PACKAGE NAME: gtk-chtheme-0.3.1.debian5-armhf-1.tbz PACKAGE LOCATION: . PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 13 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 50 K PACKAGE REQUIRED: gtk2 PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: gtk-chtheme: gtk-chtheme 0.3.1 (GTK Theme Chooser) gtk-chtheme: gtk-chtheme: This little program lets you change your gtk+ 2.0 theme. The aim gtk-chtheme: is to make theme preview and selection as slick as possible. gtk-chtheme: Themes installed on the system are presented for selection and gtk-chtheme: previewed on the fly. For a comprehensive demonstration thereâs gtk-chtheme: a large variety of widgets. gtk-chtheme: gtk-chtheme: gtk-chtheme: gtk-chtheme: