PACKAGE NAME: jwm-2.2.1-armhf-1.tbz PACKAGE LOCATION: . PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 94 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 260 K PACKAGE REQUIRED: libpng,libjpeg,libX11,librsvg PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: jwm: jwm 2.2.1 (X11 Window manager) jwm: jwm: JWM is a light-weight window manager for the X11 Window System. JWM is jwm: written in C and uses only Xlib at a minimum. Because of its small jwm: footprint, JWM makes a good window manager for older computers and less jwm: powerful systems, such as the Raspberry Pi, though it is perfectly jwm: capable of running on modern systems. JWM is included in small Linux jwm: distributions such as Puppy Linux and Damn Small Linux, and it is jwm: available as a separate package in many other distributions. jwm: jwm: