PACKAGE NAME: usb-modeswitch-2.2.1-armhf-1.tbz PACKAGE LOCATION: . PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 107 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 780 K PACKAGE REQUIRED: PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: usb-modeswitch: usb-modeswitch 2.2.1 (GPRS/3D USB modem switcher) usb-modeswitch: usb-modeswitch: USB ModeSwitch is a mode switching tool for controlling usb-modeswitch: multi-mode USB devices. Many USB devices (especially GPRS/3G usb-modeswitch: modems have their MS Windows drivers onboard. These devices, usb-modeswitch: when plugged in for the first time, will present a USB flash usb-modeswitch: storage contaniing Windows drivers. After installation these usb-modeswitch: Windows drivers will switch the mode and activate a new device usb-modeswitch: (the real modem interface). USB modeswitch enable similar mode usb-modeswitch: switch for Linux users. usb-modeswitch: