__ __ _ | \/ | __ _ __ _ ___(_) __ _ | |\/| |/ _` |/ _` |/ _ \ |/ _` | | | | | (_| | (_| | __/ | (_| | |_| |_|\__,_|\__, |\___|_|\__,_| |___/ This document describes the way to implement a Mageia Mirror. 1) Prerequisite --------------- The expected size of the mirror is around 1.8-2TB. The mirror only contains the last 2 stable releases + the development branch called cauldron. For older unsupported releases, you can find them at the archive provided by distrib-coffee mirror: https://distrib-coffee.ipsl.jussieu.fr/pub/linux/Mageia-archive/ Look here to see the (planned) end of support date for each version: https://www.mageia.org/en/support/#lifecycle You need rsync software to synchronise the tree. 2) Official source ------------------ For a public mirror, we encourage you to use one of our Tier1 mirrors. The servers below synchronise the tree directly from the Mageia rsync server. Check https://mirrors.mageia.org/ for their bandwidths. Check https://mirrors.mageia.org/status for their current statuses. o rsync://mageia.c3sl.ufpr.br/mageia/ located in Curitiba (Brasil) o rsync://mirrors.kernel.org/mirrors/mageia/ located in USA and Europe o rsync://mirror.accum.se/mirror/mageia/ located in Umea (Sweden) o rsync://mirror.math.princeton.edu/pub/mageia/ located in Princeton (USA) 3) Rsync options ---------------- Ensure you're using at least these options: -a -H We appreciate if, in addition, you also add the options: --delete-after -S Don't use the compression and checksum options, they create excessive load on the remote server 4) Automated update procedure ----------------------------- The tree must be synchronized at least every 2 hours. Tier 1 mirrors should preferably sync at least every hour. Please ensure that another rsync process is not started while a first one is still running. Use a lock file. 5) Registering your mirror -------------------------- Go to https://mirrors.mageia.org/new and enter all possible protocols. 6) Subscribe to the mirrors-announce mailing list ------------------------------------------------- To get infos about new releases uploaded to the mirrors and other mirror updates, you can subscribe to the mirrors-announce mailing list : https://ml.mageia.org/wwsympa-wrapper.fcgi/info/mirrors-announce