OFILES= batch.o button_funcs.o change_dir.o create_main.o create_other.o \ dircache.o dirlist.o dofuncs.o dnd.o event.o ftp.o host_list.o \ lex.o main.o menu_funcs.o misc.o readdir.o schedule.o tar_view.o \ transfer.o view_file.o CFILES= batch.c button_funcs.c change_dir.c create_main.c create_other.c \ dircache.c dirlist.c dofuncs.c dnd.c event.c ftp.c host_list.c \ lex.l main.c menu_funcs.c misc.c readdir.c schedule.c tar_view.c \ transfer.c view_file.c ICONS= busy1.ftptool.icon busy2.ftptool.icon busy3.ftptool.icon \ busy4.ftptool.icon ftptool.icon tar.viewer.icon SUBHEADERS= batch.h batch_struct.h button_funcs.h change_dir.h config.h \ create_main.h create_other.h dircache.h dircache_struct.h dirlist.h \ dirlist_struct.h dofuncs.h dnd.h event.h ftp_var.h host_list.h \ host_list_struct.h main.h menu_funcs.h misc.h patchlevel.h readdir.h \ schedule.h schedule_struct.h tar_view.h transfer.h view_file.h \ view_file_struct.h HEADERS= ftptool.h #Assign OPENWINHOME such that OPENWINHOME/lib contains libxview.a and libolgx.a OPENWINHOME=/comma_soft_3/xview3 #Uncomment the appropriate one if necessary. You should not need #either, as it should be determined by the program. XVIEW= -DXVIEW3 #XVIEW= -DXVIEW2 LIBS= -L$$OPENWINHOME/lib -lxview -lolgx -lX11 -lm DEFINES= $(XVIEW) #Choose a CC. Any CC (only tested under cc and gcc though) #c89 doesn't work CC=cc #CC=gcc -ansi #Uncomment the following lines for SunOS 5.0 with Sun cc. #DEFINES= -DSYSV -DSVR4 $(XVIEW) #LIBS= -R /usr/openwin/lib:/opt/openwin/lib:/usr/opt/openwin/lib \ # -L${OPENWINHOME}/lib -lxview -lolgx -lX11 -lsocket -lnsl -lm #CC=cc -Xa #Uncomment the following lines for SunOS 5.0 with gcc #Don't use -ansi, there seems to be a header file problem with that. #DEFINES= -DSYSV -DSVR4 $(XVIEW) #LIBS= -L${OPENWINHOME}/lib -lxview -lolgx -lX11 -lsocket -lnsl -lm #CC=gcc #Uncomment the following line for 386 SVR4. #DEFINES= -DSYSV -DSVR4 -DSYSV386 #include R4 X11 headers - should be in sub-directory X11 of one named here CFLAGS= -I/comma_soft/usr/include -I$$OPENWINHOME/include -O $(DEFINES) BINDIR=/usr/local/Xbin HELPDIR=$$OPENWINHOME/lib/help MANDIR=/usr/local/man MANSECT=1 #BINDIR=/net/enterprise/export/local/Xbin #HELPDIR=/net/enterprise/export/unbundled/OW3/lib/help #MANDIR=/net/enterprise/export/local/man #MANSECT=1 ftptool: $(OFILES) $(CC) -o ftptool $(OFILES) $(STATIC) $(LIBS) $(OFILES): $(HEADERS) $(SUBHEADERS) $(ICONS) Makefile lint: /usr/bin/lint -DLINT -I$$OPENWINHOME/include $(CFILES) vgrind: vgrind $(CFILES) -s11 -t | lpr -t clean: rm -f $(OFILES) ftptool install: ftptool install ftptool $(BINDIR) install ftptool.info $(HELPDIR) install ftptool.man $(MANDIR)/man$(MANSECT)/ftptool.$(MANSECT)