PACKAGE NAME: vlc-plugin-2.0.6debian2-armhf-1_vlc208.tbz PACKAGE LOCATION: . PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 53 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 190 K PACKAGE REQUIRED: vlc-curses PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: vlc-plugin: vlc-plugin 2.0.6debian2 (VLC-based media player plugin) vlc-plugin: vlc-plugin: This plugin adds support for MPEG, MPEG2, DVD, DivX, Ogg/Vorbis vlc-plugin: and many more formats to any Gecko-based web browser (Firefox, vlc-plugin: Galeon, etc.). The decoding process is done by VLC and the output vlc-plugin: window is embedded in a webpage or directly in the browser window. vlc-plugin: There is also support for fullscreen display and javascript vlc-plugin: control. vlc-plugin: vlc-plugin: vlc-plugin: