PACKAGE NAME: samba-tng-0.5rc1-armhf-1.tbz PACKAGE LOCATION: . PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 1837 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 8800 K PACKAGE REQUIRED: glib,libreadline,sqlite3 PACKAGE CONFLICTS: samba PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: samba-tng: samba-tng 0.5rc1 (Windows File Server) samba-tng: samba-tng: Samba-TNG is the SMB/CIFS/Windows File server. This is the TNG (The samba-tng: Next Generation) fork of the original Samba project. Both client samba-tng: and server binaries are included, along with documentation and samba-tng: examples. samba-tng: samba-tng: Note: this package contains the binaries only, there is no samba-tng: startup script. You *must* write your own startup scripts. samba-tng: The default startup scripts in Fatdog is for samba, and not samba-tng: suitable for this package.