PACKAGE NAME: n2n-v2-2015.03-armhf-1.tbz PACKAGE LOCATION: . PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 45 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 160 K PACKAGE REQUIRED: openssl,iproute2 PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: n2n-v2: n2n-v2 2015.03 (Simple peer-to-peer VPN) n2n-v2: n2n-v2: n2n is a layer-two peer-to-peer virtual private network (VPN) which n2n-v2: allows users to exploit features typical of P2P applications at n2n-v2: network instead of application level. This means that users can gain n2n-v2: native IP visibility (e.g. two PCs belonging to the same n2n network n2n-v2: can ping each other) and be reachable with the same network IP n2n-v2: address regardless of the network where they currently belong. n2n-v2: Original website is; this package n2n-v2: is actually a fork from n2n-v2: