PACKAGE NAME: font-charis-ttf-4.112-noarch-1.tbz PACKAGE LOCATION: . PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 2113 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 6650 K PACKAGE REQUIRED: PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: font-charis-ttf: font-charis-ttf 4.112 (Charis SIL Truetype font) font-charis-ttf: font-charis-ttf: Charis is a serif, proportionally-spaced font optimized for font-charis-ttf: readability in long printed documents. Charis is similar to font-charis-ttf: Bitstream Charter, one of the first fonts designed font-charis-ttf: specifically for laser printers. It is highly readable and font-charis-ttf: holds up well in less-than-ideal reproduction environments. font-charis-ttf: It also has a full set of styles - regular, italic, bold, font-charis-ttf: bold italic - and so is useful for general publishing. font-charis-ttf: font-charis-ttf: Brought to you by