;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; Drawing transistor stacks for production rules. ; ; (c) 1996 California Institute of Technology ; Department of Computer Science ; Pasadena, CA 91125. ; ; Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software ; and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby ; granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all ; copies. The California Institute of Technology makes no representations ; about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is ; provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. Export of this ; software outside of the United States of America may require an ; export license. ; ; $Id: prs.scm,v 2000/03/29 18:35:58 rajit Exp $ ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; Production rule parser ; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ; ; (prs.parse "production-rule-string") ; ; Returns a parse tree for the production rule, or prints out an error ; message. ; ; A production rule is of the form: expr -> rhs [+/-] ; The resulting parse tree has the following format: ; ; Top level: (expr "rhs") ; expr: (and expr expr) ; (or expr expr) ; (not id) ; id ; ; Observe that the production rules must be in negation-normal form. ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (define prs.parse ()) (letrec ( (parse-string "") ; the current string being parsed (parse-position 0) ; current position in the string (parse-string-len 0) ; string length (or-char (string-ref "|" 0)) ; constants (and-char (string-ref "&" 0)) (not-char (string-ref "~" 0)) (plus-char (string-ref "+" 0)) (minus-char (string-ref "-" 0)) (lparens-char (string-ref "(" 0)) (rparens-char (string-ref ")" 0)) (startid? ; #t if the character is a valid ; start character for an identifier (let ((lc-a (string-ref "a" 0)) (uc-a (string-ref "A" 0)) (lc-z (string-ref "z" 0)) (uc-z (string-ref "Z" 0)) (us (string-ref "_" 0)) ) (lambda (x) (cond ((and (>=? x lc-a) (<=? x lc-z)) #t) ((and (>=? x uc-a) (<=? x uc-z)) #t) ((=? x us) #t) (#t #f) ) ) ) ) (idchar? ; #t if the character is a valid ; character in an identifier (let ((lc-a (string-ref "a" 0)) (uc-a (string-ref "A" 0)) (lc-z (string-ref "z" 0)) (uc-z (string-ref "Z" 0)) (lbrack (string-ref "[" 0)) (rbrack (string-ref "]" 0)) (us (string-ref "_" 0)) (dot (string-ref "." 0)) (bang (string-ref "!" 0)) (zero (string-ref "0" 0)) (nine (string-ref "9" 0)) ) (lambda (x) (cond ((and (>=? x lc-a) (<=? x lc-z)) #t) ((and (>=? x uc-a) (<=? x uc-z)) #t) ((and (>=? x zero) (<=? x nine)) #t) ((=? x us) #t) ((=? x bang) #t) ((=? x dot) #t) ((=? x lbrack) #t) ((=? x rbrack) #t) (#t #f) ) ) ) ) (prs.error ; Print an error message out to the ; screen, and abort evaluation (lambda (str) (begin (echo -n (string-append "Error" (if (zero? parse-position) "," (string-append ", parsed `" (string-append (substring parse-string 0 parse-position) "',") ) ) ) ) (echo -n "looking at: ") (echo (string-append (string-append "`" (substring parse-string parse-position parse-string-len) ) "'" ) ) (error str) ) ) ) (have? ; #t if the next character matches ; its argument exactly. If so, the ; position in the string is advanced ; and skip trailing whitespace. (lambda (char) (if (=? (string-ref parse-string parse-position) char) (begin (set! parse-position (+ parse-position 1)) #t ) #f ) ) ) (skipspace ; skip leading spaces (lambda () (cond ((=? parse-position parse-string-len) #t) ((=? (string-ref parse-string parse-position) (string-ref " " 0)) (begin (set! parse-position (+ parse-position 1)) (skipspace) ) ) (#t #t) ) ) ) (skipchar ; Expect to see a specific character ; and skip it. Report an error if ; invalid character (lambda (char) (if (have? char) #t (prs.error (string-append "Expected: " (string-set! " " 0 char)) ) ) ) ) (skip ; Expect to see a string, and skip it ; Reports an error otherwise. ; len is the length of the string. (lambda (str len) (letrec ((len2 (+ len parse-position)) (helper (lambda (pos1 pos2) (cond ((=? pos1 len) (begin (set! parse-position pos2) #t )) ((=? pos2 len2) (prs.error (string-append "Expected: " str))) ((=? (string-ref parse-string pos2) (string-ref str pos1)) (helper (+ pos1 1) (+ pos2 1)) ) (#t (prs.error (string-append "Expected: " str))) ) ) ) ) (helper 0 parse-position) ) ) ) (expr ; Parse an expression (lambda () (begin (define x (term)) (cond ((=? parse-position parse-string-len) x) ((have? or-char) (begin (skipspace) (list 'or x (expr)))) (#t x) ) ) ) ) (term ; Parse a term (lambda () (begin (define x (factor)) (cond ((=? parse-position parse-string-len) x) ((have? and-char) (begin (skipspace) (list 'and x (term)))) (#t x) ) ) ) ) (factor ; parse a factor (lambda () (cond ((have? not-char) (begin (skipspace) (list 'not (variable)))) ((have? lparens-char) (begin (skipspace) (define x (expr)) (skipchar rparens-char) (skipspace) x ) ) (#t (variable)) ) ) ) (variable ; parse a variable (lambda () (letrec ((helper (lambda (pos) (cond ((=? parse-string-len pos) pos) ((idchar? (string-ref parse-string pos)) (helper (+ pos 1)) ) (#t pos) ) ) )) (begin (if (=? parse-string-len parse-position) (prs.error "Expected an identifier") #t) (if (startid? (string-ref parse-string parse-position)) #t (prs.error "Expected an identifier") ) (define x (helper (+ parse-position 1))) (define y (substring parse-string parse-position x)) (set! parse-position x) (skipspace) y ) ) ) ) ) (set! prs.parse (lambda (str) (begin (set! parse-string str) (set! parse-position 0) (set! parse-string-len (string-length str)) (skipspace) (define x (expr)) (skipspace) (skip "->" 2) (skipspace) (define y (variable)) (collect-garbage) (cond ((have? plus-char) (list x y)) ((have? minus-char) (list x y)) (#t (prs.error "Expected a `+' or `-'")) ) ) ) ) ) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; Drawing a production rule ; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ; ; (prs.draw width "production-rule") ; ; Draws the transistor stacks for the specified production rules, ; with diffusion stacks "width" wide. ; ; ; (prs.mgn widthp widthn "prs1" "prs2" . . .) ; ; Draw transistor stacks for the production rules specified. The network ; is generated assuming that the rules for all the pull-up networks are ; pairwise mutually exclusive, and that the rules for all the pull-down ; networks are pairwise mutually exclusive. This permits a degree of ; gate-sharing. (Not currently implemented) ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; Network description: ; ; ("node" ("gate" ref-to-node)) ("gate" ref-to-node) . . .) ; ; ; A stack: ; ("node" "edge" "node" "edge" "node" "edge") ; ; ; Temporary description: ; ("node" ref-to-a-stack ref-to-e1 ref-to-e2 . . .) ; ; edge = (label ref-v1 ref-v2), or (label) ; ; (define prs.net-add-edge ()) (define prs.net-find ()) (define prs.gen-stacks ()) (letrec ( (stacks-so-far ()) ; stacks that have been generated ; by the algorithm so far ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Insert an empty list as the second element after the node for each ; node in the network. This is used for folding loops back into the main ; transistor stack chain, if possible. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ (add-empty-path (lambda (net) (if (null? net) #t (begin (set-cdr! (car net) (cons () (cdar net))) (add-empty-path (cdr net)) ) ) ) ) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Delete leading edges which have already been inspected by the stack ; generation algorithm. Inspected edges have their node references ; deleted, and so the list representing the edge has length 1. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ (strip-used-edges (lambda (noderef) (cond ((null? (cddr noderef)) #t) ((=? (length (caddr noderef)) 1) (begin (set-cdr! (cdr noderef) (cdddr noderef)) (strip-used-edges noderef) ) ) (#t #t) ) ) ) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Generate one stack, eliminating edges used from the graph. The stack ; begins from the node pointed to by network. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ (generate-stack (lambda (network) (if (null? (cddr network)) (list network) (cons network (cons (car (caddr network)) (begin (define edge (caddr network)) (define n1 (cadr edge)) (define n2 (caddr edge)) (set-cdr! (caddr network) ()) (set-cdr! (cdr network) (cdddr network)) (strip-used-edges n1) (strip-used-edges n2) (generate-stack (if (eqv? n1 network) n2 n1)) ) ) ) ) ) ) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Returns the last-but-1 cons cell in a stack, setting a node to a loop ; node if it has been used in a previously defined stack. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ (last-but-1-element (lambda (stk) (if (null? (cddr stk)) stk (last-but-1-element (cdr stk))) ) ) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Generate all stacks. Iterate the stack generation phase until all edges ; have been inspected. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ (all-stacks (lambda (network) (cond ((null? network) #t) ((null? (cddar network)) (all-stacks (cdr network))) (#t (begin (define stk (generate-stack (car network))) (set! stacks-so-far (cons stk stacks-so-far)) (all-stacks network) ) ) ) ) ) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Last member of a list ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ (listlast (lambda (l) (if (null? (cdr l)) (car l) (listlast (cdr l))) ) ) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Returns a list of all internal nodes in all stacks that need to be ; kept around. A node needs to be kept if there are two references to ; it. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ (all-used-contacts (lambda (stacks) (if (null? stacks) () (append (loose-ends (car stacks)) (allends (cdr stacks))) ) ) ) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Return #t if string val is a member of list l. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ (ismember? (lambda (val l) (cond ((null? l) #f) ((string=? val (car l)) #t) (#t (ismember? val (cdr l))) ) ) ) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Strip internal nodes that are not from in list l from the transistor ; stack. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ (stripothers-1 (lambda (stack) (cond ((null? stack) ()) ((list? (car stack)) (if (>? (cadar stack) 1) (cons (car stack) (stripothers-1 (cdr stack))) (stripothers-1 (cdr stack)) ) ) (#t (cons (car stack) (stripothers-1 (cdr stack)))) ) ) ) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Strip internal nodes that are not in list l from all the stacks. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ (stripothers (lambda (stacks) (if (null? stacks) () (cons (stripothers-1 (car stacks)) (stripothers (cdr stacks)) ) ) ) ) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; #t if the character is a digit, #f otherwise. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ (digitchar? (let ((zero (string-ref "0" 0)) (nine (string-ref "9" 0)) ) (lambda (x) (and (>=? x zero) (<=? x nine)) ) ) ) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Returns #t if the string represents an internal node ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ (internal-node? (let ((x (string-ref "_" 0))) (lambda (str) (if (=? (string-ref str 0) x) (if (>? (string-length str) 1) (if (digitchar? (string-ref str 1)) #t #f ) #f ) #f ) ) ) ) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Initialize a node's usecount ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ (set-usecount-1 (lambda (stack) (cond ((null? stack) #t) ((list? (car stack)) (begin (set-car! (cdar stack) (if (number? (cadar stack)) (+ 1 (cadar stack)) (if (internal-node? (caar stack)) 1 2) ) ) (set-usecount-1 (cdr stack)) ) ) (#t (set-usecount-1 (cdr stack))) ) ) ) (set-usecount (lambda (stacks) (cond ((null? stacks) #t) ((null? (car stacks)) (set-usecount (cdr stacks))) (#t (begin (set-usecount-1 (car stacks)) (set-usecount (cdr stacks))) ) ) ) ) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Eliminate all internal nodes that are not required to construct the ; transistor stacks. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ (strip-dummy-contacts (lambda () (begin (set-usecount stacks-so-far) (set! stacks-so-far (stripothers stacks-so-far)) ) ) ) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Returns #t if the stack is a loop stack. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ (isloop? (lambda (stack) (eqv? (car stack) (cadr (last-but-1-element stack))) ) ) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Separate loop and non-loop stacks. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ (split-stacks (lambda (stacks) (if (null? stacks) (list () () ) (let ((x (split-stacks (cdr stacks)))) (if (isloop? (car stacks)) (cons (cons (car stacks) (car x)) (cdr x)) (cons (car x) (list (cons (car stacks) (cadr x)))) ) ) ) ) ) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Add a path to an existing stack ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ (addpath (lambda (head stk) (if (null? stk) #t (begin (if (list? (car stk)) (if (null? (cadar stk)) (set-car! (cdar stk) (list stk head)) #t ) #t ) (addpath head (cdr stk)) ) ) ) ) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; See if there is a node on this path which belongs to an existing ; loop path ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ (check-path (lambda (stack) (cond ((null? stack) ()) ((list? (car stack)) (if (null? (cadar stack)) (check-path (cdr stack)) stack) ) (#t (check-path (cdr stack))) ) ) ) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Merge loop stacks ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ (merge-loops (lambda (stacks) (if (null? stacks) #t (begin (define lb1 (last-but-1-element (car stacks))) (define cur (check-path (car stacks))) (addpath stacks (car stacks)) (if (null? cur) (merge-loops (cdr stacks)) (begin (define cell (caadar cur)) (define oldcdr (cdr cell)) (define head (car stacks)) (set-cdr! cell (cdr cur)) (set-cdr! lb1 head) (set-cdr! cur oldcdr) (set-car! stacks ()) (merge-loops (cdr stacks)) ) ) ) ) ) ) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Fix non-loops. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ (merge-nonloops (lambda (stacks) (if (null? stacks) #t (begin (define cur (check-path (car stacks))) (if (null? cur) (merge-nonloops (cdr stacks)) (begin (define cell (caadar cur)) (define oldcdr (cdr cur)) (define head (car (cdadar cur))) (if (zero? (length (car head))) #t (begin (define lb1 (last-but-1-element (car head))) (set-cdr! cur (cdr cell)) (set-cdr! lb1 (car head)) (set-cdr! cell oldcdr) (set-car! head ()) ) ) (merge-nonloops (cdr stacks)) ) ) ) ) ) ) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Match first/last with first/last ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ (find-stack-match-1 (lambda (first last stack) (let ((x (car (reverse stack))) (y (car stack))) (cond ((eqv? first y) 1) ((eqv? first x) 2) ((eqv? last y) 3) ((eqv? last x) 4) (#t ()) ) ) ) ) (find-stack-match (lambda (first last stacks) (cond ((null? stacks) ()) ((null? (car stacks)) (find-stack-match first last (cdr stacks))) (#t (let ((x (find-stack-match-1 first last (car stacks)))) (if (null? x) (find-stack-match first last (cdr stacks)) (list x stacks) ) ) ) ) ) ) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Fix straight lines that might now be linked because of the merge ; loops with non-loops phase. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ (fix-non-loops (lambda (stacks) (if (null? stacks) #t (if (null? (car stacks)) (fix-non-loops (cdr stacks)) (begin (define stk (find-stack-match (caar stacks) (car (reverse (car stacks))) (cdr stacks) ) ) (if (null? stk) #t (begin (define stks-new (cadr stk)) (cond ((=? (car stk) 1) (begin (define x (reverse (car stacks))) (define y (last-but-1-element x)) (set-cdr! y (car stks-new)) (set-car! stks-new x) ) ) ((=? (car stk) 2) (begin (define x (car stks-new)) (define y (last-but-1-element x)) (set-cdr! y (car stacks)) ) ) ((=? (car stk) 3) (begin (define x (car stacks)) (define y (last-but-1-element x)) (set-cdr! y (car stks-new)) (set-car! stks-new x) ) ) (#t (begin (define x (reverse (car stacks))) (define y (last-but-1-element (car stks-new))) (set-cdr! y (car x)) ) ) ) (set-car! stacks ()) ) ) (fix-non-loops (cdr stacks)) ) ) ) ) ) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Fix loops. Fold any loops into existing stacks, if possible. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ (fix-loops (lambda () (begin (define both (split-stacks stacks-so-far)) (define loop (car both)) (define non-loop (cadr both)) (merge-loops loop) (merge-nonloops non-loop) (set! stacks-so-far (append loop non-loop)) (fix-non-loops stacks-so-far) ) ) ) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Convert network node references into node names in a transistor stack. ; Given a node reference in a stack (in which case it would be a contact, ; which is represented by a ("name")---see stack.scm), the name is the ; first member of the node list. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ (refs-to-names (lambda (stk) (if (null? stk) () (let ((x (if (list? (car stk)) (list (caar stk)) (car stk)))) (cons x (refs-to-names (cdr stk)))) ) ) ) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Convert all network node references into node names. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ (cleanup-stacks (lambda (stacks) (cond ((null? stacks) ()) ((null? (car stacks)) (cleanup-stacks (cdr stacks))) (#t (cons (refs-to-names (car stacks)) (cleanup-stacks (cdr stacks)))) ) ) ) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; A contact is global if it ends in a ! ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ (global-node? (let ((bang (string-ref "!" 0))) (lambda (str) (=? bang (string-ref str (- (string-length str) 1))) ) ) ) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Locate a global variable contact if possible ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ (locate-global-contact (lambda (stack) (if (null? stack) () (if (list? (car stack)) (if (global-node? (caar stack)) stack (locate-global-contact (cdr stack)) ) (locate-global-contact (cdr stack)) ) ) ) ) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Locate any contact ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ (locate-any-contact (lambda (stack) (if (null? stack) () (if (list? (car stack)) (if (internal-node? (caar stack)) (locate-any-contact (cdr stack)) stack ) (locate-any-contact (cdr stack)) ) ) ) ) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Locate a contact that is not an internal node ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ (user-contact (lambda (stack) (begin (define x (locate-global-contact stack)) (if (null? x) (locate-any-contact stack) x) ) ) ) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Rotate a single stack if possible so that the end-point is not an ; internal node ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ (loop-unravel (lambda (stack) (begin (define x (user-contact stack)) (if (null? x) stack (begin (define hd (list (car x))) (define y (last-but-1-element stack)) (set-cdr! hd (cdr x)) (set-cdr! x ()) (set-cdr! y stack) hd ) ) ) ) ) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; If one of the final stacks is a loop stack, then you should try to make ; sure that the end-points are not internal nodes, and are preferably ; global nodes. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ (rotate-loops (lambda (stacks) (if (null? stacks) #t (cond ((null? (car stacks)) (rotate-loops (cdr stacks))) ((isloop? (car stacks)) (begin (cond ((internal-node? (caaar stacks)) (set-car! stacks (loop-unravel (car stacks))) ) ((not (global-node? (caaar stacks))) (set-car! stacks (loop-unravel (car stacks))) ) (#t #t) ) (rotate-loops (cdr stacks)) ) ) (#t (rotate-loops (cdr stacks))) ) ) ) ) ) (begin ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Exported function: generate transistor stacks from a network ; description. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ (set! prs.gen-stacks (lambda (network) (begin (set! stacks-so-far ()) ; clear stacks (add-empty-path network) ; add empty path (all-stacks network) ; generate all stacks (fix-loops) ; associate nodes with stacks (rotate-loops stacks-so-far) ; rotate loops if possible so that ; the stack ends are existing nodes (strip-dummy-contacts) ; eliminate dummy nodes (set! stacks-so-far (cleanup-stacks stacks-so-far)) stacks-so-far ; return ) ) ) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; find a node in a network. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ (set! prs.net-find (lambda (net node) (cond ((null? net) ()) ((string=? (caar net) node) (car net)) (#t (prs.net-find (cdr net) node)) ) ) ) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Add an edge to a network. Use this function to construct the network ; graph. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ (set! prs.net-add-edge (lambda (network n1 g n2) (begin (define ref-n1 (prs.net-find network n1)) ; find node 1 (define ref-n2 (prs.net-find network n2)) ; find node 2 (define edge (list g ref-n1 ref-n2)) ; create edge (set-cdr! ref-n1 (cons edge (cdr ref-n1))) ; add edge to node 1 (set-cdr! ref-n2 (cons edge (cdr ref-n2))) ; add edge to node 2 ) ) ) ) ) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ (define prs.mgn ()) (define prs.mgn-node ()) (define prs.mgn-internal-node ()) (define prs.mgn-init-p-net ()) (define prs.mgn-init-n-net ()) (define prs.mgn-edge ()) (define prs.mgn-draw-p ()) (define prs.mgn-draw-n ()) (define prs.mgn-draw-tallp ()) (define prs.mgn-draw-talln ()) (define prs.draw ()) (define prs.tallmgn ()) (define prs.talldraw ()) (define prs.draw-net ()) (letrec ( (gate.network ()) (nodenumber 0) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Generates a fresh internal node name ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ (fresh-internal-node! (lambda () (begin (define nn (string-append (string-append "_" (number->string nodenumber)) "#") ) (set! nodenumber (+ 1 nodenumber)) nn ) ) ) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Checks if "char" is the last non-whitespace character in "str" ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ (ischarend? (lambda (str char) (letrec ((len (string-length str)) (space (string-ref " " 0)) (helper (lambda (pos) (cond ((zero? pos) #f) ((=? char (string-ref str pos)) #t) ((=? space (string-ref str pos)) (helper (- pos 1))) (#t #f) ) ) )) (helper (- len 1)) ) ) ) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Extracts production rules ending with the character specified by the ; first character in string "last". The production rules are specified ; by a list of strings. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ (getprs (lambda (rule-list last) (cond ((null? rule-list) ()) ((ischarend? (car rule-list) (string-ref last 0)) (cons (car rule-list) (getprs (cdr rule-list) last))) (#t (getprs (cdr rule-list) last)) ) ) ) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; Simple transistor network generation ; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ; ; Direct generation of a simple network for a production rule is done by ; the intuitive rules for drawing transistors for a pull-up/pull-down: ; ; Given two gate networks *-n1-* and *-n2-*, their and-combination is ; given by *-n1-+-n2-*, and their or-combination is given by ; *-n1-* ; `-n2-' ; In the first case, we need to generate a name for the intermediate ; node name in the network graph. ; ; A partial network *-n-* is represented by a list of potential edges. ; An edge (transistor) is a list (x "label" y), where x and y represent ; the end-points. If an end-point is not connected, it is a number (0). ; Connected end-points are strings. ; ; The or-combination of two networks is simply the union of the two ; networks, and the and-combination is generated by generating a new ; name for the intermediate node, connecting all right end-points of ; network n1 to that node, and connecting all left end-points of network ; n2 to the same node. The final network is the union of the two networks. ; ; The left and right end-points for the entire network corresponding to ; a pull-up/pull-down are connected to the power supply and output ; respectively. ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Connect the right hanging nodes to str deleting any edges that were ; generated as a result, and return the new edge list. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ (fillright (lambda (l str) (cond ((null? l) ()) ((number? (caddar l)) (begin (set-car! (cddar l) str) (if (number? (caar l)) (cons (car l) (fillright (cdr l) str)) (begin (prs.net-add-edge gate.network (caar l) (cadar l) (caddar l)) (fillright (cdr l) str) ) ) ) ) (#t (cons (car l) (fillright (cdr l) str))) ) ) ) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Connect the left hanging edges to node str deleting any edges that ; were generated as a result, and return the new edge list. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ (fillleft (lambda (l str) (cond ((null? l) ()) ((number? (caar l)) (begin (set-car! (car l) str) (if (number? (caddar l)) (cons (car l) (fillleft (cdr l) str)) (begin (prs.net-add-edge gate.network (caar l) (cadar l) (caddar l)) (fillleft (cdr l) str) ) ) )) (#t (cons (car l) (fillleft (cdr l) str))) ) ) ) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Generate the network for a boolean expression. "tree" is the parse tree ; for the expression, and "type" is zero for a pull-down chain and one ; for a pull-up chain. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ (gen-1-network (lambda (tree type) (cond ((string? tree) (if (zero? type) (list (list 0 tree 0)) (error "A pull-up must use inverted variables only") ) ) ((eqv? 'not (car tree)) (if (zero? type) (error "A pull-down must use uninverted variables only") (list (list 0 (cadr tree) 0)) ) ) (#t (begin (define l (gen-1-network (cadr tree) type)) (define r (gen-1-network (caddr tree) type)) (if (eqv? 'and (car tree)) (begin (define nn (fresh-internal-node!)) (set! gate.network (cons (list nn) gate.network)) (set! l (fillright l nn)) (set! r (fillleft r nn)) ) #t ) (append l r) ) ) (#t (error "This should not happen!")) ) ) ) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Generate network corresponding to a production rule. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ (gen-one-network (lambda (rule type) (begin (define prs (prs.parse rule)) (define l (gen-1-network (car prs) type)) (if (null? (prs.net-find gate.network (cadr prs))) (set! gate.network (cons (list (cadr prs)) gate.network)) #t ) (fillleft l (if (zero? type) "GND!" "Vdd!")) (fillright l (cadr prs)) ) ) ) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Generate a network corresponding to all the rules. The rules must all be ; either describing pull-ups or pull-downs. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ (gen-network (lambda (rules type) (if (null? rules) #t (begin (gen-one-network (car rules) type) (gen-network (cdr rules) type) ) ) ) ) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Draw all the stacks in "stacks" with width "width" using function ; "draw", spaced horizontally by "spacing". ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ (drawstacks (lambda (draw width stacks spacing) (if (null? stacks) (begin (box.move (uminus spacing) 0) () ) (begin (define ret-box (draw width (car stacks))) (box.move spacing 0) (define ret2-box (drawstacks draw width (cdr stacks) spacing)) (if (null? ret2-box) ret-box (list (min (car ret-box) (car ret2-box)) (min (cadr ret-box) (cadr ret2-box)) (max (caddr ret-box) (caddr ret2-box)) (max (cadddr ret-box) (cadddr ret2-box)) ) ) ) ) ) ) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Create and draw all the stacks for a set of rules. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ (genstacks (lambda (draw width rules type supply) (begin (echo -n "Generating network...") (set! gate.network (list (list supply))) (gen-network rules type) (echo -n "generating stacks...") (define stacks (prs.gen-stacks gate.network)) (echo "done.") (drawstacks draw width stacks (+ width (max (drc.min-spacing (if (zero? type) "ndiff-ndiff" "pdiff-pdiff")) (+ (drc.min-spacing "poly") (* 2 (drc.min-overhang "gate-poly")) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) (begin (set! prs.mgn-internal-node (lambda () (begin (define nn (fresh-internal-node!)) (set! gate.network (cons (list nn) gate.network)) nn ) ) ) (set! prs.mgn-node (lambda (name) (begin (if (string? name) #t (error "Usage: prs.mgn-node \"name\"") ) (set! gate.network (cons (list name) gate.network)) name ) ) ) (set! prs.mgn-init-p-net (lambda () (set! gate.network (list (list "Vdd!"))) ) ) (set! prs.mgn-init-n-net (lambda () (set! gate.network (list (list "GND!"))) ) ) (set! prs.mgn-edge (lambda (n1 lab n2) (if (string-list? (list n1 lab n2)) (prs.net-add-edge gate.network n1 lab n2) (error "Usage: prs.mgn-edge node1 \"gate\" node2") ) ) ) (set! prs.mgn-draw-p (lambda (width) (begin (if (number? width) #t (error "Usage: prs.mgn-draw-p ") ) (box.push (getbox)) (echo -n "generating stacks...") (define stacks (prs.gen-stacks gate.network)) (echo "done.") (define d (drawstacks stack.p width stacks (+ width (max (drc.min-spacing "pdiff-pdiff") (+ (drc.min-spacing "poly") (* 2 (drc.min-overhang "gate-poly")) ) ) ) )) (box.pop) (collect-garbage) d ) ) ) (set! prs.mgn-draw-n (lambda (width) (begin (if (number? width) #t (error "Usage: prs.mgn-draw-n ") ) (box.push (getbox)) (echo -n "generating stacks...") (define stacks (prs.gen-stacks gate.network)) (echo "done.") (define d (drawstacks stack.n width stacks (+ width (max (drc.min-spacing "ndiff-ndiff") (+ (drc.min-spacing "poly") (* 2 (drc.min-overhang "gate-poly")) ) ) ) )) (box.pop) (collect-garbage) d ) ) ) (set! prs.mgn-draw-tallp (lambda (width) (begin (if (number? width) #t (error "Usage: prs.mgn-draw-tallp ") ) (box.push (getbox)) (echo -n "generating stacks...") (define stacks (prs.gen-stacks gate.network)) (echo "done.") (define d (drawstacks stack.tallp width stacks (+ width (max (drc.min-spacing "pdiff-pdiff") (+ (drc.min-spacing "poly") (* 2 (drc.min-overhang "gate-poly")) ) ) ) )) (box.pop) (collect-garbage) d ) ) ) (set! prs.mgn-draw-talln (lambda (width) (begin (if (number? width) #t (error "Usage: prs.mgn-draw-talln ") ) (box.push (getbox)) (echo -n "generating stacks...") (define stacks (prs.gen-stacks gate.network)) (echo "done.") (define d (drawstacks stack.talln width stacks (+ width (max (drc.min-spacing "ndiff-ndiff") (+ (drc.min-spacing "poly") (* 2 (drc.min-overhang "gate-poly")) ) ) ) )) (box.pop) (collect-garbage) d ) ) ) (set! prs.mgn (eval (list 'lambda (cons 'widthp (cons 'widthn 'rule-list)) '(let* ((p-rules (getprs rule-list "+")) (n-rules (getprs rule-list "-")) ) (begin (if (and (and (number? widthp) (number? widthn)) (string-list? rule-list)) #t (error "Usage: prs.mgn \"prs1\" ...") ) (box.push (getbox)) (define r1 (genstacks stack.p widthp p-rules 1 "Vdd!") ) (box.move (+ widthp (drc.min-spacing "pdiff-ndiff")) 0) (define r2 (genstacks stack.n widthn n-rules 0 "GND!") ) (box.pop) (collect-garbage) (list r1 r2) ) ) ) ) ) (set! prs.draw (lambda (width rule) (let ((x (list rule))) (begin (if (and (number? width) (string? rule)) #t (error "Usage: prs.draw \"prs\"") ) (if (ischarend? rule (string-ref "+" 0)) (genstacks stack.p width x 1 "Vdd!") (genstacks stack.n width x 0 "GND!") ) ) ) ) ) (set! prs.draw-net (lambda (rule) (begin (if (string? rule) #t (error "Usage: prs.draw-net \"prs\"") ) (if (ischarend? rule (string-ref "+" 0)) (gen-one-network rule 1) (gen-one-network rule 0) ) ) ) ) (set! prs.tallmgn (eval (list 'lambda (cons 'widthp (cons 'widthn 'rule-list)) '(let* ((p-rules (getprs rule-list "+")) (n-rules (getprs rule-list "-")) ) (begin (if (and (and (number? widthp) (number? widthn)) (string-list? rule-list)) #t (error "Usage: prs.tallmgn \"prs1\" ...") ) (box.push (getbox)) (define r1 (genstacks stack.tallp widthp p-rules 1 "Vdd!") ) (box.move (+ widthp (drc.min-spacing "pdiff-ndiff")) 0) (define r2 (genstacks stack.talln widthn n-rules 0 "GND!") ) (box.pop) (collect-garbage) (list r1 r2) ) ) ) ) ) (set! prs.talldraw (lambda (width rule) (let ((x (list rule))) (begin (if (and (number? width) (string? rule)) #t (error "Usage: prs.talldraw \"prs\"") ) (if (ischarend? rule (string-ref "+" 0)) (genstacks stack.tallp width x 1 "Vdd!") (genstacks stack.talln width x 0 "GND!") ) ) ) ) ) ) ) (define prs.mgn-fresh-node (let ((x 0)) (lambda () (begin (define name (string-append (string-append "_i" (number->string x)) "#" ) ) (set! x (+ x 1)) (prs.mgn-node name) ) ) ) ) (define prs.mgn-output-edge (lambda (a b c) (prs.mgn-edge a b c) ) )