file transfer, MVS seemed to acknowledge and receive the file header, but it never could read or write the actual contents of a file. It would give a "BAD COMMAND" error. We believe the problem is a disk allocation problem that Kermit-MVS has with ROSCOE ETSO. Any suggestions? Has anyone successfully implemented a version of Kermit on ROSCOE ETSO? One other possible avenue: Does anyone know where we could get XMODEM, YMODEM or ZMODEM for ROSCOE?? Thanks. Subir Prasad The University of Mississippi/Computing & Information Systems Acknowledge-To: [Ed. - Can anyone help? It is unlikely that Xmodem or any of its derivatives will work with MVS/ROSCOE or any IBM mainframe operating system, because it is an 8-bit transparent protocol, and IBM mainframes always do 7-bit i/o with ASCII devices.] ------------------------------ Date: Thursday, 26 May 1988 08:29-MDT From: "Wayne J. Hauber" Subject: VT100 Terminal EMulation for TI Professional Computers? Keywords: TI Professional Kermit Is anyone aware of a communication program for the Texas Instrument Professional computer that has a reliable VT100 emulation? I am aware of a Kermit that is a couple years old but which has a poor emulation. The TI Pro is a MS-DOS micro that is not fully IBM compatible and does not work with the usual MS-DOS communication programs. My university has a number of TI Pros. We were wondering if there were alternatives to an aging locally written communication program. Please send responses to me directly rather than posting them. Wayne Hauber Programming Consultant Iowa State University Computation Center ga.wjh@isumvs.bitnet <-- preferred addresss INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #10 Page 103 <-- a good alternate <-- if you are on CSNET [Ed. - The TI Pro version of Kermit no longer has anybody working on it.] ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 22 Sep 88 08:58:39 +0100 From: J M Hicks Subject: A Question about the Kermit Protocol Keywords: Kermit Protocol This is a question about the Kermit protocol itself. I have been working with two old implementations of Kermit. When a CR (or, in one implementation, XON) character arrives in between packets, they seem to think that a bad packet has arrived and reply with a negative acknowledgement for the expected packet or another acknowledgement of the previous packet. I was under the impression that characters between packets should be completely ignored. What ought Kermit to do? If such characters between packets appear often, one end can give up due to all the bad packets it thinks it has received. [Ed. - It should ignore any characters that appear between packets.] J. M. Hicks (a.k.a. Hilary), Computing Services, Warwick University, Coventry, England. CV4 7AL On JANET: cudat@UK.AC.WARWICK.CU (in the U.K.) >From BITNET: cudat@CU.WARWICK.AC.UK >From Internet: try (untested) On Usenet: ...!mcvax!ukc!warwick!cudat It helps if you spell "cudat" in lower case. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Aug 88 00:28:13 EDT From: Greg Woods Subject: Kermit and SysVR3 layers. Keywords: SysVR3 Layers Is anyone doing, or interested in doing, something about getting kermit to talk to Sys V R3 layers? I would find that an EXTREMELY important feature. Since a lot of PC's have graphics and mice these days, a graphical version would be even better. It would sure cut the entry-level cost of using layers (for those of us with access to a PC). Greg Woods. UUCP: utgpu!woods, utgpu!{ontmoh, ontmoh!ixpierre}!woods VOICE: (416) 242-7572 [h] LOCATION: Toronto, Ontario, Canada ------------------------------ Page 104 INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #10 End of Info-Kermit Digest INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #11 Page 105 Info-Kermit Digest Thu, 15 Dec 1988 Volume 8 : Number 11 Today's Topics: Announcing a New Kermit for Microsoft Windows Announcing Version 3.1 of Turbo Pascal Kermit New xxu.c Utility Program Some responses to V8#10 and Kermit-370 Kermit 370 Trailing Blanks Trimming VMS C-Kermit Dialing? C-Kermit Problems on SUNs with SUNOS Version 4 Directory Locking in C-Kermit? VAX/VMS Kermit via x25 Response to Request of vt100 Setting Macro for MacKermit 0.9(40) MacKermit vt100 Initialization Files MacKermit Settings File Kermit for Honeywell DPS-6/GCOS6? Kermit wanted for Burroughs B21 (Not B25)? Send digest submissions to Info-Kermit@CUNIXC.CC.COLUMBIA.EDU, requests for addition to or deletion from the Info-Kermit subscriber list to Info-Kermit-Request@CUNIXC.CC.COLUMBIA.EDU. Kermit files may be obtained over networks and by mail order. On the Internetwork, use FTP to log in to host CUNIXC, CUNIXC.CC.COLUMBIA.EDU, a VAX 8700 running UNIX (Ultrix). The IP host number is You should be able to to FTP to CUNIXC, login as user anonymous (lower case user name with any password) and GET the desired files. The Kermit files are in directories kermit/a, kermit/b, kermit/c, kermit/d, and kermit/e. You can also get Kermit files over BITNET/EARN; to get started send a message with text HELP to KERMSRV, the Kermit file server, at host CUVMA. For detailed instructions, read the file k1/aanetw.hlp (AANETW HLP on KERMSRV). To order by mail, request a complete list of Kermit versions and an order form from Kermit Distribution, Columbia University Center for Computing Activities, 612 West 115th Street, New York, NY 10025 USA. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 9 Dec 1988 16:40:00 EST From: Christine M. Gianone Subject: Announcing a New Kermit for Microsoft Windows Keywords: IBM PC, MS-Windows, JAR files This is to announce a new version of Kermit for Microsoft Windows. The program is written in Microsoft C and should run on any computer that has Microsoft Windows version 2.03 or later, or Windows/286, or Windows/386. It was written by Bill Hall of Santa Clara, CA, and is a complete replacement for the earlier, primitive WINKERM contributed by Bill a couple years ago. This version includes a Heath/Zenith-19 terminal emulator, fully integrated with the Windows environment (so you can cut & paste, etc). This Kermit program can run in one window while you are doing some other work in another window. Thus, file transfers can proceed in the background. In fact, multiple instances of MS-Windows Kermit can be active at the same time (but of course, each requires a separate communication port). As submitted by Bill, the files have names that don't fit into the Kermit Distribution naming conventions -- He renamed the program from WINKRM to Page 106 INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #11 WKERM, but unfortunately there already is a WKERMIT (the sliding windows version of Kermit for PC). But since the names are important (e.g. the program itself must be called WKERM.EXE to allow code sharing for multiple instances), the files have been concatenated into "text archives", which we call "jar" files ("join archive"). The explanation of the format of the jar file is found at the beginning of the file, along with a C program for taking it apart again (you can also use a text editor). Here's a brief description of the archives and the files within them: WINKRM.JAR: README.1ST - A "read me first" file. WKERM.EXE - A Windows terminal emulator for the Heath/Zenith H/Z-19 terminal with the Kermit file transfer protocol added. (This has been encoded in "boo" format as WKERM.BOO, and can be decoded back into .EXE form using any of the MSBPCT programs.) HEATH19.FON - An optional ASCII font also containing the original H-19 graphics characters which can be loaded with the Windows control panel and used with the H-19 Windows terminal emulator. (This has been encoded in "boo" format as HEATH19.BOO, and can be decoded back into .EXE form using any of the MSBPCT programs.) DEMO.C - a C-program which can be used to illustrate some terminal functions and the H-19 font. Please read the comments in that file for more information. WINH19.DOC - Documentation for the H-19 terminal emulator portion of Windows Kermit. WKERM.DOC - Supplementary information on how to use the Kermit feature of the emulator. WINH19.APP - An appendix to the WINH19.DOC file giving detailed technical information about keyboard usage. TERMCAPS.H19 - a suggested UNIX TERMCAPS file for the H-19 emulator. Both 24 and 30 line versions are illustrated for ANSI and HEATH modes. WINSRC.JAR: Source files for WKERM in C, plus header files, compile and link procedures. Thanks to Bill for all the work that went into this package and for contributing it to Kermit Distribution. Bill's network mail address (as seen from Columbia) is: rochester!ames!olivej.ATC.OLIVETTI.COM! ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 14 Dec 1988 17:40:00 EST From: Christine M. Gianone Subject: Announcing Version 3.1 of Turbo Pascal Kermit INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #11 Page 107 Keywords: IBM PC, Turbo Pascal, Tektronix 4100, QK Kermit Victor Lee, VIC@QUCDN.BITNET, of Queens University, Kingston, Ontario, has submitted a new release of QK-Kermit, the Turbo Pascal that runs under MS-DOS on the IBM PC and PS/2 and compatibles. The new release, 3.1, now emulates the Tektronix 4100 rather than the 4010, so that it is capable of color graphics. Many thanks to Vic for this submission. The files are in kermit/a/qk3*.* on CUNIXC, available via anonymous FTP, and as QK3* * from KERMSRV at CUVMA on BITNET. ------------------------------ Date: Tuesday, 15 November 1988 09:22-MST From: steinmetz!crdos1!davidsen@uunet.UU.NET (Wm E. Davidsen) Subject: New xxu.c Utility Program Keywords: xxu.c, Unix, Filenames I was looking at the "xxu" program you posted recently, and I added a few changes for SysV and Xenix. I also changed the logic to turn blanks into underscores rather than keep or delete them. I could probably find the info on ftp upload, but this is small enough to mail and I have to ftp via another machine anyway. I don't have problems with my ftp names, but I do get programs which create really bad filenames at times. This is an easy way to clear them out. bill davidsen (wedu@ge-crd.ARPA -or- davidsen@crdos1.uucp) {uunet | philabs}!steinmetz!crdos1!davidsen [Ed. - Thanks for the update Bill. And thanks to Keith Petersen for submitting the program to Info-Kermit. The file has replaced the old one in kermit/b/xxu.c] ------------------------------ Date: 1988 Dec 5 22:46 EST From: (John F. Chandler) PEPMNT@CFAAMP.BITNET Subject: Some Responses to V8#10 and Kermit-370 Keywords: Kermit-370 Angelo De Florio wrote concerning SIM3278: > Has someone tried file-transfer using SIM3278/VM or SIM3278/GCS with > Kermit-CMS ? Yes, it has been tried, but I don't believe it is possible, since SIM3278 doesn't have any transparent READ capability, only a WRITE. Peter Jones wrote concerning Long Packet Size on IBM 370 Mainframe: > There seem to be a small problem with SET RECEIVE PACKSIZE and SET SEND > PACKSIZE. SET RECEIVE seems to be OK, but changes both RECEIVE and SEND size. > SET SEND gives a diagnostic, but the SHOW PROTOCOL command shows that both > sizes have been altered. These remarks apply to Version 4.0 of mainframe > KERMIT. Page 108 INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #11 Beyond the editorial response in the digest, I must point out a couple things. First, SET SEND PACK has only one function in Kermit-370 -- it provides the default in case the other Kermit leaves the packet size blank in its negotiations. If you wish to restrict the size of packets to be sent from a given Kermit, you may tell the *other* Kermit to insist on a smaller packet size. Second, SHOW SEND PACK (like SHOW for other parameters that do nothing but set defaults) reveals just the latest value defined -- whether by the SET subcommand or by negotiating with another Kermit. The diagnostic message for SEND PACK > 94 is just a reminder that the only functional values are 20-94. Subir Prasad wrote about Kermit for MVS/Roscoe ETSO: > When we tried file transfer, MVS seemed to acknowledge and receive the file > header, but it never could read or write the actual contents of a file. It > would give a "BAD COMMAND" error. > > We believe the problem is a disk allocation problem that Kermit-MVS has with > ROSCOE ETSO. However, I have heard from John Lundberg that "TSO Kermit actually seems to work rather well in ROSCOE/ETSO as long as one doesn't try to create a host data set name that violates ACF2's rule." J M Hicks asked A Question about the Kermit Protocol: > I was under the impression that characters between packets should be > completely ignored. > > What ought Kermit to do? If such characters between packets appear often, > one end can give up due to all the bad packets it thinks it has received. While the editor pointed out (correctly) that Kermits *should* ignore characters between packets, half-duplex systems (such as IBM mainframes) receive RECORDS, rather than PACKETS. In such circumstances, an extra CR is evidence of a lost or garbled packet, and, considering that some IBM mainframe Kermit applications are unable to time out, it is clearly risky to ignore a bare CR. John ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 22 Nov 1988 10:11:55 +0100 From: Andre' PIRARD Subject: Kermit 370 Trailing Blanks Trimming Keywords: Kermit-370 A proposal was accepted someday not to trim trailing blanks off variable length text records sent by 370 Kermit. I just found a little hitch to this otherwise sensible decision. God knows why, the CMS file system hates null-length records (as well as empty files). CMS Kermit has consequently no other way to store a null line than to make it a single blank. On its way back, this blank remains. Software on micros can be sensitive to a record size being null and I used to INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #11 Page 109 be pleased to see my long dated first tests of CMS Kermit get a file back correctly, as opposed to what we used before. It's an occasional nuisance only, but I wonder if it wouldn't be nice to consider a record containing a single blank as the result of the above and, by exception, send it with null length. I can't think of another way to bypass this "feature". The "other way round" nuisance (single blanks converted to nulls) should be much less frequent in my opinion. Andr). ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 21 Nov 88 23:35:46 EST From: Mark F. Proudman Subject: VMS C-Kermit Dialing? Keywords: C-Kermit 4E(070), setjmp(), C-Kermit/VMS, VAX/VMS I have been trying to get C-Kermit's dialer (ckudia.c) working under VMS. VMS does not like the setjmp() call within a setjmp that handles failures during an exception (ie a failure to close the line after a timeout). (This is documented in the VAXC RTL manual). Has anyone else re-implemented this for VMS? Thanks in advance. Mark Proudman uunet!attcan!sobeco!mfp (514) 878 9090 "It is agreed that the ice is thin here" - K&R. [Ed. - Not us... Various people have started working on VMS support in C-Kermit, and no one -- to our knowledge -- has been able to complete the job. Is there anyone we don't know about who's working in this area???] ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 1 Nov 88 20:26:31 EST From: ksmith@cubmol (Kenneth Smith) Subject: C-Kermit Problems on SUNs with SUNOS Version 4 Keywords: C-Kermit 4E(070), SUN, SUNOS 4.0 Hardware: Sun 3/160, connected to IBM-PC/AT and IBM-PC. Software: SunOS 4.0, C-Kermit 4E(70). MSKERMIT 2.31 on the IBM-PC/AT, MSKERMIT 2.29 on the IBM-PC. Problem: When I attempt to send a file from either PC to the Sun3, the transfer hangs at a random point. When I send a file from the Sun3 to either PC, transfer is normal. The problem occurs when the PC's are connected to the MTI multiplexer card. The problem DOES NOT occur for a PC connected to one of the Sun3 hardwired serial ports. For a PC connected to the multiplexer, file transfer was tested for failure at baud rates from 2400 to 19200. On the hardwired serial line, file transfer is successful at 19200 baud. Page 110 INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #11 Comment: On a SUN3 running SUN UNIX version 3.4, and using an identical multiplexer, we have no problems with C-Kermit. It is possible that the problem may be something on our multiplexer board, but I would like to know if you have received any similar complaints about problems under SunOS 4.0, or perhaps have even found a cure. Ken Smith Dept. of Biology Computer Graphics Facility 854-6122 [Ed. - Complaints galore, including from ourselves! There are bugs in the MTI and ALM handlers in SUNOS 4.0. On our SUN-4's, we could only use Kermit through Ethernet terminal servers. Release 4.0.1 of SUNOS is supposed to fix these problems, but we haven't tested it.] ------------------------------ Date: 28 Nov 88 22:21:12 GMT From: execu! (Dewey Henize) Subject: Directory locking in C-Kermit? Keywords: C-Kermit 4E(070), Directory Locking Anyone out there have kermit installed on a Sun system, running SunOS4.0.1? we are currently doing so, and things are basically working well, with kermit version: C-Kermit, 4E(070) 29 Jan 88, 4.2 BSD except for one small problem. We seem to get the actual lock file built just fine when we select a device [set line /dev/ttyx], but we still get the message: Warning, write access to lock directory denied I've checked the protections as well as I know to, and (at least temporarily) have it set up exactly like tip (which connects fine, but without the warning message), ie "-rws--x--x 1 uucp daemon". I would prefer not to have it suid anyhow, obviously. Anyone out there got a pointer for me? All help appreciated, and thanks in advance. Dewey Henize execu!dewey [Ed. - Like it says in the manual, the lock file directory must be publicly readable and writable. The only alternative is the suid business, which in these days of worms and viruses, is to be avoided.] ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 24 Nov 88 13:44 MST From: kieffer@UNCANET.BITNET (Rom Kieffer, Academic Computing Services) Subject: VAX/VMS Kermit via x25 Keywords: VAX/VMS Kermit, X25 I am faced with a remote site trying to use kermit over a packet network, and not having any idea about how to route traffic to the packet interface card INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #11 Page 111 (DUP11) instead of the standard DZ11. It is easy to connect via the carrier to the VAX, to start kermit and iniate transfers, but the reverse has me stumped. How does one start kermit, then allocate a DUP11/PSI virtual circuit, connect via the packet carrier to the remote system? (decnet is out, the partner system is a NOS/VE Cyber 835, hence the kermit approach) If anybody out there has a better idea, we are not proud. I have tried finding out whether there was a file transfer utility common to VMS and NOS/VE, but to no avail so far. I have heard of RHF (Remote Host Facility) but I cannot get any details about cost, availability or performance. any pointers are greatly appreciated. Rom Kieffer (403)-220-6210 Manager, datacommunications Academic Computing Services The University of Calgary Calgary, Alberta CANADA T2N 1N4 ------------------------------ Date: 11 Aug 1988 00:09:13 EST From: Eric.Yang@EWT.MIT.EDU Subject: Response to Request of vt100 Setting Macro for MacKermit 0.9(40) Keywords: MacKermit 0.9(40), VT100 Settings The following is a Binhexed version of the setting on my SE with extended keyboard. The VT100 keypad and cursors are mapped correctly. In addition, I have implemented the six-key feature that exists in VT200 mode. F9-F12 on the top row is encoded as , , , and (ESC>[26~, respectively. Although this setting violates DEC convention by mixing VT100 and VT200 codes, I found it more powerful than a true VT220 when I am using EVE or EDT. [Ed. - Thanks! Your settings file has been added to kermit/b/ckmker.set, which is a collection of settings files for MacKermit 0.9.] ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 11 Aug 88 16:14:36 PDT From: (Mick Laver) Subject: MacKermit vt100 Initialization Files Keywords: MacKermit 0.9(40), Initialization File Here are two MacKermit 0.9(040) vt100 initialization files to remap the MacPlus and Mac II keypads, and a short MacWrite doc that explains how the keys are mapped. All are in Binhex 4.0 format. The files are: Page 112 INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #11 macvtdoc.hqx Macwrite doc (11.2K) maciivt.hqx Mac II vt100 init file (1.3K) macplvt.hqx Mac Plus vt100 init file (1.3K) Since the files are small I've stuck them one after the other below. I hope someone finds them useful. Mick Laver, C-010 Internet: UCSD Academic Computing Center UUCP: ...!ucsd!mlaver La Jolla, CA.92093 BITNET: mlaver@ucsd.BITNET [Ed. - Thanks! These settings files have also been added to kermit/b/ckmker.set.] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 12 Aug 88 16:58:25 EDT From: Bob Rahe Subject: MacKermit Settings File Keywords: MacKermit 0.9(40), VT100 Settings Someone asked for a settings file that would work with MacKermit 0.9(40) and IBM mainframes as a VT100 through some kind of protocol convertor simulating a 327x terminal. Here's one that I use to a VM/CMS system through a series-1 front end. PF1 thru 9 are the keypad 1 thru 9 keys on a Mac+. The Clear key (and ENTER key) also work. Probably not complete but does the (minimal) stuff I need it to do. One source of info I remember using to get the codes right was the sample init file for the PC version of Kermit. See what he maps things to and you can add whatever else you need. This will give you a head start tho. Enjoy, Bob [Ed. - Thanks! These settings files have been added to kermit/b/ckmker.set too.] ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 15 Dec 1988 09:54:00 EST From: Christine M. Gianone Subject: Kermit for Honeywell DPS-6/GCOS6? Keywords: Honeywell, DPS-6, GCOS6 For several years, we have been distributing a version of Kermit for the Honeywell DPS-6 GCOS6 operating system. It was donated anonymously and came without source code or documentation. Does anyone have, or know of, the source to this program, or any other Kermit program for the DPS-6? ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 1 Sep 88 10:16:35 EDT From: Subject: Kermit wanted for Burroughs B21 (Not B25)? Keywords: Burroughs B21 Kermit INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #11 Page 113 I'm looking for a Kermit that would run on the Burroughs B21 series. This was made for them by Convergent Technologies and runs an operating system called BTOS. I have used the B20 Kermit already available on a B25, but I don't think this will work on the B21. The B20 series is divided into two families, the older B21 and the newer B25. They both run BTOS, but different versions, because the CPU is different. I have heard that the two families are mostly source-code compatible, but not object-code compatible. Does anyone know of a Kermit or any other terminal emulation program that will run on the B21's? Thanks. Mike Ciaraldi University of Rochester ARPA: uucp: ...rutgers!rochester!ciaraldi ------------------------------ End of Info-Kermit Digest Page 114 INFO-KERMIT DIGEST V8 #11 Index Page 115 .BOO Files, 96 3270 Emulation, 96 370 Kermit, 93 3COM EtherSeries, 39 7171, 55, 96 Amiga, 59 Apple II, 37, 52 Archimedes, 17 AT&T 6300, 25 Attributes, 77 BOO Files, 86 BSD 2.10, 60 BTOS, 5 Burroughs B20, 5 Burroughs B21 Kermit, 113 C-Kermit, 8, 13, 27, 58, 60, 62, 67, 101 C-Kermit 4E, 60 C-Kermit 4E(070), 61, 64, 109-110 C-Kermit 4E(070) Performance, 63 C-Kermit/Amiga, 59 C-Kermit/VMS, 67-68, 109 C64 Kermit, 12 CGA, 20 CMS Kermit, 53 Color Graphics, 23 COM3, 45 Commodore Amiga, 59 Convergent NGEN, 5 CP/M Kermit, 99 Cray X-MP, 62 CTOS, 5 CU20B, 26, 36, 48 CUNIXC, 48 CX-80, 53, 55 DEC Rainbow, 80 DECnet/DOS, 80 DG/1, 16-17 Directory Locking, 110 DPS-6, 112 EASYK, 81 EasyK Kermit, 96 EPSON PX8, 97-98 Escape Character, 21 File Dates, 77 Filenames, 107 FTP, 26, 36, 48 Fujitsu FMR-60, 50 Future Kermits, 27 GCOS6, 112 Generic Kermit, 18 GNU EMACS, 62 GOTO, 76 Graphics, 89 Heath-Zenith/100, 15 Heath/Zenith Z100, 94 Hebrew, 81 Page 116 Index Honeywell, 112 IBM 370 Kermit, 93 IBM AEA Ports, 86 IBM PC, 49, 80, 105, 107 Initialization File, 111 Initialization Files, 22 Internet, 36 IP Host Numbers, 36 Japan, 50 JAR files, 105 Kana, 50 Kanji, 50 Kermit Distribution, 48 Kermit Protocol, 13, 103 Kermit-370, 6, 53, 56, 77, 97, 107-108 Kermit-65, 52 Kermit-80, 99 Kermit-CMS, 97 Lock Files, 60 MacBinary, 46 MacKermit, 8, 10 MacKermit 0.9(36)b4, 9 MacKermit 0.9(40), 7-9, 11-12, 46-47, 96, 111-112 Mailer Problems, 79 Masscomp, 60 Microsoft Windows, 81 MS Windows, 81 MS-DOS Kermit, 19, 21-22, 45 MS-DOS Kermit 2.29d, 15 MS-DOS Kermit 2.30, 16-18, 30, 81 MS-DOS Kermit 2.31, 1, 19-25, 28-31, 33-34, 38-44, 49-51, 70, 72-73, 76-77, 81-84, 86-89, 91, 100 MS-DOS Kermit 2.31 Manual, 38 MS-DOS Kermit 2.31/A, 80 MS-Kermit, 19 Ms-Kermit 2.31, 20 MS-Kermit Z-100 MSTZ10, 94 MS-Windows, 105 MVS/Roscoe ETSO, 102 MVS/TSO, 93 NEC-PC9801, 50 Network, 48 NorthStar Advantage, 99 Novell File Server, 72 Okstate, 26, 37 Olivetti, 76 OS/2 Kermit, 27, 90, 95 p-System, 69 Pecan, 69 Portable 370 Kermit, 53 Printer, 39 ProDOS, 37 Protocol Converters, 53, 55-56, 77 QK Kermit, 107 Rainbow, 80 Rainbow Kermit, 45 Index Page 117 RedRyder, 10 ReGIS Color Graphics, 86 RTU, 60 SAS, 51 Scan Codes, 16 SCO Xenix, 65-66 Screen Rollback, 20-21 Script Files, 82 Scripts, 34 Series/1, 96 setjmp(), 109 Shell, 62 SIM3278, 97 Smartcom, 23 SmartLink., 40 SUN, 109 SUNOS 4.0, 109 Super Serial Card, 52 SysVR3 Layers, 103 Tabs, 41, 73 Take Files, 19 Tandy 3000HD, 24 Tektronix 4100, 107 Tektronix Emulation, 19, 25 Terminal Emulation, 23 TI Professional Kermit, 102 Transparent Printing, 20 TSO, 55 TSO Kermit, 93 Turbo Pascal, 107 UCSD Pascal Kermit, 69 Ungermann-Bass, 31, 33, 49 UNICOS, 62 Unix, 107 UUCP, 37 UUCP Lock Files, 60 VAX/VMS, 67-68, 109 VAX/VMS Kermit, 51, 100-101, 110 Victor 9000, 18 VT100 PF Keys, 19 VT100 Settings, 111-112 VT200 Support, 42 Wang PC, 51 X.25, 67 X.29 Module, 101 X25, 110 Xerox 16/8, 99 xxu.c, 107 Z-100, 44 Zenith Z-248, 45 Zenith Z100, 94 ZPC, 44 Page 118 Index