PACKAGE NAME: qemu-arm-x86-2.1.2-armhf-1.tbz PACKAGE LOCATION: . PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 10233 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 27360 K PACKAGE REQUIRED: ncurses,libSDL,gtk2,libusb,libssh2,curl,bluez,libvte PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: qemu-arm-x86: qemu-arm-x86 2.1.2 (QEMU for arm/x86_64) qemu-arm-x86: qemu-arm-x86: QEMU is a generic and open source machine emulator and qemu-arm-x86: virtualizer. This package provides emulation for ARM (system), qemu-arm-x86: i386 (system and linux) and x86_64 (system and linux). qemu-arm-x86: qemu-arm-x86: qemu-arm-x86: qemu-arm-x86: qemu-arm-x86: qemu-arm-x86: