PACKAGE NAME: xf86-input-mtev-0.2.2-armhf-1.tbz PACKAGE LOCATION: . PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 8 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 30 K PACKAGE REQUIRED: xorg-server,mtdev PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: xf86-input-mtev: xf86-input-mtev 0.2.2 (Multi-touch Input Driver) xf86-input-mtev: xf86-input-mtev: This is a xserver-xorg input driver for devices supporting Linux xf86-input-mtev: Multi-Touch protocol. It comes with right-click emulation (two xf86-input-mtev: fingers touch is a right-click). With patches from OE-Linux to make xf86-input-mtev: it work with recent Xorg. xf86-input-mtev: xf86-input-mtev: xf86-input-mtev: xf86-input-mtev: xf86-input-mtev: