Version 1.80.0 -------------- - In GNOME 46 and later, platform-specific GLib and Gio APIs have moved to the separate libraries GLibUnix, GioUnix, GLibWin32, and GioWin32. They are still available in the main GLib and Gio libraries, so your code will continue to work, but you will get a deprecation message. To migrate your code, import the new libraries (e.g., `import GioUnix from 'gi://GioUnix';`) and consider the 'Unix' or 'Win32' prefix part of the namespace, rather than class or function name: e.g., * Gio.UnixInputStream -> GioUnix.InputStream * GLib.unix_open_pipe -> GLibUnix.open_pipe Exceptions to the above rule are Gio.UnixConnection, Gio.UnixCredentialsMessage, Gio.UnixFDList, Gio.UnixSocketAddress, and Gio.UnixSocketAddressType. These remain in Gio, because they are actually cross-platform despite being named "Unix". - Closed bugs and merge requests: * meson: fix automagic dependency lookup for cairo [!917, Eli Schwartz] * Deprecate accessing GLibUnix/GLibWin32 APIs through GLib [#599, !918, Philip Chimento] * CI: Build newer GLib in debug Docker image [!919, Philip Chimento]