PACKAGE NAME: libgfx-marvell-xo2- PACKAGE LOCATION: . PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 1417 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 3880 K PACKAGE REQUIRED: PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: libgfx-marvell-xo2: libgfx-marvell-xo2 (Marvell proprietary blob) libgfx-marvell-xo2: libgfx-marvell-xo2: You need this to run the dove-fb on OLPC XO-1.75. It also libgfx-marvell-xo2: enables you to use 3D acceleration (OpenGL ES). libgfx-marvell-xo2: libgfx-marvell-xo2: libgfx-marvell-xo2: libgfx-marvell-xo2: libgfx-marvell-xo2: libgfx-marvell-xo2: libgfx-marvell-xo2: